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editing XU source code : Developer's Corner

Posted: June 24th, 2003, 2:19 pm
oe_mids_suck's Reps:
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ok, my VB skills are a little bit rusty but i want to make a quick change to the source code for XU.

What i want to do is add the /loc onto the map after it's minimized instead of only having it in the windowed mode.

but i also want to make another check box so you can turn this option off.

the problem is adding the checkbox.
I've searched through the code looking for the chekboxes but all i can find is the functions for them.

how can i add a new checkbox to the options wiindow?

i also have a problem loading the XML file after making a change.

does the XML file have to be written manually?
never seen XML B4.

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Posted: June 26th, 2003, 12:41 pm
WyvernX's Reps:
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Checkboxes are added via the .xml. You also then create a variable in the vb, assign it in the init section. Then you can use it and the functions for the checkbox. Rememebr to terminate it.

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Posted: June 26th, 2003, 2:33 pm
oe_mids_suck's Reps:
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ok, I did the XML and added the checkbox
and set it to "checked" by default

now I can't uncheck it

What am I doing wrong?

once I get the checkbox working right, I'll start writing the function for it.

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Posted: June 27th, 2003, 8:31 am
myriele's Reps:
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First you have to set an eventhandler. Please look in the samples (Framerate plugin) how to do it

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