
Armor Infusion Running Guide
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Author:  eklipse [ June 13th, 2007, 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Armor Infusion Running Guide


Some of you who have not reached this point in the game maybe wondering what infusion is, I have pasted a line from GuildWiki to properly explain: Infusion is the process of imbuing a set of armor with magic that shields against Spectral Agony.

The process of Infusion is done through the Iron Mines of Moladune Mission. The task can be completed with a group of small people, with one person as a runner; in this case, you. The group you would be running would have fighting skills equipped to maximize damage when fighting Eidolon, who we will learn about later on in the guide. You as the runner will do little damage and simply be there to resurrect fallen members and guide the way to newcomers. For much of this task you will be running solo while your party waits for you, don't worry they will automatically zone back at a cinematic.

What you need:

You will need a self healing, speed addicted character who also holds a defense against knock downs from various enemies in this area. I strongly recommend a W/Mo. I have done Infusion runs with the build stated below for several months now, and am now able to complete this run flawlessly, with the rare anomaly. Below I have linked two photos consisting of; a. My Skill Set, and b. My Attribute Allocation.

My Skill Set: (!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))

Sprint, Charge, Balanced Stance, Endure Pain, Resurrect, Holy Veil/ Remove Hex, Healing Breeze, and Healing Signet.

My Attribute Allocation: (!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))

Healing Prayers: 9
Strength: 12*
Tactics: 12*
*I have runes to assist the increase in attribute level in these areas, it is not mandatory to have it higher buy maintain the 9 attribute points in healing prayers and then even allocate the remaining points to Strength and Tactics.

The Process:

The process in which you will be infuse people will consist of running and more running. On a more detailed side, you will start out with Sprint and proceed to cast Charge alternating, until of course you hit an area marked by purple on the map provided further down. In this area marked purple, it is supremely recommended that you cast balanced stance, with out it you will be greatly hindered in speed, and in some cases you may be presented with death! Now, remember that you cannot cast sprint and balanced stance together so do not waste your energy, warriors do not have much of that. For speed while using Balanced stance use Charge, this will last long enough to avoid most problem areas. In the case of the final Purple area, you will need to maintain the stance for as long as possible, often disabling you to run at +25% speed bonus. At that location the Nightmares will completely ravage you if you are knocked down. So that stance is key, there is a rest area marked in the middle of all that heat, you will need to be very careful in that area, you will need to watch for the Nightmare boss, as soon as he stops moving, and is out of your agro circle, you will need to heal up and recharge on things such as, energy and skills. At that time, you will continue much like you entered, casting balanced stance when new Nightmares spawn, proceeded with Charge. You will most likely need to cast Endure pain, I recommend casting it before you reach 50% health. At this time, you will see Seer and be at a point of entering the only cinematic. After skipping the cinematic, you will follow the traveled path and kill everything up to the point of Eidolon. After killing Eidolon you must act quick and pick up the Spectral essence and demand your pay, unless you are running for tips, your self, or guildies. The Spectral Essence will act as a bargaining chip, to force those people who don't want to pay. You will need to bring this back to Seer to complete the Infusion run.

Where to Go:

As you can see, the map below has been marked in several colours, also some of the colours were mentioned above. Here is a more direct explanation, of the colour meanings.

Green: Check points
Red: Path of travel
Purple: Caution areas, where balanced stance is recommended or mandatory
Yellow: Rest Areas
Green Arrow: Final Checkpoint.
*all of these have been mentioned and explained above.
(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))

The Income/ benifits:

You can use this Running guide to support your own warrior to infuse its armor. You may also run Infusion for Tips, bringing in on average more than the typically charged 500g/ person. You can charge 500g per party member; this will bring 3500g or 3.5 platinum. Also with these prices you can make about 3.5k + per 20-30 min, making 7k+ per hour.

In conclusion you should practice this run several times to perfect it; and prevent failures, which will lead you to many un happy customers, or guild members.
I want to tell you that this run has been preformed many times, and please have courtesy towards other runners who have arrived before you.

Author:  Tault_admin [ June 13th, 2007, 12:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can premium members say yay or nay to this being moved to a confirmed section.

Author:  hardsell [ June 14th, 2007, 11:34 am ]
Post subject: 


its also a complete paste from what you already have in premium and that author admits he used gw wiki to help word it so its there too prob where he got map then fleshed out the wording

Author:  corpsman6969 [ July 16th, 2007, 12:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Nay this is very commonly known throughout GW tank runs

Author:  Tault_admin [ July 16th, 2007, 3:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

0 yays 3 more to move to confirmed
2 nays 1 more to lock this topic

Author:  Wild_Monkey [ July 18th, 2007, 9:56 am ]
Post subject: 

/nail in coffin...

I mean /nay

very common knowledge...

Author:  Tault_admin [ July 19th, 2007, 7:56 am ]
Post subject: 


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