
Spammable XP?
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Author:  nytemare3701 [ May 16th, 2006, 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Spammable XP?

i just had a brainwave...
suppose we can get a program running that creates server lag?

my idea here is centered around the accept quest reward button.
that button i presume sends a packet that says:

end quest
wipe quest from board
give xp and gold

suppose you created massive lag and spammed the button?
when the server caught up would it repeat the packet?

Author:  Tault_admin [ May 16th, 2006, 5:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

It can happen sometimes. Just download a bunch of torrents to get yourself to lag. Now for the server to lag you need a bunch of people in one area.

Author:  sepentine [ May 16th, 2006, 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmmmm like Cavalon? Anyone else doing the 3 step slow to a stop lag fest that seems to infest that area? Actually I know I should not be complaining about what I suppose is someone taking advantage of the newness of Factions but this smacks of Diablo Days.

Author:  evilmidget [ May 17th, 2006, 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

There is one problem with this idea, in fact, a MAJOR problem.

Lets say, in some case you actually did make lots of lag which made repitition possible. This is the problem:

-end quest
wipe quest from board
give xp and gold
-end quest
wipe quest from board
give xp and gold
-end quest
wipe quest from board
give xp and gold

Notice how there are multiple end quests. Now see if you "end quest", you can't end it over and over, once the tag is activated it cannot be activated by the same character again. Therefore, the server would catch up to itself and correct the error.

At least you were thinking though :wink:

Author:  nytemare3701 [ May 24th, 2006, 10:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

my hope is that this section of GW isn't advanced enough to handle multiple sendings of the "end quest" packet

I see three things happening:

1. crash
2. multiple quests end for some godforsaken reason
3. ignore the packet and go on the the XP packet! ( the one we want!)

number two would be interesting...end all your quests with victory conditions....hmmm...

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