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Format of .mac files? : Developer's Corner

Posted: July 9th, 2003, 1:45 pm
Tanek's Reps:
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My sample .mac file:

256 818 3 17474656
257 818 3 17474750
256 818 3 17531812
257 818 3 17531890
256 818 3 17588328
257 818 3 17588421
0 0 0 17644984

What is the format of this file? (since I can't find the source code and try and figure out that way)

First line is what I guess is some kind of start timestamp?

Next lines I am guessing 256 is key down event, and 257 is key up event, followed by what may be what key was pressed, and an unknown value, and another timestamp when it occured.

And last line is what I think to be the timestamp of when macro ends.

But my biggest question is what is the format of the timestamp value?

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Posted: July 9th, 2003, 2:42 pm
Admin's Reps:
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The values are taken directly from the MFC structure EVENTMSG as follows:

DWORD message;
DWORD paramL;
DWORD paramH;
DWORD time;

You can get the time with the SDK function GetTickCount().

If you are planning on making your own macros, you can use an initial tick value of 0 if you wish. This is what we should have done, but were just lazy and used the tick values directly from the function instead of adjusting them to be 0 initially.

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Posted: July 15th, 2003, 12:03 pm
Tanek's Reps:
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Posted: July 15th, 2003, 12:53 pm
WyvernX's Reps:
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You can use the dll to record macros also. Just include the macrohelper dll and use the API functions: Play, Record, etc. . .

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