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DAoC DMG ADD Plugin/ Fighting Style : Developer's Corner

Posted: June 11th, 2003, 6:49 pm
twiz's Reps:
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i have heard of people having attack dmg plugins that increases how much dmg they do per hit, there is another one that lets you preform evade moves when you dont have to evade, will there be anything like this out soon or know where to fins it? ;)

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Posted: June 12th, 2003, 3:23 am
Tanek's Reps:
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Never heard of those.

But if the plugins/programs do stuff like you say then they are not passive, like the radar, or uses the regular userinterface like the macros do. That means they are detectable by Mythic, since all they have to do is check for, say, successful evade styles when you haven't evaded.

But since damage amount and style chains are done on the servers, not involving the client (ie. you) then I'd think it highly unlikely that such programs exist, unless they exploit loopholes and oversights in the code.

Regardless of whether those programs do exist or not, they will be very risky to use, since they are about as easily detected as Dark Tool of Camelot. If you can do something with a program that people without the program can't do, then you can be detected. So if you don't want to run the high risk of losing your account and all characters on it, then you have the choice to not use those programs.

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