When Turbine changed the way enhancements work, it provided every character a Lesser Reincarnation +20 heart, which allows you to completely[*] change your class. Few days ago I used it to change a Rog 2/Rgr 1/Sor 5 into pure rogue. After reincarnation I noticed that his Bow of Icy Depths, which binds to character upon equipping, was no longer bound. Unfortunately it is a small sample, so cannot say if it is repeatable. Earlier I did an LR +20 on another character, and all of her bound items stayed bound, but none of them were of the "bind to character on equip" kind. Someone else should test it; might apply only to Update 14 random loot, of which Bow of Icy Depths is an example. Within couple months I plan to do LR +20 on another character who has similar items, and will post the results.
[*]Almost. If you start out with triple-class character, you have limitations on changing them