
STO vs EVE Comic
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Author:  hardsell [ February 16th, 2010, 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  STO vs EVE Comic

I didn't really search hard just scanned 3 or so pages but didn't see this as a subject heading

I have had an sto beta key for weeks but hadn't found a good download spot so haven't played it yet but this comic caught my eye, was pretty good almost like the shamus young plays lotro comic





Author:  Tault_admin [ February 18th, 2010, 9:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

LOL it was amusing. I wish sto was better. So much potential. Should of just done away with going down to random worlds.

Author:  hardsell [ February 19th, 2010, 7:34 am ]
Post subject: 

well from my web reading some say it is really closer to PotBS than EVE which isnt really a good sign as that game didn't do well:)

Author:  mynd [ February 22nd, 2010, 8:31 am ]
Post subject: 

LOL, nice find but...

I wish people would stop comparing this game to EVE, yes they're both space games with ships, but beyond that there's NOTHING IN COMMON. I've played EVE for 6 years, and STO since open beta.

They both have their merits, but CCP is an infinitely better company than Cryptic and that will make the difference. Cryptic SOMEHOW landed the license for this game, but they don't have the reputation, nor the experience to handle it. They disappoint the Star Trek name with a mediocre game, and while it does show the potential to evolve into something great, Cryptic is too weak and too close-minded to take the game anywhere but down hill. It looks like Star Trek, but doesn't do much to feel like Star Trek :(

Cryptic has been handed a golden egg that they're going to waste. I'll play STO until they ruin it, which they've done more of than improve it so far. IMO. Bioware's SW:TOR game is going to kick the snot out of this, making Trek look even worse compared to Star Wars. I like them both, but dammit I hate poor decisions making Star Trek look so much worse in the gaming community. Bioware rules though, they will likely do an awesome job, better than SWG no doubt.

In an IRC live dev chat thing, a Cryptic guy said something along the lines they they have more important things to do than "cater to the whiners." Regardless of the whining that was probably going on, how professional...

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