
Dunes of Despair Bonus (Extremely Easy Way)
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Author:  anton_1916115 [ May 28th, 2006, 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Dunes of Despair Bonus (Extremely Easy Way)

I've had a lot of people come to me for help for doing the Dunes of Despair bonus, I decided to post the easiest way of successfully doing it, hopefully I might get an upgrade in my account too ^_^. I apologize if some of you already know this, but I'll give it a shot. Many people choose to do the method in which you have at least one necro that has consume corpse so that you can leave the ghostly hero outside the fort, while you snipe one of the patrols from inside the fort and then use consume corpse so that your necro can solo most of it. I've found that this method of doing the bonus is quite low in success because lately, the patrols rarely come close enough to the wall so that one of your rangers can snipe anyone out, thus rendering consume corpse totally useless. In my experience, this would be the easiest way to go:

1. Do the mission as you would normally until you reach the fort where the enemy ghostly hero is at.
2. Before entering the fort, turn right and you should reach a sceptor after fighting a few enemies, I forgot the name of the sceptor.
3. This sceptor will slow down enemy's attack rate when inside the sceptor's ward.
4. Clear the fort and kill the ghostly hero, place the sceptor on the shrine (where your hero will be for the next 10 minutes).
5. You should have one bonder bonding the ghostly hero.
6. Skills as follows: Mo/Me Mantra of Inscriptions, Blessed Signet, Reversal of Fortune, Life Barrier [E], Life Bond, Essence Bond (or Balthazar's Spirit) for energy for yourself, Life Attunement, Vital Blessing
7. Have the bonder bond the hero from a distance, the sceptor will make the dmg the hero takes less.
8. Meanwhile, the rest of the party (which should include one healing monk) travels to the fort and takes care of the two generals and their peeps. :D

That's it...Enjoy, hope it helps (And Hope I get a Premium ^_^)

Author:  Tault_admin [ May 29th, 2006, 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can premium members say yay or nay to this as for it being moved to the confirmed section.

Author:  syris_online [ May 30th, 2006, 9:59 am ]
Post subject: 

I'd say nay, only because any bonus is easy with certain strategy. This is just a quick plan, nothing too fancy. If you could find a way to do the mission solo, that'd be different. :P

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