
Solo Farming For Monks Who Lack Skills from expansions packs
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Author:  hazardous774 [ June 14th, 2008, 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Solo Farming For Monks Who Lack Skills from expansions packs

hey everybody.

as an avid guild wars junkie i often love to help my fellow guild wars players, i found myself always doing runs from ascalon to lions arch, beacons perch, yak's bend etc.... i was never really into farming for one reason, i couldnt really use any of the farming methods because theyre were requirements i simply could not meet unfortunately. however i have found a relavitely easy and early outpost where smiting monks may farm the undead. im sure a stragtegy similiar to this has been posted before. but this is my stragtegy.

1. a high level is recommend, 15-20
2. im not very picky about attributes but high smiting is required.
3.make sure to have the following skills, healing breeze, mending, and heal area or orison of healing, (which ever suits you better), and the rest can be optional smiting spells, smite, bane signet, banish, symbol of wraith. and for the last spell we can have maybe mark of protection (elite spell)
4.have someone take you to the outpost bergen hotsprings (outside Lion's arch)
5.now exit bergen hotsprings and you'll see a group of undead rangers lvl 11-13. charge them.
6.use your smiting spells, because they do double damage. if you use smite bane signet and banish you should be able (depending on your smiting attribute) to deal a enough damage to kill them with those three spell. at this point you'll be taking indirect fire from the archers, so use heal area (since there are no bad guys around you wont accidently heal them) and be sure when you get poisoned to use healing breeze to counter it's effects.
7. once the archers are dead, scan the remaining area for another party. there are ghasping ghouls but they can be tricky because you cant use heal area (because they're direct hit enemies and you'll heal them too)
8.once all killable enemies are dead go back to bergen hot springs, salvage sell, etc.. whatever loot you may have gotten from the bad guys. and repeat the steps.

Good luck out there


Author:  Tault_admin [ June 16th, 2008, 6:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can members say yay or nay to this so we may give tu bucks and/or premium.

Author:  kirt1023 [ July 4th, 2008, 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  nay

/nay this is pretty much common sense and not an effective farm if ur looking to get money

Author:  billygee [ July 22nd, 2008, 1:22 am ]
Post subject: 

/nay. Not effective at all.

And 55 farming monks have been around since well before any of the expansions. Pretty simple+cheap to get the skills and equipment these days.

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