
End of the World and some other fun stuff
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Author:  leet haxors [ March 9th, 2006, 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  End of the World and some other fun stuff

Ok if you go to Beacons and go out as if you were trying to run to droks -Lornars pass i think it is you can glitch through the portal. Ok once in lornars pass turn around and face the portal line yourself up with the left wall and run toward it while strafing left you should glitch though keep running straight and you can see where the game designers cut off. you can also follow a bridge up and around a bit.

Also works in Henge of Denravi

You can see the end of the world on your compass once you make it up to the frozen river in mineral springs just follow the river west.

In HoH you can glitch past the gaurds on the far right side if your facing out. Run into the right corner once you enter to kill the ghostlies and wiggle through, youll face an invisible wall for awhile just use your strafing keys to get past it, after some work you will make it to the boat in the back, Just a fun thing to show off to your friends.

Theres alternate routes to the uw in the southern shiverpeaks if you have favor, its on the way to droks.

There is a Hiddeen Pre sear Cave outside fort Ranik its behind some bushes.

Man I'm so bored lol, when i get bored i go through each level and rub against walls and anything that looks like it might contain a glitch.

Worthy of a Premium Account? Or At least more then 1 buck ? plzzz lol

Author:  kallick [ March 10th, 2006, 3:52 am ]
Post subject: 


The first glitch has been nerfed in the recent updates.

They may be fun but not premium worth.

Author:  sepentine [ March 14th, 2006, 2:04 am ]
Post subject: 

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
4. If a person of average or above average intelligence could figure out the information in your guide after a month of gameplay, don't post it. This includes guides to things in the game that are very well-known, including:
"How to run from Beacon's Perch to Droknar's Forge"
"How to play the Hall of Heroes"
"How to beat mission X / quest Y"
We don't need to see them, and if we did, we would go to one of the many other fansites that offer this information for free. people pay to view this, they don't want to see crap.

Now maybe to you this was a worth while post, but come on truthfully, you think that this crap was worth while info that I pay for? Some glitches that not only gives me gold, kills a mob in a flash of light, gives me untold fame points? Give me a break /NAY

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