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Odd exploit related to lag found in Jita - take a ship. : EVE Online Submissions

Posted: March 25th, 2009, 6:34 am

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It took some time to get this intel from another player that I noticed meandering around in a pod in Jita. I watched the player and it seemed like he was looking for something and he was. He was looking for ships that he had the skills to pilot, but why? He told me that he found an exploit using the Advanced Camera Menu. The Advanced Camera Menu is NOT on by default: Turn it on from your display and graphics settings.

Its a little complicated, but I'll do my best to explain. First you must be in a pod, because as such, you are ready to board ships. Second you want to be in a system during heavy load and peak time, such as Jita, the capital of lag. Your target ship should be one that you have the skills to pilot. Next you'll want to approach the ship, getting as close as you can before the ship warps out. The easiest way to do this is to hang at an exit point. When you have chosen your target ship and are approaching it, select, "Make as Parent" from the advanced camera menu. You will now be viewing that ship from the perspective of the pilot. At this point you need to move fast. As the ship aligns to warp, you can usually tell what gate the ship is going to warp to, except when they warp to a cluster of gates that are all aligned, then you just have to guess. Why guess? You want to start warping to the gate that this ship is going to warp to or is warping to as soon as possible, the faster you can get to the gate, that the ship is going to, the better your odds. Click on the gate in space and start the warp, but before you warp-out quickly re-select the target ship so that it appears in the Advance Camera Menu Options. Now here is where things get strange. Normally when a ship warps out it falls off the camera menu, but if you've done it correctly, you are both in warp to the same gate. You want a player that is zero warping to the gate. If the lag is high, the player will jump, but the player's ship will still be at the gate AND WITHOUT A PILOT! At this point you board the ship and it is YOURS! The original pilot is then mysteriously teleported to the closest station, without ship or Pod as if pod killed, but nothing to indicate that! This was replicated twice and the only thing CCP could say was that sometimes the pilot becomes separated from the ship for unknown reasons and we are working to resolve this problem. They will replace the ship, but little else: The original pilot is mostly screwed. The way to avoid this from happening to you is to simply wait a bit, before jumping out of a system that is highly lagged. What are you waiting for? If a pod suddenly warps in next to you, you know that somebody was trying to exploit you with this. This is a BIG HOLE and it won't be long before it get patched somehow: IF it can be patched. This fluke has been replicated twice! Obviously this could seriously rock the foundation of EVE. My guess is it is an inherant fundamental programming flaw that CANNOT be correct and that the only way to eliminate the problem is to eliminate system lag. So how they will do that??? Perhaps as they did last week, limiting the number of players in a system to 350? I see problems for CCP. Perhaps they should call CRAY.

Do I get a free account here now? ;)

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