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Need help with Visual Studio and viewing XML : Developer's Corner

Posted: October 1st, 2003, 4:12 pm
Sulfuric's Reps:
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I just got visual studio .net package so I can play around with programing current stuff again.

I have taken the C++ .NET SDK example and compiled it and made it work. (the basic one didnt work cause I didnt have vb6 or something)

Anyways, my problem is when I go to view the XML and change it I click on the data tab and it gives the error "'XUnleashedData:Schema' element not declared" so I added the XUIDL.xml and tried to view it or make the schema and I get the error "Undefinded data type: string"..

My guess is that its not declaring or including the hierarchy data from the xml/schema that its trying to include? Not sure whats wrong with it.. It works fine once I compile and install it and run it, just I cant visualy edit the xml form :(

Any ideas? or a work around to visualy edit an xml form to use in the plug-in?

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Posted: October 1st, 2003, 4:31 pm
Admin's Reps:
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In visual studio, just do File->Open File and open the .xml file.

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Posted: October 1st, 2003, 5:38 pm
Sulfuric's Reps:
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Ya i can open the file, my problem is that when i click on the data tab to see what the result will look like (the form) I get errors as if the parent xmls arent being read.

Not a big deal, i got this 3rd party xml editor thats suppose to be graphical too but it doesnt load them either, not sure how xml's work or if they are even functionable before they are running? the main xunleashed schema one I get an error saying undefined type 'string' and you had used string all over the place so the element has to come from those urn:schema-windows-com:xml?? whatevers but when i view them it doesnt get the info from them or something.

It's not so much that I need the visual stuff (it helps) it's that I would like to know what all controls I can add or have access to and what all properties of the elements i can change. I'll look around and see what I can find.

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Posted: October 1st, 2003, 6:02 pm
Admin's Reps:
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Oh, you cannot see what it will look like. You have to actually run the plugin and see the final results.

Yes the data types are all internal to XU.

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