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EVE Guides: Overview setup for wars guide : EVE Online Guides | Free EVE Guides

Posted: December 19th, 2006, 1:32 pm
heavensgate's Reps:
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Right click the overview arrow, within your overview. You'll notice that you can save states of the overview settings, this is helpful so you can change your overview on the fly.

For most sane purposes, choose to save the state, and type "WAR" and hit 'OK'.

Now, click the arrow again and choose 'Overview settings...'.

Click the "Filters" tab closest to the top of the settings window.

Below, you have more tabs, "Types" and "States", click on "Types".

Check all EXCEPT:
"Pilot has good standing"
"Pilot has high standing"
"Pilot is in your alliance"
"Pilot is in your corporation"
"Pilot is in your gang"

"Station" nothing is checked
"Celestial" nothing is checked
"Drone" nothing is checked
"NPC" Pirate NPC is checked, nothing else
"Entity" nothing is checked
"Asteroid" nothing is checked
"Deployable" everything checked
"Structure" nothing checked

Now click on the "Appearance" tab at the very top.

[APPEARANCE] -> [Colortag]
"* gang *" not checked
"* corporation *" not checked
"* alliance *" not checked
"* high standing *" not checked
"* good standing *" not checked
"* status below -5 *" not checked
"* status below 0 *" not checked
"* war *" CHECKED
"* bad standing *" CHECKED
"* horrible standing *" CHECKED
"* bounty *" CHECKED

MOVE "Pilot is at war with you" TO THE TOP. You do this by clicking on that entry, and clicking the "Move Up" button at the bottom.

What this configuration does, is masks your corpmates bad standings so you don't see them blinking in space. ONLY neutrals with -5 or below, valid war targets and those unknowns with aggro will show up in space as blinking red (and show up in overview)

Now, click on Background

[APPEARANCE] -> [Background]
"Pilot is at war with you" CHECKED
"* gang *" CHECKED
"* corporation *" CHECKED
"* alliance *" CHECKED
"* high standing *" CHECKED
"* status below -5 *" CHECKED

Again, MOVE "Pilot is at war with you" to the TOP of the list as before.

DROP "Pilot has security status below -5" TO THE BOTTOM OF THE LIST. (This makes sure, if you see a blinking red icon in space, he's NOT your corp, alliance, gang or whatnot.)

Click on "Columns" tab at the top.

Here, choose what best suits your fighting style.

Now, click on "Ships" tab at the top.

"Hide corp ticker if pilot is in alliance" CHECKED

*the rest, suit to your tastes...


Have "SHIP TYPE" CHECKED (makes it very easy to identify ships in space by moving your mouse over their icon.)

SAVE YOUR STATE! Remember we named it "WAR".... oh yeah!!!!

This will hide all Garbage from your overview. No gang members will show up in your overview, corp mates, or peeps in your alliance. Corp mates should be green, regardless of their sec status, gang mates purple, friendlies blue... regardless of their active security status.

I hope this helps some peeps setup their overviews. It's a wierd feeling when you look and realize someone in your alliance is shooting you... accidentally.

*HINT*, I've experienced far fewer "overview bugs" with this configuration too.

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Posted: December 19th, 2006, 5:59 pm

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Tault_admin's Reps: 1444
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Can premium members say yay or nay to this being moved to a confirmed section.

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Posted: December 31st, 2006, 12:09 pm

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lilfisher's Reps: 63
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can i get a yay or nay for this submission

Click to buy a premium account

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Posted: January 1st, 2007, 2:28 pm

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tault712's Reps: 2
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Seems like a C & P to me but if Durethia and heavensgate are one or the same its definitely worth consideration.

http://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard ... dID=341361

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Posted: January 1st, 2007, 5:04 pm
tault_buckw1's Reps:
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Admin action/decission on this please.

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Posted: January 2nd, 2007, 9:28 pm

Total Posts: 29974
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Tault_admin's Reps: 1444
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yea already did a ban on him.

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