
How To beat Bison?
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Author:  corpsman6969 [ October 8th, 2007, 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  How To beat Bison?

Does anyone have a build that can actually beat Bison be a warrior??? I have tried spamming spirits and using glads defense but cant withstand his hits Please help

Author:  charos [ October 10th, 2007, 1:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

the best way to beat it as a warrior is the good old grenth balance/riposte build.

Here's the build

Grenth Balance, Riposte, deadly riposte, dolyak signet, distracting blow, disarm, salvage slash, flail

good luck dude!

Author:  Tault_admin [ October 11th, 2007, 8:45 am ]
Post subject: 

I really want to say pick chun li right now :)

Author:  feanixxx [ October 18th, 2007, 2:39 am ]
Post subject: 

This is the build I use, it's similar to the above but with degen for foes you cannot risk hitting and faster kills.

The skills are (see JPG):

Grenth's Balance: Use against strong opponents when you HP is nearly
zero and their's is considerably higher. Don't use if both are low.

Ear Bite: Target touched foe begins to bleed for 13 seconds. Only for
non-melee foes, don't use on melee fighters as it's a waste of 10

Ulcerous Lungs: If bleeding foe has -4 degen for 18 seconds. This is
cast once at the start when you have them bleeding via Ear Bite or the

Gash: Use when foe is bleeding to give a Deep Wound.

Riposte: Blocks next attack and foe takes 58 damage.

Deadly Riposte: Blocks next attack, for takes 60 damage and begins
bleeding for 16 seconds. Use on melee foes instead of Ear Bite to
start bleeding for Lungs and Gash.

Final Thrust: the coup de grace, never use it during the battle even
if it lights up as it wipes out your adren and you'll likely lose.
Only use right at the end.

Endure Pain: 216 HP for 14 seconds; usually only used right at the end
when both are low on HP and Grenth's won't work; casting this and then
Final Thrust usually makes all the difference.


Curses 8; Strength 9; Tactics 9; Swordsmanship 14

Peek through the gate to see the foe, decide if melee or not, if not
sure go for melee.

Rush at opponent unless they are fire ele's (wait for the AoE then
step around it). While running in, if melee, cast Deadly Riposte.

Engage; If non melee cast Ear Bite to get them bleeding
otherwise wait for the first hit on Deadly to make them bleed.
Immediately cast Lungs (15 energy) so your MP can begin to rebuild.

If melee sustain the two Ripostes as much as possible; use Gash to
inflect a Deep Wound. If your HP drops to half or less stop using
Deadly Riposte to ensure you have 10 energy for Grenths.

If your HP is very low and the foes is high then cast Grenths; if this
reduces your foe to almost death immediately use the saved Final Thrust
and anything else you can throw at them.

If both are very low, wait till the last minute then hit Endure Pain,
Final Thrust then wail on them with anything you've got till dead.

I've beaten Bison many times with this build; the only foes it
won't work against are:

Argo: Earth Ele. Retire and try again, this build cannot cope with
Menhlo: Retire and try again; he's a 55 hp monk and you cannot kill
him without a Rend or enchant strip which this build doesn't have.

Those are the only two this build cannot beat. Eve and Alesia can be tricky but can be done by repeating the above cycle.

Several use Poison or Burning and it's easy to panic when the HP is
going down very fast DON'T simply keep fighting till nearly dead then
hit Grenth's and, if required, Endure Pain to boost you and ride out
the degen. I've beaten several and finished with 1 HP!

Hexing (SS) foes: Attack to build adren for Ear Bite then cast Lungs.
Immediately stop hitting and wait for energy to get to 10 while the
hexer has -4 degen. Once you have 10 energy attack again, watch as
your HP drops then Grenth's to rebalance, Final Thrust if it's lit up but
most fleshies will die within a couple of hits after Grenth's.

Also don'tforget that, if you die from degen but the foe dies as well
you still win.

Bison: Much the same as the melee options above but with more care as
he hits hard and knocks down. Don't leave Grenth's too late cos he can
knock you down for three seconds and you won't be able to cast it.

So: Run in, cast Deadly Riposte as you reach him. Immediately cast
Lungs for the -4 degen on him.

Ssustain the two Ripostes as much as possible; use Gash to
inflect a Deep Wound. If your HP drops to half or less stop using
Deadly Riposte to ensure you have 10 energy for Grenths. You'll use
Grenth's at least once, usually in the first 30 seconds as he hammers
you down.

After the first Grenth's he'll be very low in HP if you've timed it
right, so just keep up the two Ripostes, Gash if required, Final
Thrust and Endure Pain if you are near death. That should do him :))

Template Code:


Author:  designinpine [ January 9th, 2008, 9:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Awesome build, been looking for something to kill Bison with for ages!

Author:  zorgzcomawhite [ February 23rd, 2008, 10:34 am ]
Post subject: 

http://www.pvxwiki.com/wiki/Build:A/D_N ... ssault_Sin

Here is a build that is used to farm it to gain the Champ Tokens, The build works well i use it ^^

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