
Packet Editing
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Author:  d3solator [ January 17th, 2006, 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Packet Editing

Anybody try packet editing? For example saying "hi" in general chat, recording the packet, then sending the packet again so "hi" would show up, but you wouldn't have to type anything. I have tried this with various programs, and messenger programs, and it works. However, when I tried this in GW, after I send the packet it just logs me out of GW and says someone logged in using my account. I tried this with Winsock Pro...

Anybody have any success editing packets, and sending them to the GW server?

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Author:  cranky [ February 2nd, 2006, 12:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well by no means am I an expret in hacking guild wars but I also ran some simple packet test and it seems that there is somekind of encryption, scrambing algo, or verification that happens if you notice if you go to an area where no one else is and log for example you saying 0
and you do this about five or 6 times you will notice that the packet that has to be the message you are sending is diffrent each time its sent. Also you will notice that the data portion in the packets will all be diffrent. (NOTE: hearder and stuff like that will be pretty close match)

Author:  r00t01 [ February 3rd, 2006, 12:34 am ]
Post subject: 

From my understanding, most mmo games have a verification algorithm thats works between the client and server, dependent on what order it was sent. Basically, every time the server recieves a packet from the client, the encryption method changes slightly. That way, if your packets are out of order, the server knows they are false.

this is used both to deter hackers and to verify the integrity of your packets(in case information was lost)

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