Cid Proxy 2.0.8!!!
Version 2.0.8 Fixes:
-Autoloot disconnecting you
-Disconnect on low durability implemented
-Fixed disconnect on GM
-Works with patch 5090
-Fixes superman disconnect problem
-Other smaller issues
-Fixes server.dat problem
Official CID Proxy Release
Here are the currently *working* commands
!ssbot - Turn on scentbot
!abot - Turn on aimbot
!c - Turn on CYCLONE
!c2 - Turn on DHCYCLONE
!face <id> - Change your avatar to the specified id
!rg - Jump right Gate (MUST BE NEAR)
!lg - Jump left gate (MUST BE NEAR)
!name <original_name> <new_name>
!jump <x> <y> - Jump to x,y (MUST BE within 16 spaces)
!dc - Disconnect
!ahunt - Turn on autohunt
!aloot - Turn on autoloot
!wh - Open warehouse (Note: Click warehouse first, dont type any password, just type the command, and WH should appear)
!f - Follow a person (Type the persons name in the WHISPER box,or shift + click the person)
!fk - Follow and try and hit the person (Type the persons name in the WHISPER box,or shift + click the person)
!asit - Auto sit after all jumps
!spam <Target> <Message> - Spams in Talk, the specified message (Example:!spam All TEST) (Type !spam off to turn it off)
!nbot - Turns on nado bot.
Note: Offline TG does NOT currently work. I am looking into it.
1. Make sure your conquer is up to date with the latest patches.
2. Download the proxy, and install in your conquer folder.
3. Start CIDProxy from the Desktop shortcut.
4. Login.
AutoKira: it is Autobot , i mean auto kill.... it is better than Cid..... (1.07 MB, 1201 views) ...
5bot.rar (2.84 MB, 719 views) ... 8-5bot.rar
Credits to Gamerzplanet
AntiVirusEngine VersionDefinition VersionInfectionAntivir7.4.0.376.39.0.81None</SPAN>ArcaVir1.0.42006.01.27None</SPAN>Avast1.0.70753-0None</SPAN>AVG7.5.47269.9.14/883None</SPAN>BitDefender7.608257.60825None</SPAN>F-Prot4.</SPAN>Norman5.</SPAN>Rising17.00.00.3619.25.00.00None</SPAN>VirusBlokAda323.12.0.22007.07.01None</SPAN>VirusBuster4.3.23:9 (2007-02-16)9.86.8/11.0None