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SWG Slow Macro Recording : Developer's Corner

Posted: August 20th, 2003, 7:18 am
razer's Reps:
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When I am recording a macro in SWG the game moves very slow causing me to take a lot longer to do the macro then I need to. Inputting keys on the keyboard seems to be ok but mouse clicks and dragging and dropping goes really slow. I was wondering if this is a known problem? Also I can't seem to double click anything when the macro is recording.

After the macro is recorded the playback is flawless. The dragging and dropping or the mouse clicks are normal but then the macro waits since when I was recording I waited for the game to catch up. The fact that the replay causes no game slowness baffles me. I am running a AMD 1.2 with a geforce 3 card and a gig of ram. Any info you guys can provide on speeding up the recording would be helpful


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Posted: August 20th, 2003, 1:50 pm
Admin's Reps:
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Try recording a macro. If it is very laggy, email the macro to me so I can look at it.

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