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DAOC - Third Monthly Play on Mordred Day! : DAOC News

Posted: April 28th, 2007, 8:39 am

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Daamien, the Mordred TL has set up a "play on Mordred" day in order to gain interest for the Mordred server. Newcomers are welcome to join in on levelling up, or just playing around for the night. Here are some of the details:

Who: Everyone; veterans and new players alike.
What: Participate in any aspect of the server, the idea is to have fun and have perhaps a different DAoC experience than you are accustomed to. Future Play on Mordred Days will provide contests and prizes. I may edit this later to include a scheduled contest, please check back to see if I have done so in the future.
Where: Mordred (PvP) Server.
When: Sunday, April 29th.
Why: To enjoy a different aspect of the game and aid the server's population.
How: Load up Dark Age of Camelot, select the Mordred (PvP) server, select or create a new character from any realm, and start playing.

Tell your friends about the event and try to coordinate some groups. Spend anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours on the server. If you have already retired from the game, then simply utilize the Free 14 Day Trial to participate! Keep in mind that the Free 14 Day Trial now includes the Catacombs Expansion for no additional fee.

I will be sitting in Tir Na Nog on my character Daamien providing Welcome to Mordred Goodie Bags which include some cash and other goodies to anyone who needs a little helping hand to get started. Furthermore, I will pay the fee to register any new guild.

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