Welcome to the affiliate area for taultunleashed.com.
Please be patient while we update this area with tons of useful information.
Do you want to not only be apart of the nets largest mmo gaming site but you want to make some great cash as well? Well with our affiliate system you can easily do just that.
Most people wish they could turn their hobby into a source of income, well now you can. All you need to do is simply follow this quick guide on create an affiliate account and then you can watch the funds come on.
Why Taultunleashed?Taultunleashed has been around for over 5 years and we have over one million members and growing all the time. Taultunleashed not only supports one mmo but every mmo out there. We are experts in finding all the latest and greatest underground things when it comes to dominating all the MMOs out there.
Taultunleashed is always being updated with every great thing you can wonder. If you are after a leveling guide we can find it or make it. A great farming spot for everything you could need, and more. The founders of taultunleashed are just like you, hardcore gamers that want to be the best in all mmos. That can be the most income, the highest level, the best loot, or just owning other players in pvp.
Because of our amazing reputation for being the largest and best mmo underground site out there we are letting members now make easy cash by just using our new affiliate system.
How Does It Work?After you become an affiliate you can start making money easily. You first need to create an account over clickbank real fast. Then you will have an affiliate id and you can use that to track your sales. Also with every sale you generate we will give you a 50% commission on it. Thats it.
Its 100% free to do and if you are having any problems we will help you through it. The plan of this is that we can make you money and our selves money. So the more you make the more we make and we can add improvements to the site which will help us have more content and overall make the site better.
Best Ways To Use The Affiliate ProgramThe best way would be to write a review of taultunleashed telling people some of the best things we have for a particular game you are interested in. Then you just need to post this review to different sites. Like goarticles.com and exinearticles.com.
You can also create a free blog on sites such as
http://www.blogger.com and post reviews of our stuff and then ping your blog to a site like pingomatic so search engines will pick it up all the faster.
Using the above techniques with keyword searches is another great way to help. This is also known as bum marketing. You can read all about it here
http://www.bummarketingmethod.com/Artic ... eting.html . Basically it will show you how to make articles and blogs and use them to target keywords for search phrases on google.
Strategy 1: Write a reviewWrite a review on one of our guides (or even better - a game category) and include an affiliate link to the product. Write a review on one of our guides (or even better - a game category) and include an affiliate link to the product.
- Send the review to article sites like http://www.ezinearticles.com, http://www.goarticles.com and http://www.searchwarp.com. They attract millions of readers and rank well in search engines. No additional marketing or promotion required.
- Mail your review to news and community sites for the game. The smaller the site, the bigger the chance it will be accepted. A great source to find small community sites is the Open Directory at http://www.dmoz.org. Just search for the game of your choice and contact smaller community sites listed in its category.
- Post your review on forums and guild message boards. Again, the smaller the board, the higher the chance that your review will be accepted. The Open Directory at http://www.dmoz.org should be your first stop to find them.
- Got a few reviews together already? Start a "lense" on Squidoo at http://www.squidoo.com or create your own content site with http://www.wordpress.com. This requires more content and work than single reviews, but also pays off better.
- Do you speak Spanish, French, German or Japanese? Write a review in your own language and you will reach readers with little competition from other affiliates.
- Investment required: $0. Time requirement: 6-10 hours.
Strategy 2: Create a BlogIt's way easier than it sounds. Write down your thoughts on a guide,describe your personal game experience , post news on a specific game -it's completely up to you which focus you choose. As long as you provide useful content and include an affiliate link you can't do anything wrong.
Strategy 3: Post Ads Why not write your own ads for the guide? We advertise our products and so can you (and get 40% of the revenue... which is more than we get!)
- There are tons of sites where you can post free classifieds: Again a Google search ( free classifieds ) and the Open Directory ( http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Classifieds/Free_Classifieds/ ) are great resources.
- You can head over to UsFreeAds to start posting ads right away.
- Know of a website that offers banner advertising? You can get real bargains there by buying banner space cheap and using our ready-made banners with your own affiliate link. Forums like http://www.somethingawful.com offer great advertising deals to their members.
- Investment required: $0. Time requirement: 2-5 hours.
Strategy 4: Help OthersThe best way to place your affiliate link is getting people to ask for your help.
- Contribute to forums, post comments on blogs (you can find blogs on a specific game at http://blogsearch.google.com ). Include a link to a review you wrote or a blog you maintain.
- Answer questions on http://answers.yahoo.com.You'd be surprised how many easy to answer questions get posted for games you probably know a ton about. It's another good place to dropyour link.
- In-game websites and profiles. Some games allow you to create descriptions for your own character or display in-game websites. Be helpful, have people seek you out and use that exposure to promote your affiliate link.
- Investment required: $0. Time requirement: 3 -8 hours
Strategy 5: Use your exposuresDo you have a MySpace /facebook page? Are you posting reviews on shopping and customer sites? Do you run a guild website? Are you active in forums or on mailing lists? Without knowing, you might have build up a great future revenue source
- A combination of strategies (e.g. a review blog you can link to) tends to work exceptionally well.
- Use your exposure to promote your affiliate link. Do it in ethical ways.Don't lie, but recommend what you think is going to help people.
- Do you run a guild website? One affiliate banner can easily pay for your hosting, DSL and monthly fees for guild mule accounts.
- Placements can be made in the form of signatures, reviews, rants, comparisons and strategy advice.
- Investment required: $0. Time requirement: 5 minutes: You just sign up and use the exposure you get anyway
How Do You Get Paid?This is one of the best parts. Everything is 100% automatic. Clickbank will pay you automatically via check or other ways to decide on. Its instantaneous and easy to do.
How To Track Sales?Once someone clicks your special clickbank link it will keep that affiliate id in a special site cookie. This cookie will last for 30 days. So if the user decides to join the site within 30 days you will automatically get the sale based on that
What’s the commission rate?You will get 50% for every sale made. Since we charge 24.95 per sale you will be getting about 12.50 per sale every time. Its that simple.
Criteria to be an Affiliate:Anyone of any age can become Affiliate and start making money. It is completely free to join the Affiliate Program. All you need is a ClickBank account which is free to join. Click here to create your free ClickBank account and start earning cash!
Affiliate Link Cloaking
Affiliate Linkhttp://USERNAME.taultunlea.hop.clickbank.netMake sure you exchange USERNAME with your new account name from clickbank. Also make sure that type it in all lower case letters.
Anytime someone takes your link and purchases my guide, clickbank will automatically place 50% of the sale into your clickbank account!
Dont have a ClickBank Account?CLICK HERE to sign up for FREE and start making money as an Affiliate!
If you ever have any questions about our Affiliate Program or if you are an Affiliate and need help with anything please e-mail me and I’ll be happy to assist you. Thanks
Article DirectoriesHere is a list of directories where you can submit articles.
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