must have a caster with firewall.
at the end of your prey on the hunter run, head over to the stairs where the end loot is. at the bottom left of said steps, you will notice a rock formation. you can jump up on this formation and climb to the top of a thin peak. from here you my firewall both dragons effectively killing them without taking any damage.
it may take some time to get used to but this is 100% working at time of this post.
come from the backside of the rock formation and jump in between where the large rock and smaller peaks are, then from there just turn and walk towards the thin peaks and you can walk straight to the top of the highest peak. you can solo this on a wizard by pulling aggro on the dragons and then running to jump in place. enjoy. not sure if this is common knowledge never found anything about it on the web, this is something i personally found out on my own. I see there isnt many people on this part of the forums if any now, but maybe this will be usefull in farming . prey on the hunter is a quick quest so getting to this fight can take 5 minutes.