
EVE - Wolfpack Class at Agony Unleashed
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Author:  Gaming-News [ April 4th, 2007, 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  EVE - Wolfpack Class at Agony Unleashed

April 7th, Agony Unleashed will be holding another Wolfpack class. This will be a course on how to effectively fit and fly a destroyer class ship.

"The destroyer is one of the single most underrated ships in the game of Eve. Many people fly a destroyer the wrong way and immediately come to the conclusion that they are not worth the trouble to fly. The reality is that the destroyer can be an extremely powerful and fearsome foe. A well run destroyer flown by a skilled pilot can kill a tech 2 interceptor one on one. A well run destroyer is extremely effective at gate camping and locking down space, able to get the signal resolution over 1800 with the proper fitting. In a destroyer pack, a fleet of 15 destroyers would strike fear into the heart of any battleship pilot with the brains to back up his firepower.

In this class you will learn the ins and outs of destroyers. You will learn how to fit them to be effective in a 1 vs. 1 situation as well as how to set up a destroyer for gate camping and wolf packing. You will learn how to maximize the strengths of destroyers, namely their firepower, and reduce the impact of their weaknesses of speed and fragility. Destroyers are the specialty and favorite ship of the instructor and I will show you how to get the most out of yours. You will also learn how to use warp disruption bubbles and advanced tactics that employ the use of bookmarks.

This is an advanced level course with prerequisites. It builds upon the knowledge you acquired in PVP-BASIC and takes you to the next level of skill in PvP Operations. You will learn all sorts of tactics and tricks when flying in light ships of all kinds. This is a long awaited course and should be a ton of fun. After completing this course you will be able to fly both a frigate and destroyer very well in PvP and be extremely effective with a few of your friends."

Enrollment deadline for this course is 48 hours before the start of the course so get moving!

http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plu ... .php?19256

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