taultunleashed logoAdded all the tbl files to c++ builder now what? : Developer's Corner
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Added all the tbl files to c++ builder now what? : Developer's Corner

Posted: September 29th, 2003, 10:51 pm
Sulfuric's Reps:
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Okay I managed to add all the tbl files to c++ builder the only ones that wont compile are the scripting ones but i dont need those.

Now I have all the functions in my program and I can call them, but now I need to know what functions to use to make a new window and access the macros, I want to make a plug-in that will let me assign a hot key to a macro. I just don't know all the XU commands that I can use. :(

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Posted: September 30th, 2003, 8:33 am
WyvernX's Reps:
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Ok, you cannot just create a vb-app and call xu functions in it. Your app MUST conform to the IXUPlugin interface. Your plugin is not active, but reactive. You can look at some of the sample vb plugins and see how plugins work.

Basically you implement the IXUPlugin interface.

You add buttons, edit boxes, etc VIA .xml and then link XU up to the .xml coded buttons, etc. So that they can receive events, etc.

I would post in the scripting forum for a simple script that will do this for you. It sounds like you want a script that will run looped looking for a specific key, and then run a macro when it gets that key/combination of keys.

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Posted: September 30th, 2003, 9:20 am
Sulfuric's Reps:
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Yes thats exactly what I want, I got the script that will play the macro, and im just racking my brains trying to hook the keyboard so I can tell when a key is pressed, ill check the other forum for your post

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