
I'm in desperate need!!!!!!!!!!!
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Author:  siona ecra [ May 21st, 2006, 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  I'm in desperate need!!!!!!!!!!!

:shock: PLease i'm in major need and i would love a response to my questions.

1: I'm the leader of a small guild called DvX and i can never get reliable members (people who leave the guild after a few days)Its not that we're inactive(i'm on everyday)How can i get some long time members?

2: What is the easiest way to get a lot of money to finace my guild like getting every thing for the guild hall also get stuff for me.

3: I'm in search of a sword called vicro's blade how do you get this sword (i Know u can buy it for 10-15K but i need to know how to get it myself.

4: what do you think is the best skills for a a warrior/necromancer who focuses on swordmanship and blood magic(just give a list of the skills).I would love a response and thanks for helping me out. :D

Author:  Tault_admin [ May 21st, 2006, 8:22 am ]
Post subject: 

For gold premium is your best bet :). Why not go and submit something to grant you premium for free.

Author:  kallick [ May 21st, 2006, 8:46 am ]
Post subject: 

The guild might not be doing very well as you are obviously quite new to the game. What i would do is:-

1. Disband your guild and join another well established one.
2. Ask them for help and advice (they may also have everything in the guild hall)
3.Play more until you have a decent bank balance.
4. generally, just walk before trying to run (my son is the same. he bought the game and the same day bought a guild and then promptly wondered why no-one stayed)
5.If you are dead set on keeping your guild get some friends to buy the game then get them to join your guild then go out and adventure together.

Author:  siona ecra [ May 21st, 2006, 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

No actually i'm been playing guild wars for 7 monthes and i've beaten all of the missions i'm lvl 20 and no i didn't get some one to run me. It's just i,ve been in 2 guilds that have been inactive (people being offline for 2 monthes!) so i desided to start my own. I just sound noobish because i'm new to having my own guild and being the leader.

Author:  sepentine [ May 22nd, 2006, 3:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow not going to be harsh..... :twisted:
Ok first off you need some good officers that can help you help yourself. Either that or I like the other posters idea about you getting with a more established guild and pay attention to the way they stay successful. Either way if you recruit new people that have no idea what your agenda's for play are (ie you have no agenda's) then the frustration bug sets in and you lose more members than you can recruit. No matter how active you are in game your not on 24/7. You can not be there for every person in your guild and they must have a drive to self sustain or your doomed no matter how bad you want it to work. Get organized or get someone (or with a group) that is because a Guild that has no direction will mostly sail the sea to destruction.

Author:  blackmoon [ May 25th, 2006, 12:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Lots of advice so far! and great advice at that. Being a former Guild owner in GW and several other games, I will give my best advice. Oh yeah, I had some life happenings that bumped me from playing my games for a while, so I just disbanded my guilds and groups or turned them over to someone else.

A Successful Guild:

First off... party party party! Start new characters and what not so you can party with people at different stages. DON'T advertise "guild blah blah is recruiting! pst to join!"... that just doesnt work for a long term relationship. Find yourself a small group of friends that you are partying with, make sure they are on your Friends list.

After making some solid party-mates, invite them into the guild as officers. Basically this allows them to invite and promote. I would suggest that you recruit from a specific time frame during the day. For example, if you play alot in the morning time, but occassionally at night, I would not recruit people that play at night. This hurts morale because now they will be on during their "regular" time which will not be during your "regular" time. They will complain that no one is ever on.

Most importantly.... ALWAYS make time to party with guild mates, even if you have already done the missions they want to do.

Financing for your Guild:

After recruiting, even if you aren't officially a "guild" yet, get your group together and set a goal. Me and my 4 officers partied up and set a goal to grind enough platinum to purchase our guild charter, cape, and guild hall. It was a great group effort. We even solicited the other "members" of our guild to donate towards the "effort". By doing this, you could really tell who was willing to contribute to the guild and who wasn't. Those that weren't willing weren't sent guild invitations. We ground like 10k gold that evening between 3 different parties (the other members partied up together too to help) and still had a few plats in our pockets for ourselves.

The rest... couldn't help you with. I've pretty much stopped playing GW except for working on macros for here.

Author:  sitmark [ June 7th, 2006, 7:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

It really depends on what kind of guild/alliance you want to be, if you are recruiting ppl who like pvp and you like pve more they will leave, there is no easy way, just make friends and have fun in the game :p

Author:  2536612814 [ June 13th, 2006, 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

i like the sword speed and the damage
axe CAN do more damge because its 6-28 and the same speed but...LOOK at the damge!
and lots of AoE attacks with axe..but they do less damge or more if max..

Author:  durran992 [ August 7th, 2006, 6:29 pm ]
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i use sword but axe is good too since if u want to solo u can use cyclone axe

Author:  swinechick [ August 10th, 2006, 10:40 pm ]
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Hundred Blades Ftw!!! anyways sword does more damage look at the damage ratios if u dare..

Author:  durran992 [ August 11th, 2006, 8:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

yup hundred blades is definetly good

Author:  doomfrost [ August 13th, 2006, 11:20 am ]
Post subject: 

I like the hammer the best, sure it's slow but the damage is incredible and you can knockdown or weaken your opponents as well which is great against casters.

Author:  abezden [ September 2nd, 2006, 9:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

What does that have to do with starting a guild?? Anyways, siona, you are welcome to join my guild and see what its like to be in an active guild. You'll see the different guild activities and stuff we do to keep our members and officers happy. we currently have about 70 active members. PM me ingame at Snail from Hell or Soviet Commrade. Those are two different accounts btw.

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