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A macro : EQ1 EverQuest 1 Submissions

Posted: March 8th, 2004, 10:43 pm
Tault_Tault Community

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This works for me here u go


This is the current way people are making 5k to 8k per hour in EverQuest and not even be playing.
I figured I would post it here as if people are cheating we may as well make it a level playing field.

They use an enchanter. I believe level 52 or above. The higher the better. They can change the macro
to work with mass enchant silver which will help out a lot more. They also need a copy of
macroquest (use google to find it).

Basically the macro makes Enchanted Silver Ruby Veil which sells back for a nice profit.

If you checkout your jewelcrafting vendors on your server you will see people macroing this macro.


| srv.mac
| --make a silver ruby veil --
| remember to have at least 132 * 20 = 2640 plat on have initially.
| Jewellers Kit is in the last slot
| breeze is on gem 1 (or KEI if you have it)
| enchant silver is on gem 8
| you are positioned between the two vendors
| this macro enchants one bar of silver and then meds a veil during
| the mana regen time
| mana is allowed to drop to 50% before you are force to wait
| and regen it each cycle.
#chat say
#chat tell

#include SpellSub.mac
#Event MedTime "Insufficient Mana to cast this spell"
#Event Breeze "The light breeze fades."
#event CombineSucceed "You have fashioned the items together to create something new!"
#event CombineFail "You lacked the skills to fashion the items together."

#define Ingredient_Ruby "Ruby"
#define Ingredient_Bar "Silver Bar"
#define Ingredient_Silver "Enchanted Silver Bar"
#define Product_Veil "Silver Ruby Veil"

#define Jewellers_Kit 7

#define maxiskill v55
#define FORAGE 2
#define SITFLAG v81
#define OldMana v82
#define NetMana v83
#define BreezeFlag v84
#define GameTime v85
#define Index1 v33
#define Combine_Flag v30

#define DropPickup_Timeout t0
#define Loop_Time t1
#define Regen_Time t2
#define Misc_Timeout t3

#define Merchant_Name v34
#define Open_Flag v35
#define Order_Amount v36
#define Temp_Var v37
#define Plat_Start v38
#define Plat_End v39
#define Plat_Net v40
#define Elapsed_Time v41
#define Plat_Per_Hr v42
#define Failed_Count v43

Sub Main

/filter name remove all
/filter name add You have fashioned the items together to create an alternate product.
/filter name add You lacked the skills to fashion the items together.
/filter name add You have fashioned the items together to create something new!
/filter name add You can no longer advance your skill from making this item.

/call ResetStats

/varset BreezeFlag 0
/call OpenPacks

/call CheckInventory
/call EnchantSilver
/call RegenMana
/goto :Loop


Sub ResetStats
/varcalc Plat_Start $char(plat)+$char(gold)/10+$char(silver)/100+$char(copper)/1000
/varset Loop_Time 12000
/varset Failed_Count 0

Sub CalcStats
/varcalc Plat_End $char(plat)+$char(gold)/10+$char(silver)/100+$char(copper)/1000
/varcalc Plat_Net $Plat_End-$Plat_Start
/echo Net profit this loop is $Plat_Net
/varcalc Elapsed_Time 12000-$Loop_Time
/varcalc Elapsed_Time $Elapsed_Time/10/60
/echo Loop took $Elapsed_Time min to complete
/varcalc Plat_Per_Hr $Plat_Net*60/$Elapsed_Time
/echo $Plat_Per_Hr plat/hr
/echo $Failed_Count failures!
/call ResetStats

Sub CheckInventory
| assume if we are out of rubies we are out of silver
/if n $count("Ingredient_Ruby")>0 /if n $count("Ingredient_Bar")>0 /return

/call OpenMerchant "Kirem"
/call Sell "Product_Veil"
/call Buy "Ingredient_Ruby" 1
/call CloseMerchant

/call OpenMerchant "Audri"
/call Buy "Ingredient_Bar" 1
/call CloseMerchant
/call CalcStats


Sub SellItems
|/warp 143.88 104.16 -26.87
/call OpenMerchant "Kirem"
/call Sell "Product_Veil"
/call CloseMerchant

Sub CheckBreeze
/if $char(buff,1)==NULL /varset BreezeFlag 1

/if n $BreezeFlag>0 {
/target myself
/call SpellSub 1 5s
/varset BreezeFlag 0

Sub RegenMana
| set regen time to 5 * 4 secs
/varset Regen_Time 300
/call LookDown
/call CheckBreeze
/if n $freeinv(space)>=4 /if n $count("Ingredient_Ruby")>0 /if n $count("Ingredient_Silver")>0 /call MakeVeil
/delay 10
|/varcalc NetMana $char(mana,cur)-$OldMana
|/if n $NetMana<0 /if n $Regen_Time>0 /goto :RegenLoop
/if n $char(mana,pct)<50 /if n $Regen_Time>0 /goto :RegenLoop
|/varcalc NetMana $char(mana,cur)-$OldMana
|/echo Mana: $char(mana,cur) net: $NetMana


Sub MakeVeil
/call GetIngredient "Ingredient_Ruby"
/call PutIngredient Jewellers_Kit 0

/call GetIngredient "Ingredient_Silver"
/call PutIngredient Jewellers_Kit 1

/call DoCombine Jewellers_Kit

Sub EnchantSilver
/if n $count("Ingredient_Bar")==0 /return
/varset OldMana $char(mana,cur)
/call SpellSub 8 0
/delay 55
/delay 10
/call ClearCursor

Sub OpenPacks
/press shift
/press ctrl
/press alt
/press esc
/press esc
/press esc
/press i
/delay 2
/for Index1 0 to 7
/if $pack($Index1,open)!=TRUE /click right inv $Index1
/delay 5
/next Index1

Sub LookDown
/sendkey down page_down
/delay 10
/sendkey up page_down

Sub LookUp
/press home

Sub BuySellItem
/varcalc v1 $char(plat)*1000+$char(gold)*100+$char(silver)*10+$char(copper)
/sendkey down shift
/click left merchant buy
|/if n fastmerch==1 /goto :doneBuySell
/if n $v1==$calc($char(plat)*1000+$char(gold)*100+$char(silver)*10+$char(copper)) /goto :WaitBuy
/sendkey up shift

Sub Sell
/if n $count("$p0")==0 /return
/varset Open_Flag 0
/finditem "$p0"
/varset Misc_Timeout 50
/delay 2
/if n $Misc_Timeout>0 /if n $Open_Flag==0 /goto :WaitForResponse
/call BuySellItem
/goto :SellingExact

Sub Buy
| Sub Buy calculates and makes sure we at least have
| the number of stacks requested on hand

| for some reason if we don't put a delay in before
| the call to /selectitem, the client crashes

| Ingredient_Meat is a special case
| we buy Ingredient_Meat, but we store Ingredient_Fillet

/echo "Sub Buy $p0 $p1"

/varcalc Temp_Var $p1*20
/echo 1:$Temp_Var
/varsub Temp_Var $count("$p0")
/echo 2:$Temp_Var
/varcalc Temp_Var $Temp_Var/20
/echo 3:$Temp_Var
/varadd Temp_Var .99
/echo 4:$Temp_Var
/varset Order_Amount $int($Temp_Var)
/echo "Ordering more $p0"
/echo "We asked to have at least $p1 stacks."
/echo We have $count("$p0") on hand.
/echo We need to order $Order_Amount stacks.

/if n $Order_Amount<=0 /return

|/if n $Order_Amount>$calc($freeinv(space)-10) {
| /echo ERROR! $Order_Amount > $freeinv(space) minus 10
| /endmacro

/delay 10
/varset Open_Flag 0
/selectitem "$p0"
/varset Misc_Timeout 50
/delay 2
/if n $Misc_Timeout>0 /if n $Open_Flag==0 /goto :WaitForBuyResponse
/if n $Open_Flag==0 {
/echo "ERROR! No response from merchant to buy!"
/for Index1 1 to $Order_Amount
/delay 2
/call BuySellItem
/next Index1

Sub OpenMerchant

/target npc "$p0"
/if $target()==FALSE {
/echo "ERROR! Unable to open merchant $p0"
/delay 10

/varset Merchant_Name "$p0"
/varset Open_Flag 0

/call LookUp

/target "$Merchant_Name"
/if "$target(name)"~~"$Merchant_Name" {
|/click right target
/press u
} else {
/goto :ClickMerchant
/varset Misc_Timeout 50
/delay 2
/if n $Misc_Timeout>0 /if n $Open_Flag==0 /goto :WaitForOpen
/if n $Open_Flag==0 {
/echo "ERROR! Unable to open merchant $Merchant_Name"

Sub CloseMerchant
/click left merchant done

Sub PutIngredient
/click left pack $p0 $p1
/call WaitForDrop

Sub GetIngredient
/if n $count("$p0")==0 {
/echo "ERROR! We ran out of $p0 before we should have!"
/sendkey down ctrl
/finditem "$p0"
/call WaitForPickUp
/sendkey up ctrl

Sub WaitForPickUp
|/echo "Sub WaitForPickup"
/varset DropPickup_Timeout 20
/delay 1
/if "$cursor()"!="TRUE" /if n $DropPickup_Timeout>0 /goto :SUBWAITFORPICKUP

Sub WaitForDrop
|/echo "Sub WaitForDrop"
/varset DropPickup_Timeout 50
/if "$cursor()"=="TRUE" /if n $DropPickup_Timeout>0 /goto :SUBWAITFORDROP

Sub ClearCursor
| remove any items from the cursor
/if "$cursor()"!="TRUE" /return
/click left auto
/delay 2

Sub CleanPack
/press ctrl
/sendkey down shift
/varcalc l0 $pack($p0,slots)-1

/for l1 0 to $l0
/if "$item($p0,$l1,name)"!=NULL {
/click left pack $p0 $l1
/call WaitForPickUp
/click left auto
/call WaitForDrop
/if $pack($p0,empty)==TRUE /goto :ExitCleanPack
/next l1
/sendkey up shift
/press shift

Sub DoCombine
/varset Combine_Flag 0
/click left pack $p0 combine
/varset Misc_Timeout 10

/delay 2
/if n $Misc_Timeout==0 /if n $Combine_Flag==0 {
/echo missed combine click
/goto :DoCombine
/if n $Misc_Timeout>0 /if n $Combine_Flag==0 /goto :WaitForCombine

/if n $Combine_Flag==2 {
/click left auto
/delay 2
/call ClearCursor

Sub Event_MedTime
| we should never reach here, but if we do
| just make them chill for a bit
/echo Warning! We ran out of mana! Delaying 30 seconds
/delay 30s

Sub Event_Breeze
/varset BreezeFlag 1

Sub Event_CombineFail
|/echo event combine fail
/varadd Failed_Count 1
/varset Combine_Flag 1

Sub Event_CombineSucceed
|/echo event combine succeed
/varset Combine_Flag 2

Sub Event_Chat
|/echo "Chat event detected p0: $p0 p1: $p1"
/if "$p0"=="tell" {
/if "$p1"~~"$Merchant_Name" {
/varset Open_Flag 1
} else {
/echo "$p1 told $char(name), $p2"
/if "$p0"=="say" /if "$p1"~~"$Merchant_Name" /varset Open_Flag 1

| - SpellSub.mac -
| Modified extensively to work with druid helper ap
| first never med, we will control that
| we also want the macro to cast a spell regardless
| so make allowances for movement, etc and cast
| when it can
| Spell Casting Sub routine - Usage "/call SpellSub
| "

| movement logic
| don't cast if we are moving
| if we were moving and have stopped, do a little jiggle and delay
| prior to casting. This fixes the problem that we were always interrupted
| when we would cast after movement.

| setup all possible events that could occur
#Event CastStart "You begin casting"
#Event CastOutOfMana "Insufficient Mana to cast this spell!"
#Event CastFizzle "Your spell fizzles!"
#Event CastInterrupt "Your spell is interrupted."
#Event CastResist "Your target resisted"
#Event CastRecover "You haven't recovered yet"
#Event CastRange "Your target is out of range"
#Event CastStand "You must be standing"

#define MOVEFLAG v97

Sub SpellSub
/varset v98 $p0
/varset v99 $p1
/varset MOVEFLAG 0

/varset v10 $char(speed)
/if n $v10!=0 {
/echo Moving, delaying cast
/varset MOVEFLAG 1
/delay 1
/goto :ReCast

/if n $MOVEFLAG!=0 {
/echo Recovering from move
/varset MOVEFLAG 0
/press right
/press left
/delay 1

/varset v1 0
/cast $v98
/delay 1s
/if n $v1>1 /goto :ReCast

Sub Event_CastStart
/delay $v99s

Sub Event_CastOutOfMana
/echo Out of Mana Detected
/varset v1 1

Sub Event_CastFizzle
/echo Fizzle Detected
/varset v1 2

Sub Event_CastInterrupt
/echo Interrupt detected
/varset v1 3

Sub Event_CastResist
/echo Resist detected
/varset v1 4

Sub Event_CastRecover
/echo Recover detected
/varset v1 5
/delay 1

Sub Event_CastRange
/echo out of range detected
/varset v1 6
/delay 2

Sub Event_CastStand
/echo stand detected
/varset v1 7

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