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Please Read Here : EQ1 EverQuest 1 Submissions

Posted: March 13th, 2004, 5:56 pm

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Posted: April 4th, 2004, 1:30 pm
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Hey everyone Friend told me about this macro but im kinda dumb in making them work so feel free to give this a whirl and tell me what you think of it. Supposed to land you 5-8k and hour

| srv.mac
| --make a silver ruby veil --
| remember to have at least 132 * 20 = 2640 plat on have initially.
| Jewellers Kit is in the last slot
| breeze is on gem 1 (or KEI if you have it)
| enchant silver is on gem 8
| you are positioned between the two vendors
| this macro enchants one bar of silver and then meds a veil during
| the mana regen time
| mana is allowed to drop to 50% before you are force to wait
| and regen it each cycle.
#chat say
#chat tell

#include SpellSub.mac
#Event MedTime "Insufficient Mana to cast this spell"
#Event Breeze "The light breeze fades."
#event CombineSucceed "You have fashioned the items together to create something new!"
#event CombineFail "You lacked the skills to fashion the items together."

#define Ingredient_Ruby "Ruby"
#define Ingredient_Bar "Silver Bar"
#define Ingredient_Silver "Enchanted Silver Bar"
#define Product_Veil "Silver Ruby Veil"

#define Jewellers_Kit 7

#define maxiskill v55
#define FORAGE 2
#define SITFLAG v81
#define OldMana v82
#define NetMana v83
#define BreezeFlag v84
#define GameTime v85
#define Index1 v33
#define Combine_Flag v30

#define DropPickup_Timeout t0
#define Loop_Time t1
#define Regen_Time t2
#define Misc_Timeout t3

#define Merchant_Name v34
#define Open_Flag v35
#define Order_Amount v36
#define Temp_Var v37
#define Plat_Start v38
#define Plat_End v39
#define Plat_Net v40
#define Elapsed_Time v41
#define Plat_Per_Hr v42
#define Failed_Count v43

Sub Main

/filter name remove all
/filter name add You have fashioned the items together to create an alternate product.
/filter name add You lacked the skills to fashion the items together.
/filter name add You have fashioned the items together to create something new!
/filter name add You can no longer advance your skill from making this item.

/call ResetStats

/varset BreezeFlag 0
/call OpenPacks

/call CheckInventory
/call EnchantSilver
/call RegenMana
/goto :Loop


Sub ResetStats
/varcalc Plat_Start $char(plat)+$char(gold)/10+$char(silver)/100+$char(copper)/1000
/varset Loop_Time 12000
/varset Failed_Count 0

Sub CalcStats
/varcalc Plat_End $char(plat)+$char(gold)/10+$char(silver)/100+$char(copper)/1000
/varcalc Plat_Net $Plat_End-$Plat_Start
/echo Net profit this loop is $Plat_Net
/varcalc Elapsed_Time 12000-$Loop_Time
/varcalc Elapsed_Time $Elapsed_Time/10/60
/echo Loop took $Elapsed_Time min to complete
/varcalc Plat_Per_Hr $Plat_Net*60/$Elapsed_Time
/echo $Plat_Per_Hr plat/hr
/echo $Failed_Count failures!
/call ResetStats

Sub CheckInventory
| assume if we are out of rubies we are out of silver
/if n $count("Ingredient_Ruby")>0 /if n $count("Ingredient_Bar")>0 /return

/call OpenMerchant "Kirem"
/call Sell "Product_Veil"
/call Buy "Ingredient_Ruby" 1
/call CloseMerchant

/call OpenMerchant "Audri"
/call Buy "Ingredient_Bar" 1
/call CloseMerchant
/call CalcStats


Sub SellItems
|/warp 143.88 104.16 -26.87
/call OpenMerchant "Kirem"
/call Sell "Product_Veil"
/call CloseMerchant

Sub CheckBreeze
/if $char(buff,1)==NULL /varset BreezeFlag 1

/if n $BreezeFlag>0 {
/target myself
/call SpellSub 1 5s
/varset BreezeFlag 0

Sub RegenMana
| set regen time to 5 * 4 secs
/varset Regen_Time 300
/call LookDown
/call CheckBreeze
/if n $freeinv(space)>=4 /if n $count("Ingredient_Ruby")>0 /if n $count("Ingredient_Silver")>0 /call MakeVeil
/delay 10
|/varcalc NetMana $char(mana,cur)-$OldMana
|/if n $NetMana<0 /if n $Regen_Time>0 /goto :RegenLoop
/if n $char(mana,pct)<50 /if n $Regen_Time>0 /goto :RegenLoop
|/varcalc NetMana $char(mana,cur)-$OldMana
|/echo Mana: $char(mana,cur) net: $NetMana


Sub MakeVeil
/call GetIngredient "Ingredient_Ruby"
/call PutIngredient Jewellers_Kit 0

/call GetIngredient "Ingredient_Silver"
/call PutIngredient Jewellers_Kit 1

/call DoCombine Jewellers_Kit

Sub EnchantSilver
/if n $count("Ingredient_Bar")==0 /return
/varset OldMana $char(mana,cur)
/call SpellSub 8 0
/delay 55
/delay 10
/call ClearCursor

Sub OpenPacks
/press shift
/press ctrl
/press alt
/press esc
/press esc
/press esc
/press i
/delay 2
/for Index1 0 to 7
/if $pack($Index1,open)!=TRUE /click right inv $Index1
/delay 5
/next Index1

Sub LookDown
/sendkey down page_down
/delay 10
/sendkey up page_down

Sub LookUp
/press home

Sub BuySellItem
/varcalc v1 $char(plat)*1000+$char(gold)*100+$char(silver)*10+$char(copper)
/sendkey down shift
/click left merchant buy
|/if n fastmerch==1 /goto :doneBuySell
/if n $v1==$calc($char(plat)*1000+$char(gold)*100+$char(silver)*10+$char(copper)) /goto :WaitBuy
/sendkey up shift

Sub Sell
/if n $count("$p0")==0 /return
/varset Open_Flag 0
/finditem "$p0"
/varset Misc_Timeout 50
/delay 2
/if n $Misc_Timeout>0 /if n $Open_Flag==0 /goto :WaitForResponse
/call BuySellItem
/goto :SellingExact

Sub Buy
| Sub Buy calculates and makes sure we at least have
| the number of stacks requested on hand

| for some reason if we don't put a delay in before
| the call to /selectitem, the client crashes

| Ingredient_Meat is a special case
| we buy Ingredient_Meat, but we store Ingredient_Fillet

/echo "Sub Buy $p0 $p1"

/varcalc Temp_Var $p1*20
/echo 1:$Temp_Var
/varsub Temp_Var $count("$p0")
/echo 2:$Temp_Var
/varcalc Temp_Var $Temp_Var/20
/echo 3:$Temp_Var
/varadd Temp_Var .99
/echo 4:$Temp_Var
/varset Order_Amount $int($Temp_Var)
/echo "Ordering more $p0"
/echo "We asked to have at least $p1 stacks."
/echo We have $count("$p0") on hand.
/echo We need to order $Order_Amount stacks.

/if n $Order_Amount<=0 /return

|/if n $Order_Amount>$calc($freeinv(space)-10) {
| /echo ERROR! $Order_Amount > $freeinv(space) minus 10
| /endmacro

/delay 10
/varset Open_Flag 0
/selectitem "$p0"
/varset Misc_Timeout 50
/delay 2
/if n $Misc_Timeout>0 /if n $Open_Flag==0 /goto :WaitForBuyResponse
/if n $Open_Flag==0 {
/echo "ERROR! No response from merchant to buy!"
/for Index1 1 to $Order_Amount
/delay 2
/call BuySellItem
/next Index1

Sub OpenMerchant

/target npc "$p0"
/if $target()==FALSE {
/echo "ERROR! Unable to open merchant $p0"
/delay 10

/varset Merchant_Name "$p0"
/varset Open_Flag 0

/call LookUp

/target "$Merchant_Name"
/if "$target(name)"~~"$Merchant_Name" {
|/click right target
/press u
} else {
/goto :ClickMerchant
/varset Misc_Timeout 50
/delay 2
/if n $Misc_Timeout>0 /if n $Open_Flag==0 /goto :WaitForOpen
/if n $Open_Flag==0 {
/echo "ERROR! Unable to open merchant $Merchant_Name"

Sub CloseMerchant
/click left merchant done

Sub PutIngredient
/click left pack $p0 $p1
/call WaitForDrop

Sub GetIngredient
/if n $count("$p0")==0 {
/echo "ERROR! We ran out of $p0 before we should have!"
/sendkey down ctrl
/finditem "$p0"
/call WaitForPickUp
/sendkey up ctrl

Sub WaitForPickUp
|/echo "Sub WaitForPickup"
/varset DropPickup_Timeout 20
/delay 1
/if "$cursor()"!="TRUE" /if n $DropPickup_Timeout>0 /goto :SUBWAITFORPICKUP

Sub WaitForDrop
|/echo "Sub WaitForDrop"
/varset DropPickup_Timeout 50
/if "$cursor()"=="TRUE" /if n $DropPickup_Timeout>0 /goto :SUBWAITFORDROP

Sub ClearCursor
| remove any items from the cursor
/if "$cursor()"!="TRUE" /return
/click left auto
/delay 2

Sub CleanPack
/press ctrl
/sendkey down shift
/varcalc l0 $pack($p0,slots)-1

/for l1 0 to $l0
/if "$item($p0,$l1,name)"!=NULL {
/click left pack $p0 $l1
/call WaitForPickUp
/click left auto
/call WaitForDrop
/if $pack($p0,empty)==TRUE /goto :ExitCleanPack
/next l1
/sendkey up shift
/press shift

Sub DoCombine
/varset Combine_Flag 0
/click left pack $p0 combine
/varset Misc_Timeout 10

/delay 2
/if n $Misc_Timeout==0 /if n $Combine_Flag==0 {
/echo missed combine click
/goto :DoCombine
/if n $Misc_Timeout>0 /if n $Combine_Flag==0 /goto :WaitForCombine

/if n $Combine_Flag==2 {
/click left auto
/delay 2
/call ClearCursor

Sub Event_MedTime
| we should never reach here, but if we do
| just make them chill for a bit
/echo Warning! We ran out of mana! Delaying 30 seconds
/delay 30s

Sub Event_Breeze
/varset BreezeFlag 1

Sub Event_CombineFail
|/echo event combine fail
/varadd Failed_Count 1
/varset Combine_Flag 1

Sub Event_CombineSucceed
|/echo event combine succeed
/varset Combine_Flag 2

Sub Event_Chat
|/echo "Chat event detected p0: $p0 p1: $p1"
/if "$p0"=="tell" {
/if "$p1"~~"$Merchant_Name" {
/varset Open_Flag 1
} else {
/echo "$p1 told $char(name), $p2"
/if "$p0"=="say" /if "$p1"~~"$Merchant_Name" /varset Open_Flag 1

| - SpellSub.mac -
| Modified extensively to work with druid helper ap
| first never med, we will control that
| we also want the macro to cast a spell regardless
| so make allowances for movement, etc and cast
| when it can
| Spell Casting Sub routine - Usage "/call SpellSub
| "

| movement logic
| don't cast if we are moving
| if we were moving and have stopped, do a little jiggle and delay
| prior to casting. This fixes the problem that we were always interrupted
| when we would cast after movement.

| setup all possible events that could occur
#Event CastStart "You begin casting"
#Event CastOutOfMana "Insufficient Mana to cast this spell!"
#Event CastFizzle "Your spell fizzles!"
#Event CastInterrupt "Your spell is interrupted."
#Event CastResist "Your target resisted"
#Event CastRecover "You haven't recovered yet"
#Event CastRange "Your target is out of range"
#Event CastStand "You must be standing"

#define MOVEFLAG v97

Sub SpellSub
/varset v98 $p0
/varset v99 $p1
/varset MOVEFLAG 0

/varset v10 $char(speed)
/if n $v10!=0 {
/echo Moving, delaying cast
/varset MOVEFLAG 1
/delay 1
/goto :ReCast

/if n $MOVEFLAG!=0 {
/echo Recovering from move
/varset MOVEFLAG 0
/press right
/press left
/delay 1

/varset v1 0
/cast $v98
/delay 1s
/if n $v1>1 /goto :ReCast

Sub Event_CastStart
/delay $v99s

Sub Event_CastOutOfMana
/echo Out of Mana Detected
/varset v1 1

Sub Event_CastFizzle
/echo Fizzle Detected
/varset v1 2

Sub Event_CastInterrupt
/echo Interrupt detected
/varset v1 3

Sub Event_CastResist
/echo Resist detected
/varset v1 4

Sub Event_CastRecover
/echo Recover detected
/varset v1 5
/delay 1

Sub Event_CastRange
/echo out of range detected
/varset v1 6
/delay 2

Sub Event_CastStand
/echo stand detected
/varset v1 7

Posted: May 10th, 2004, 5:33 pm
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dont think that works anymore

Posted: May 27th, 2004, 9:16 pm
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EverQuest - Early Money: Fishing Around

This article will cover Fishing in everquest. I like to fish in reality (wait, there's something besides EQ?) so I figured an article on fishing in game would be nice. It's something anybody can do at almost any level and pass the time while making a little cash. You won't get any experience fishing but you can have fun while you wait for a group/raid whatever.

1.Fishing in Cobalt Scar

For fun and profit.

In Cobalt Scar you can find a fish called Cobalt Cod. It's a fairly common catch, along with the rusty daggers and tattered sandals, and is actually in pretty high demand from tailors. The cod sells for between 30p and 50p each in the Bazaar or auction channel. I find I can generally catch between 20 and 30 per hour of fishing. If you want to make a little more plat, combine the Cobalt Cod and a flask of water in a brew barrel to make Cod Oil (trivial at 6. This sells for around 75p. You should also save the Dragon Bay Snapper which you will catch along with the Cobalt Cod. Combine this with water in a brew barrel to raise your skill before attempting the Cod. You can sell the resulting Snapper Oil for 1 or 2p in the bazaar. The Cobalt Cod and Dragon Snapper are food items, so make sure you don't eat your supplies.

You can fish while sitting as well as standing, so this is an ideal pursuit while meditating or healing after hunting in this zone.

This is a fairly high level zone, so if you are KOS here, you will need to avoid the Wyverns and Cobalt Drakes, which will hit you with a nasty damage spell. The easiest way that I've found to get here is to get a port into CS and head straight out from the dragon ring, using levitation and invisibility, and down to the beach. If you can't get levitation, there is a ramp down to the beach at Loc 650 -1710. The Othmirs lining the beach should con indifferent unless you have been hunting them.

Since this will require a port to reach, you may want to spend some time maxing your fishing skill , and take plenty of bait and spare fishing poles with you and prepare to stay a few hours. There are some merchants at the eastern end of the beach who will purchase your rusty daggers and tattered sandals if you don't just toss them on the ground. Unfortunately there isn't one in Cobalt Scar who sells bait or poles.

While you are there take advantage of the fact that Blumblum Swigwater at Loc 235, -1480 is the only vendor in Norrath to sell brown algae, which is used in trade recipes for coldain heaters. The cost is trivial, about 3 gold for a stack of 20, so buy a few stacks while you are here and sell them in the Bazaar for a healthy profit to those tradeskillers unable or unwilling to visit Cobalt Scar.

What's that??? You don't know how to fish?? Well, fishing is just about the easiest skill to learn and the quickest to turn a profit. All you need is a fishing pole, some bait, and somewhere to fish. You can buy a fishing pole and bait from these suppliers:

Butcherblock: Indudul Dumirgun (first shop on left out of Kaladim), Gamin Grimstone (third shop on left out of Kaladim), Parn Gylwyn (docks).

East Karana: Bradly & Julie (Loc -830, -100)

Erudin: Teria Finleather in Erudin Surplus

Feerrott: Kogg (Loc 1050, 1460)

Felwithe: Jassa (Bait & Tackle Shop)

Firiona Vie: Dorg McMerin (Loc -3900, 1660)

Freeport East: Iscar Sailspin, Tanlok Harson, Iseba Gargurd, Tarker Gargurd (Port Authority)

Freeport North: Yellus Gravien & Gibbon Morfield (Office of Landholders)

Gulf of Gunthak: Muxzog Gradok (Lighthouse)

Gukta: Zok Geewuk (Loc 220, -170), Zok Siaa ( Loc 200, -310), Zok Glag (Loc 400, 220)

Lake of Ill Omen: Klok Gnask (Loc 6400, -6350)

Kaladim: Doranafi Ratsbone, near Cleric Guild.

Kelethin: Merchant Kwein (Near Priest of Discord)

North Ro Desert: Tia Sandfisher, Juni Sandfisher (Barbarian fishing village)

Plane of Knowledge: Ramos Jerwan (Loc -20, 1430), Daeld Atand (Loc 10, 1430)

Qeynos South: Captain Rohand (Mermaid's Lure)

Qeynos North: Sneed Galliway (Galliway's Trading Post)

Rivervale: Fiddy Bobbick and Wibble Bramblebush (Dock), Dock Merchant (opposite Dock)

Shadow Haven: Hintol Balkortak (Loc -440, 1380)

Surefall Glade: Grathin Nilm (Ranger Guild)

Timorous Deep: Seloris Windweaver (Loc -4870, -3440)

Twilight: Bella Stremi (Loc -230, -880)

West Commons: Maula Fishcatcher (single building by lake)

West Karana Misla McManus (Barbarian fishing village)

How to Fish -just in case you didn't know-

Place the fishing pole in your primary inventory slot (hand), face the water and click on the Fishing button in your actions window. That's it! See I told you it was simple. Then just drop anything you catch into your inventory and repeat. You will catch a whole variety of stuff. From fresh fish, fish scales (used for enduring breathe spell), rusty daggers, tattered cloth sandals and zone specific items. Fresh fish is a food item, zone specific items are mostly used for tradeskills, the rest of the stuff I generally drop on the ground or sell to merchants for some pocket change. Fishing skill increases quickly at the early skill levels but is capped at your character level x 5 + 5. As an example, a level 20 character will have a maximum fishing skill level of 20 x 5 + 5 = 105.

2. Gunthak Fishing

If you have the LoY expansion and like to fish, you can always head over to the Gulf of Gunthak. Here you'll find that four zone specific fish have been added they are, Moray Eel, Deep Sea Urchin, Ovate Jellyfish and Gunthak Gourami. You can buy your bait and supplies in the lighthouse from Muxzog Gradok and fish from the rocks to the south. Each of the fish are used in LoY baking recipes for stat enhancing food. The fish sell for around 10p each or more depending on your server. You can also sell these zone specific fish to the vendors in the lighthouse for a little under one plat each. Here is a map of Gunthak with the lighthouse marked for reference.(thanks as always to eq atlas for the great maps)

3. Saving seaweed

Don't toss your profits overboard.

Most people tend to throw the seaweed they catch back, but in EQ it can be a treasured item! Saltwater seaweed to be specific which is caught in, Ocean of Tears, Timorous Deep or Firiona Vie, and butcherblock, is used in several quests and also for tradeskill tempers. I generally catch 20 to 30 of these an hour, along with the other trash, and sell them in the Bazaar for upwards of 25p each.

The good news, if you have fished for this stuff before, is that now it stacks.

My favorite fishing spot is the first stop on the boat, or translocator, as the boats rarely work nowadays, from Butcherblock to Firiona Vie. There is a merchant selling bait and fishing supplies at the end of the boat dock. Sell all the rusty daggers and tattered sandals back to the merchant to pay for bait and broken fishing poles. The spot is marked as no. 18 on the map below.

That about covers things for now. I will of course be writing more articles geared toward platinum making techniques that newbies or lower level players can use. Also I always welcome criticism or suggestions. If you feel I missed something or can add to the stuff I post please feel free to add some feedback. Also if you liked the article please give it a good ranking to keep it on the list a while longer so more people can get to see it.


EverQuest - Tip: Stalking Probes

Stalking Probes
are very useful, whether you are a Melee or a Caster. The uses are as follows:
1) Explore dungeons, so that you can see mobs risk-free 2) Summon an eye, and
lifetap it to regain lost health. 3) Target a mob with the eye, and use Pacify
through the wall to help with pulling. They can often be found in bazaar for
10-15pp. Heres a trick: Buy one for this price (or make them on your own) and
sell them to a vendor when there is 1 charge left. They sell for about 7pp, so
you regain half of what you spent.


EverQuest - Three Little Tips For New Rogues

New Rogue Tips:

1) Solo as much as possible below level 20.
It is vital to get your Defense, Dodge, and Parry skills as high as possible
at this point in the game. Beyond level 20 you will likely be in a group
avoiding hits so your defensive skills will suffer. Get them as high as
possible before then.

2) Backstab from In-Front.
When solo-ing or if you simply can not shed the agro, use backstab from
any side. It provides you yet another chance to do normal piercing damage
(not backstab damage) and potentially interrupt a caster even if you are
not facing the mob's backside.

3) Stamina, Stamina, and more Stamina
99% of the Rogue creation guides out there ignore stamina because they were
written prior to the Endurance pool and new disciplines. It is VERY important
that you have a reasonable stamina pool when you hit level 20 and higher
otherwise you will not be able to use your disciplines as often as you would
like. For example, at level 22 rogues can Snare a target with Tendon Strike
but it eats up endurance (just like a caster's mana). Don't ignore stamina
as the older guides suggest.

Posted: June 10th, 2004, 5:46 pm
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:!: Please read this ENTIRE post before starting,as there are 2 different methods giving each and every step in full detail, see the bottom under RECAP and you will see how short it all is!

:idea: Downloading the EMU

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
You may obtain the newest version of the emulator from:


the newest version for download... will change frequently.

Unzipping the EMU

I suggest letting your unzipper ( such as winzip) handle everything. In the case of winzip it will be unzipped to C:\unzipped .

Configuring the EMU

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
Open the EMU folder then open ethernalquest folder and right click on emuconfig.dat then select edit. This should open it in notepad.( with older versions of windows you may need to open notepad and navigate to the emulator and open the file, making sure all file types is chosen or you wont see the file)

edit the line:

EverquestDir=C:\\Program Files\\Everquest

for the correct everquest path ( for instance C:\\Program Files\\Sony\\Trilogy\\Everquest or whatever yours is)

save the file and exit.

Starting the emulator

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
Double click on startemu.bat

wait a moment for it to load.

Patching EQ to live

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
Simply start the Everquest patcher as normal and allow it to complete the scan.( do NOT close the patcher.

Running Everquest

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
I find it easiest to create a shortcut on my desktop. To do so right click on an empty space and select NEW then SHORTCUT. A window should come up asking for the location. Select browse and go to your eqgame.exe file. then you need to edit it a slight bit.It should read something similar to:

"C:\Program Files\EverQuest\eqgame.exe"

(only with your everquest path)
you need to add the word patchme after it so it is:

"C:\Program Files\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" patchme

( make sure you have the quotes, and a space between the last quote and patchme.)

OR you may select play on the patcher, but you may need to rerun the patcher if you crash, but if you leave it open you should beable to simply use the shortcut and start again without patching.

Swapping the eqhost.txt file

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
Go back to the emulator folder ( :!: C:\unzipped\Emu_0_7_11a\EthernalQuest by default) and right click on eqhost.txt and select copy. Now go back to your Everquest folder and right click a blank spot,and select paste. ( when asked to overwrite select yes...)

<NOTE: if you ever want to play live EQ, simply run the patcher and it will patch the eqhost.txt file back to the original.>

Beginning the Everquest

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
Double click on the shortcut you made... it should bring you straight to the EULA skipping the patcher. for a username and password type in anything you want ( it will create this account, so remember your password,and you can play your chars at will)...

:!: :arrow: REcaP

For your own personal server:

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
1. download EMU
2. unzip EMU
3. set correct everquest path in emuconfig.dat
4. patch everquest
5. place the emulators eqhost.txt file in your everquest folder,overwriting the old one.
6. double click startemu.bat
7. create patchme shortcut
8. double click patchme shortcut.
9. enter any username and password, making sure to remember it.


:!: If you are having problems with running the emulator:

:!: :idea:
(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
1. check this setup post to make sure you are properly set-up
2. do a search of this forum for your problem ( for instance error 1001 ) and read the posts for possible solutions.
3. if you are still having problems, post a new topic in this forum with the title stating your error ( for instance: Error 1001 ) ... then in your post we need the following things:

1. complete and exact setup for the emulator including the path for your everquest folder, the path copied and pasted from emuconfig.dat, and each step you took.
2. what server are you connecting to?...exors, zordons, or a personal server?
3. an exacting wording of any error messages received.
4. include any firewalls you have installed.

Posted: July 7th, 2004, 5:48 am
Tault_Tault Community

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Okey i've been playing EQ for a very long while, haven't explorted it in a while tho since most of what i log on to do is raid. but i really want a free membership so i can see the explorits from Lineage 2. here are a few things.

First of theres MySEQ which gives you the track ability no matter what class, it very handy if your a monk. gives you the exact location of any mobs that are up no matter the zone. great program to scout zones for your guild.
(side note, MySEQ can be detected by a GM but only if he scans you, so if you keep quiet you won't have a problem. i have been using it for a very long time and never had a problem, it also shows you spell durations)
now, linx version is undetectable.

Heres a very good soloing guild for necros.

Where: Doomfire, The Burning Lands (Plane of Fire)
Place: The Picnic Tables (Tables)
What You Need: Level 65 and Elemental Access.

Recommended: Decently filled out Spell Book. (Horror, Saryrn's Companion, Blood of Thule, Seduction of Saryrn)

I also recommend you have a decent mana pool as well as various item focus effects. EX: Extended Range IV, Burning Affliction IV, Extended Torment IV, Affliction Efficiency IV, and Affliction Haste IV.
Below is a list of some various place you can find the Focus Effects I recommended above.

Extended Range IV: The easiest would be to join a pickup tower raid in BoT or have your guild raid Chaoswind. He drops Wand of the Ice Storm which has great stats and this effect.
Wand of the Ice Storm

Burning Affliction IV: You could either get the summoned magician item or get the Ceramic Shackles of Torment which most likely cost a bundle on your server. I recommend raiding The Tower of Solusek Ro and killing The Protector of Dresolik for his Wand of the Firestorm. The Wand of the Firestorm has Focus Effect: Vengeance of Time, which is slightly better then Burning Affliction IV.
Ceramic Shackles of Torment
Wand of the Firestorm

Extended Torment IV: The best place to get this is at the LDoN Butcherblock Camp. It costs 1450 points and can go into slot 7. I recommend putting it on your Wand of the Ice Storm or Wand of the Firestorm, if you have either of those items.
Jagged Gravestone of Affliction

Affliction Efficiency IV: Ceramic Gavel of Justice is the easiest way to get this focus effect, but it takes up a valuable slot and does not have very good stats besides the focus. You could raid Paffa in Crypt of Decay for the NEC only earring that he drops which has good stats and this focus effect.
Ceramic Gavel of Justice
Festering Earlobe

Afflictin Haste IV: Ceramic Skull of Decay has this focus effect, but as above that is all the item is good for. I personally do not have this focus effect and use Haste of Solusek which can be found on Blood Runed Battle Wand as well as other items.
Ceramic Skull of Decay
Blood Runed Battle Wand

Now that you have a good arsenal of focus effects you will have to get yourself to the Tables. This spot is somewhat far from the zone in to Plane of Fire, but once you have done the run several times it becomes very easy. Below is a map which shows the route to tables. Please note this is not a complete map of Plane of Fire, and only serves to show you how to reach the Tables.

http://www.TAULTUNLEASHED RULES.com/necrotables_files/doomfire.jpg

Map Guide

The red numbers on the map correspond to the numbers blow.

1.) The zone in/out. If you need to zone out, click the small tree with the flames on it next to the stone huts. Before you leave this spot cast Dead Man Floating and invisibility on yourself. It also would not hurt to have Run III, Jboots, SoW, or SoE.

2.) After following the blue line on the map you will find yourself up on a hill. This is where the DMF will come in handy. You will see a large fortress in front of you with several guards patrolling the wall. You need to levitate from the highest you can get on the mountain to the closest part of the wall. It may take several tries but you will eventually get used to it.

3.) Once you have made it out of the fortress you will see two short, wide pillars and a bridge going over a lava pool. Depending on your luck there may or may not be two named firebirds on those pillars. If there are then face the bridge and go right along the zone wall until you get past the lava pool. If they are not up simple cross the bridge and follow the blue line on the map. As you cross this large plain, you may notice large named monsters walking around. Avoid these, as they will see through your invis. I also recommend you consider (right click) each black horse that you see, as some see through invis.

4.) This is the entrance to the castle. There will be several guards patrolling the entrance. Wait until the guards pass and run inside the castle, following the blue line on the map. All mobs from here on in have a very small aggro radius, but if you get aggro from here on out get to the tables and feign death.

5.) Welcome to The Picnic Tables. On the map you will notice a green line, several red dots, and a large yellow dot. The red dots are the monsters you will be kiting around the tables. The green line is where I recommend you kite. The yellow line is the Fennin Ro Encounter's trigger. Do not try to solo this under any circumstances. It has a small aggro radius, but stay as far away as possible. The monsters you will be fighting have a very small aggro radius, and will not assist each other if you pull one of a group of two or more.

Kiting The Monsters

My number one piece of advice to you is to never get hit while kiting. The monsters can hit for around 900 damage, and they do it fast. Do not take risks in kiting here. If you do not think your spell will cast in time, run ahead of the monster and try again. They do not summon, and none of them inside the Tables area cast. If you run out of mobs you can pull from inside the castle back to the tables.

Use whatever spell line up is best for you, but I recommend you have the following spells up at all times.

Embracing Darkness
You will want your best snare spell for obvious reasons. It is sometimes resisted, and if it is, run far enough ahead so that you will not get hit while you are recasting.
This LDoN spell (bought at the Everfrost camp) is a Necromancer's most damaging DoT. Unfortunatly it is resisted sometimes at this camp, but it is still worth it in the long run.
Blood of Thule
You will want to use this spell instead of Funeral Pyre due to the fact that all monsters in Doomfire are totally immune to any fire based spell. It does decent damage, even if it does cost a bit much mana.
Saryrn's Kiss
I recommend using this over Touch of Mujaki (DD Life Tap) due to it being more mana efficient. You will recover the damage done to yourself from Seduction of Saryrn (HP to Mana Over Time) as well as do more damage overall for less mana.

I would also recommend Dark Plague or Splurt for some extra damage, but it is your choice.

I suggest you use Saryrn's Companion as your pet, as you will be kiting the entire time and the backstabs from your pet will add up. The benefit of having a bit more HP with Child of Bertoxxulous is negated by the fact that if your pet is hit, it is probably dead anyway.

You can expect about 14% AA EXP per solo kill here, as the monsters are high red. Should you choose to group here, experience will be decreased per kill, but you will make up for it by killing more in the same amount of time. I will leave you to choose if you wish to solo or group here.

Now i also know alot of stratigies for PoP bosses/ solo strats for casters from 1-65 heh but i don't want to take much space i really don't know what orther information you guys are looking for, but best way to make money if your starting out is farm bones, and sell in bazaar or farm spider silks in EK and sell them in the bazaar. theres also a very easy but bit risky way of farming in BoT (duoing) Mage/enc with a clerics are easy but now none EP zones are filled up so /shrug
most old exploits i've known have been fixed like the banker dupe in befallen lol now that rocked. ah you can also get a free horse but that just a quest,

In the new Befallen, there are a few skeletal excavators working near the entrance. Killing these eventually spawns "skeletal foreman". He's slightly harder than other first floor mobs, but only slighty; anyone capable of handling Befallen should be able to take him down. Upon his death, Sir Ariam Arcanum spawns in the back of the first floor "lobby", as a "shadowed man", or simply a name hanging in mid-air.
now just talk to him:
You say 'Hail, Sir Ariam Arcanum'

Sir Ariam Arcanum says 'My thanks for destroying these minions of Befallen's masters'
Sir Ariam's form suddenly contorts in agony. 'This accursed place rends my soul trying to twist me to its purposes. My time here is short.''

You say 'I sense a deep pain within you, ghost. Is there some way I might assist you so that you may find eternal rest?'
(How very perceptive of you! They expect all of that typed flawlessly. If it is, he will begin telling his story. Read it if you like, we're going to skip to the goodies.)

You say 'I will perform any task that will cleanse this place.'
(Saying that is optional. If you know his reply, you may skip to the next command.)

Sir Ariam Arcanum says 'I have this parchment that must be delivered to either the Knights of Truth in Freeport or to the Queen of Neriak. The contents of the note concern them both and I am desperate to have this matter addressed so ask that you take it to which ever of the cities will accept your presence. Will you take the note to the [Knights of Truth] or to [The Dead]?'

You say, 'knights of truth'

Sir Ariam Arcanum says 'It must be delivered to Sir Artanis in the city of Freeport. It details a terrible plan of the masters of this place to restore life to a foul necromancer named Marnek. The Burning Dead must not be allowed to achieve this goal. So that you may ride swiftly with news of this nefarious scheme, take this as well, the bridle to the noble steed that was entombed alive with me here. He has strength enough for one final ride.'
Here you obtain a Ghostly Bridle, a horse indeed, but this bridle is NORENT, and will disappear if you camp. Continue if you'd like to remove the NORENT tag from it, but it'll still just have one charge, Head to Freeport (or Neriak, if you chose "The Dead") and find Sir Artanis. Give Sir Artanis the bridle.

Sir Artanis says 'It was a fine and valiant steed to serve its master beyond the grave, but it looks to be near its end. But I have a fine eye for horses, and I dare say it will serve you one more time.'

You receive: Bridle of Sir Ariam.
hmm heres a good guilde on PoP progression flags http://www.graffe.com/quests.php?id=7

And i have lots more, but they arnt really exploits just mostly guildes, and stratigies, AA info, spell drops, Ornate and normal gear drops. nice plat farming mobs that can be done solo/duo'd. but not many explorts. SOE is very good at fixing any explorts, if only they could fix the in game gus as fast lol.

Posted: July 10th, 2004, 3:03 am
Tault_Tault Community

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From the graveyard in PoJ, you can pull the upper floor mobs through the cell windows. Walk to one of the windows, target the mob, cast a spell on it, and stand as close to the window as you can or the mob will run into the hallway. If you do this correctly, the mob will run at you and come through the window where your group can smash it.

Posted: July 26th, 2004, 9:48 am
Tault_Tault Community

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EverQuest Exploit:

Instant Shadownight Death Touch refresh

1. Preform a harm touch
2. Head over the the zone line and use one of your /disc the second before you zone.
3. When you zone over, harm touch will pop back up and be usuable.

Since you have four /disc 's you can do this four times an hour.

Posted: January 9th, 2005, 8:14 am
tault_gfather805's Reps:
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This is a guide to some enormous for Everquest.
This is a trigger to get the bazaar platinum bug.
You need a Enchanter, Druid, and (the person that wants the money)

Go to the PVP arena
Make sure no one is there except the 3 players. Make sure you are grouped and not soulbound in bazaar or nexus. Have the enchanter cast KEI, and as enchanter is casting KEI the druid cast any DOT spell on the enchanter so, Make this as close as possible, right when the enchanter casts KEI on the grp, the druid hits him with a dot, then enchanter and ruid sit, The player that wants money, attack druid once, and enchanter once, keep them making them sit down and attack them. Keep doing that until u kil both of them from sitting and attacking ( make sure they dont attack you ) when they die, as quick as you can zone to nexus, back to bazaar, nexus ( while ur zoning make sure the dead enchanter and druid dont rez or go get there bodies, dont let them be in bazaar or nexus.) after you zoned to bazaar the 3rd time, go to bank and wait for 10 minutes ( still have the enchanter and druid not rez or go to baz or nexus ) you will here the sound that u here when u ding, look in your inventory, ull have around 60000K + in platinum , it will only be ther efor 2 minutes, go buy stuff as fast as you can, cause the money will disapear in 2 minutes and your eq will crash ( it will just disconect ) then go back into EQ and the stuff you boguth will be there.


Do i get premiere membership Lol :)

Posted: January 9th, 2005, 8:15 am
tault_gfather805's Reps:
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This is a guide to some enormous for Everquest.
This is a trigger to get the bazaar platinum bug.
You need a Enchanter, Druid, and (the person that wants the money)

Go to the PVP arena
Make sure no one is there except the 3 players. Make sure you are grouped and not soulbound in bazaar or nexus. Have the enchanter cast KEI, and as enchanter is casting KEI the druid cast any DOT spell on the enchanter so, Make this as close as possible, right when the enchanter casts KEI on the grp, the druid hits him with a dot, then enchanter and ruid sit, The player that wants money, attack druid once, and enchanter once, keep them making them sit down and attack them. Keep doing that until u kil both of them from sitting and attacking ( make sure they dont attack you ) when they die, as quick as you can zone to nexus, back to bazaar, nexus ( while ur zoning make sure the dead enchanter and druid dont rez or go get there bodies, dont let them be in bazaar or nexus.) after you zoned to bazaar the 3rd time, go to bank and wait for 10 minutes ( still have the enchanter and druid not rez or go to baz or nexus ) you will here the sound that u here when u ding, look in your inventory, ull have around 60000K + in platinum , it will only be ther efor 2 minutes, go buy stuff as fast as you can, cause the money will disapear in 2 minutes and your eq will crash ( it will just disconect ) then go back into EQ and the stuff you boguth will be there.


Do i get premiere membership Lol :)

Posted: January 9th, 2005, 8:16 am
tault_gfather805's Reps:
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srry for dbl post, and this one hehe :\

Posted: January 15th, 2005, 3:30 am
tault_jakedead's Reps:
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That bug has happened to me before under different circumstances and you cannot spend the money. I never crashed so it might be different but I don't know.

Posted: May 16th, 2005, 5:56 am
tault_digitron's Reps:
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client exploit for ghosting in everquest

This is similar to something you'd find in EQ2, but in EQ1. You need to be in windowed mode. Okay, so let's say you find a locked door, but there's a mob inside? Well, all you have to do is Alt+Shift+R to get your cursor out of EQ, then click the top of the window so the drop down menu comes up. The EQ window should freeze, hold it there for a few seconds and then click back on the screen. The mob you wanted should be hitting you. What this does is it tricks the client into thinking that you walked past and opened the door, then went inside. A "ghosted" version of yourself should be aggroing the mob. This is very useful for a locked door where you need to pull mobs. You can also do the same when a mob is chasing you. Click on the top bar of the window so the dropdown menu comes up (says Close, Minimize, Maximize etc...) while a mob is chasing you. They follow the ghost and when you click back in and reappear they should be way ahead of you in the yonder, giving you enough time to run in the other direction! There are probably other uses for this, be creative

solo'ing semi-raid encounters:

t was done with specific plugins, and I am sure most of you know which. But this is the trick with a Ranger with some decent AA.

Go to Ikk3 (Ikkinz) group trial and kill 2 Flesh Hunters. Loot the bows and arrows. Equip the two bows in primary and secondary and watch yourself hit the mob for 1k+ with 3k crits super fast. If you equip the bow in range, and equip the arrow in ammo slot, you will hit 5k crits on your arrow dmg, and 11k with Truseshot.

While ghosting.. yada yada, they go hand in hand.

I don't know what exploits you have already, as I'm not a premium member. I'll supply all I have if these are in anyway helpful. Thanks

Posted: May 16th, 2005, 5:59 am
tault_digitron's Reps:
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AFK Cleric/Melee EXP Macro...Levels 60 to 66 Reply if helpful

This is for Plane of Justice.

The Requirements for this plugin are quite simple
-Tank 5k unbuffed or so No AA's
-Cleric 10+ UMR Better the tank lower the Mana regen can be.
-Uses 2 plugins that are in wide distribution. mq2warp and mq2moveutils.

Mobs will be dark blue til 67 at which point some of them go light blue.

Took 2 macros Hunter.mac and afkcleric.mac and tweaked them a bit.
Used this macro for about a month before I was caught by another player, and I was running it 24/7. Got about 150AA's with it at lvl 66.

Modified afkcleric Macro (Cleric Macro) v1.1

#include spell_routines.inc

#Chat Chat
#Chat tell

Sub Main

|------------READ THIS SECTION AND EDIT IF NEEDED-----------|
/declare myzone int outer ${Zone.ID}
/declare RV_MyZLOC int outer -100
/declare autohealmode int outer 0
/declare healspell string outer Complete Healing
/declare healspellrange int outer 100
/declare patchheal string outer Pious Remedy
/declare patchhealrange int outer 100
/declare yaulpspell string outer Yaulp VII
/declare autosit int outer 1
/declare distancetosit int outer 40
/declare autointerrupt int outer 1
/declare defaultstophealpoint int outer 65

|** Tweak Heals Here - tankhealpoint is for War/Pal/SK other
than MT, casterhotpoint and casterpatchpoint refer to
wiz/mag/enc/dru, necshmpatchpoint refers to necros and
shamans, defaultpatchpoint refers to all other classes. **|

/declare selfhealpoint int outer 65
/declare tankhealpoint int outer 65

|------------------------END EDITING------------------------|

/declare healpct int outer 60
/declare tankname string outer ${Target}
/declare tanknameid int outer
/declare tankclass string outer
/declare stophealpoint int outer ${defaultstophealpoint}

/if (!${Target.ID}) {
/echo Target the Tank when you run this macro to designate him as MT
} else {
/varset tanknameid ${Target.ID}
/varset tankclass ${Target.Class.Name}

/if (${Defined[Param0]}) {
/varset healpct ${Param0}
} else /echo No Heal% specified, defaulting to 60%

/if (!${Defined[Param1]}) {
/echo Usage: /mac AFCleric % healspell
} else {
/if (!${Defined[Param2]}) {
/varset healspell ${Param1}
} else /if (!${Defined[Param3]}) {
/varset healspell ${Param1} ${Param2}
} else /if (!${Defined[Param4]}) {
/varset healspell ${Param1} ${Param2} ${Param3}
} else {
/varset healspell ${Param1} ${Param2} ${Param3} ${Param4}

/echo Casting ${healspell} on ${tankname} at ${healpct}% HP

/if (${Target.Distance}>90) {
/delay 5s
/delay 1s
/warp target

/if (${RV_MyZLOC}>${Int[${Me.Z}]}) /warp target
/if (${String[${Spawn[${tanknameid}]}].NotEqual[${tankname}]}) /varset tanknameid 0
/if (!${Spawn[${tanknameid}].ID}) /if (${Spawn[${tankname}].ID}) {
/if (${SpawnCount[${tankname} ${tankclass}]}==1) {
/varset tanknameid ${Spawn[${tankname} ${tankclass}].ID}
/echo ${Spawn[${tankname} ${tankclass}].Name} is the designated MT and has ID# ${tanknameid}
/if ((!${Target.ID})||(${Target.ID}!=${tanknameid})) {
/if (${Spawn[${tanknameid}].ID}) /if (${Spawn[${tanknameid}].Type.NotEqual[Corpse]}) {
/target id ${tanknameid}
/delay 6 ${Target.ID}==${tanknameid}
/if (${GameState.Equal[CHARSELECT]}) /end
/if (${Target.ID}==${tanknameid}) {
/varset stophealpoint ${Math.Calc[${healpct}*1.1]}
/if ((${Target.Distance}<=${patchhealrange})&&(${Target.PctHPs}<=${Math.Calc[0.7*${healpct}]})&&(${Target.PctHPs}>=1)) {
/call Cast "${patchheal}" gem2 1s CheckHP
/delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${patchheal}]}
/if ((${Target.Distance}<=${healspellrange})&&(${Target.PctHPs}<=${healpct})&&(${Target.PctHPs}>=${Math.Calc[0.7*${healpct}]})) {
/call Cast "${healspell}" gem1 1s CheckHP
/delay 15 ${Me.SpellReady[${healspell}]}
/delay 10s
/varset stophealpoint ${defaultstophealpoint}
/call CheckEvents
/if ((${autosit}>=1)&&(${Bool[${Me.Sitting}]})&&(!${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open})) {
/if ((${Me.PctMana}>98)||(${Me.PctHPs}<=90)) /stand
/if ((${autosit}==1)&&(${Bool[${Me.Sitting}]})&&(!${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open})) {
/if (${NearestSpawn[NPC].Distance}<=${Math.Calc[${NearestSpawn[NPC].MaxRange}+${Math.Calc[${distancetosit}/3]}]}) /stand
/if ((${autohealmode}<2)&&(${Me.PctMana}<=98)) /call MedTime
/call CheckEvents
/goto :tankwatchloop

Sub CheckEvents
/delay 1
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<20) /gate
/if (!${Me.Buff["Armor of the Zealot"].Duration}&&(${Bool[${Me.Sitting}]})) /call cast "Armor of the Zealot" gem7 7s
/call GMCheck
/doevents Chat
/doevents tell
/doevents flush

Sub MedTime
/call CheckEvents
/if ((${autosit}==1)&&(${Me.PctMana}<=98)&&(!${Me.Casting.ID})) {
/if ((${Bool[${Me.Standing}]})&&(${NearestSpawn[NPC].Distance}>=${Math.Calc[${NearestSpawn[NPC].MaxRange}+${distancetosit}]})&&(${Me.PctHPs}>90)) /sit
/if ((${Bool[${Me.Sitting}]})&&(!${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open})&&(${NearestSpawn[NPC].Distance}<=${Math.Calc[${NearestSpawn[NPC].MaxRange}+${Math.Calc[${distancetosit}/3]}]})) /stand
/if ((${Bool[${Me.Standing}]})&&(${autosit}==2)&&(${Me.PctMana}<=98)&&(${Me.PctHPs}>90)&&(!${Me.Casting.ID})) /sit
/if ((${Bool[${Me.Sitting}]})&&(${autosit}>=1)&&(${Me.PctMana}>98)&&(!${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open})) /stand
/if ((${Bool[${Me.Standing}]})&&(!${Me.Mount.ID})&&(${Me.SpellReady[${yaulpspell}]})&&(!${Me.Buff[${yaulpspell}].ID})) {
/if ((!${Me.Buff[Vallon].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Spiritual Vigor].ID})&&(!${Me.Buff[Strength of Tunare].ID})) /call Cast "${yaulpspell}"

Sub CheckHP
/if (!${Window[CastingWindow].Open}) /return
/if ((${autointerrupt}>=1)&&(${Target.PctHPs}>=${stophealpoint})) {
/call Interrupt

Sub FindExactPC(string name)
/declare nameid int local
/declare counter int local 1
/if (!${NearestSpawn[${counter}, pc ${name}].ID}) /return NOT_FOUND
/varset nameid ${NearestSpawn[${counter}, pc ${name}].ID}
/if (${Spawn[${nameid}].CleanName.Equal[${name}]}) {
/target id ${nameid}
/delay 1s ${Target.ID}==${nameid}
/if (${Target.ID}==${nameid}) /return TARGET_SUCCESS
/varcalc counter ${counter}+1
/if (${NearestSpawn[${counter}, pc ${name}].ID}) /goto :FindNext
/return NOT_FOUND

Sub Event_Chat(string ChatType,string Sender,string ChatText)
/if (${ChatText.Equal[c]}) /call Cast "Conviction" gem8 10s
|SUB: GM Check
Sub GMCheck
/if (${Zone.ID}!=${myzone}) {
/nomodkey /keypress forward
/nomodkey /keypress left
/nomodkey /keypress right
/camp desktop
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {

/echo GM has entered the zone!
/echo !@#$%^&* HIM but ending the macro...

/keypress forward
/keypress back

/call Cast "${healspell}"
/delay 6s


Modified Hunter Macro (Melee Char) v1.1

| Modified Warping Hunter Macro
| Hunter.mac
| Author : noobhaxor (orginal code by robdog)
| Version : v1.1
| Useage : /macro Hunter
| Description : Use in Plane of Justice...will warp around and kill mobs in Basement
| Rooms. Most people never look in those rooms. Ideal Level 60 to 66.
|v1.1 Included /stick command, and improved Z axis checks, and Auto Camp (3/21/05)
#include spell_routines.inc
#turbo 10

Sub Main
/declare RV_MyZLOC int outer -100
/declare myzone int outer ${Zone.ID}
|Should I loot all items?
/declare RV_LootAllItems int outer 0
|Should I display stats?
/declare RV_DisplayStats int outer 1

|Loot Array Information.
/call ReadINI HunterMob.ini "${Zone.Name}" Mob
/if (!${Defined[RV_MobArray]}) {
/echo Mob Array Creation Error, ending macro...

|Mob Array Information.
/call ReadINI HunterLoot.ini "${Zone.Name}" Loot
/if (!${Defined[RV_LootArray]}) {
/echo No Loot Array Created...

|Variables that you don't need to worry about.
/declare RV_FailCounter int outer 0
/declare RV_MyTargetID int outer 0
/declare RV_MyTargetName string outer
/declare RV_MyTargetDead int outer 0
/declare RV_InvalidTargetID int outer 0
/declare RV_HasTarget int outer 0
/declare RV_RandomWait int outer 0
/declare RV_LootSlot int outer 0
/declare RV_CheckLook int outer 0
/declare RV_Fighting int outer 0
/declare RV_TargetDead int outer 0
/declare RV_MyXLOC int outer 0
/declare RV_MyYLOC int outer 0

/declare RV_FastRange int outer
/declare RV_RangeMax int outer
/declare RV_RangeMin int outer
/varcalc RV_FastRange ${RV_Range}+3
/varcalc RV_RangeMax ${RV_Range}+1
/varcalc RV_RangeMin ${RV_Range}-1

/call GMCheck
/call GetTarget

/if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call MoveToMob
/if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call CombatSub
/if (${RV_HasTarget}) /call MoveToMob
/if (${RV_HasTarget} && (${Defined[RV_LootArray]} || ${RV_LootAllItems})) /call LootMob
/if (${RV_DisplayStats}) /call DisplayStats
/call ResetSub

/varset RV_RandomWait ${Math.Rand[5]}
/varcalc RV_RandomWait ${RV_RandomWait}+1
/echo Paranoia - Waiting ${RV_RandomWait} seconds before resuming
/delay ${RV_RandomWait}s

/if (${Target.ID}) {
/echo Looks like something is attacking us, killing it...
/delay 1s
/varset RV_HasTarget 1
/varset RV_Fighting 1
/goto :KillAdds

/goto :Start


|SUB: Aquire Target
Sub GetTarget

/declare RV_CurrentRadius int local
/declare RV_TargetSub int local
/for RV_CurrentRadius 100 to ${RV_MaxRadius} step 100
/for RV_TargetSub 1 to 7
/squelch /target "${RV_MobArray[${RV_TargetSub}]}"
/varset RV_MyTargetID ${Target.ID}
/varset RV_MyTargetDead 0
/if (${Target.ID}) {
/varset RV_HasTarget 1
/varset RV_MyTargetName ${Target.CleanName}
/echo Acquired ${Target.CleanName} at range ${Int[${Target.Distance}]}
/next RV_TargetSub
/delay 2
/next RV_CurrentRadius

/if (!${Target.ID}) {
/delay 2s
/varcalc RV_FailCounter ${RV_FailCounter}+1
/echo Failed to Acquire Target in Range ${RV_MaxRadius} ${RV_FailCounter} Time(s)
/if (${RV_FailCounter}>=${RV_FailMax}) {
/echo Waiting for Respawns, Resetting Failure Counter...
/delay 60s
/varset RV_FailCounter 0
/goto :Acquire

|SUB: Moving
Sub MoveToMob


/if (${Int[${Target.Distance}]}>25) {
/warp target
/delay 2s
/warp target
/if (${RV_MyZLOC}>${Int[${Me.Z}]}) /warp target

/if (${Target.ID}) {
/face fast
/stick 13 moveback


|SUB: Combat
Sub CombatSub

/echo Attacking Mob NOW!
/varset RV_Fighting 1
/varset RV_TargetDead 0

/call MoveToMob

/attack on

/call SpecialIT

/if (!${Target.ID}) {
/attack off
/keypress forward
/keypress back

/varset RV_TargetDead 1
/varset RV_Fighting 0
/delay 1s
/target radius 30 corpse
/delay 1s
/if (!${Target.ID}) {
/call ResetSub
/face fast
/if (!${RV_TargetDead}) {
/goto :CombatLoop


|SUB: Special Combat
Sub SpecialIt

/declare TempID int inner 0

|----------Melee Ability---Kick---Bash---------Input what you use----------------
/if ((${Target.Distance}<17)&&(${Me.AbilityReady["Kick"]})) /doability "Kick"

/if (${Me.PctHPs}<5) /gate


|SUB: Looting
Sub LootMob

/declare LootSlot int inner 0
/declare LootCheck int inner 0
/declare LootTotal int inner 0

/face fast

/keypress forward
/keypress back
|---------Casts Haste after fight is finished-------------------
/call cast "Jymall's Gloves of Frenzy" item
|---------Delay to help Cleric regen mana-----------------------
/delay 42s
/fastdrop on
/lootn never
/delay 2s
/delay 2s
/if (!${Corpse.Items}) {
/echo NO LOOT! Cheap Bastard!

/varset LootTotal ${Corpse.Items}
/for LootSlot 1 to ${LootTotal}
/itemnotify loot${LootSlot} leftmouseup
/delay 1s
/if (${RV_LootAllItems}) {
/echo Keeping a ${Cursor.Name}... WOOT!
/delay 1s
} else {
/for LootCheck 1 to ${RV_LootArray.Size}
/if (${Cursor.Name.Find[${RV_LootArray[${LootCheck}]}]}) {
/echo Keeping a ${Cursor.Name}... WOOT!
/varcalc RV_LootStats[${LootCheck}] ${RV_LootStats[${LootCheck}]}+1
/delay 1s
/next LootCheck
/if (${Cursor.ID}) {
/echo Destroying a ${Cursor.Name}...
/delay 1s
/next LootSlot

/notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup
/delay 2


|SUB: Reset
Sub ResetSub

/keypress esc
/keypress esc
/keypress esc
/keypress esc

/varset RV_HasTarget 0
/varset RV_TargetDead 0
/varset RV_Fighting 0


|SUB: Obstacle Avoidance
Sub HitObstacle

/echo Obstacle hit, moving around it...
/keypress forward
/keypress back hold
/delay 3
/keypress back
/if (${Math.Rand[100]}+1>50) {
/keypress strafe_right hold
} else {
/keypress strafe_left hold
/delay 5
/keypress strafe_right
/keypress strafe_left
/keypress forward hold


|SUB: GM Check
Sub GMCheck
/if (${Zone.ID}!=${myzone}) {
/nomodkey /keypress forward
/nomodkey /keypress left
/nomodkey /keypress right
/camp desktop
/if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {

/echo GM has entered the zone!
/echo !@#$%^&* HIM but ending the macro...

/keypress forward
/keypress back



|SUB: Reading from an INI File
Sub ReadINI(FileName,SectionName,ArrayType)

/echo Attempting to Read Section "${SectionName}" Zone Information from ${FileName}...
/delay 1s

/if (${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},-1,NO].Equal[NO]}) {
/echo "${SectionName}" is not a Valid Section for FILE:${FileName}, ending macro...
/delay 1s
/declare nValues int local 1
/declare nArray int local 0
/declare KeySet string local ${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName}]}

/if (${String[${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},${ArrayType}${nValues}]}].Equal[null]}) {
/varcalc nValues ${nValues}-1
/goto :MakeArray
/varcalc nValues ${nValues}+1
/goto :CounterLoop

/if (!${nValues}) /return
/if (${FileName.Equal["HunterMob.ini"]}&&${nValues}>0) {
/echo Declaring Mob Array...
/declare RV_MobArray[${nValues}] string outer
/declare RV_MobStats[${nValues}] string outer
/if (${FileName.Equal["HunterLoot.ini"]}&&${nValues}>0) {
/echo Declaring Loot Array...
/declare RV_LootArray[${nValues}] string outer
/declare RV_LootStats[${nValues}] string outer
/for nArray 1 to ${nValues}
/if (${FileName.Equal["HunterMob.ini"]}) {
/varset RV_MobArray[${nArray}] ${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},${ArrayType}${nArray}]}
/varset RV_MobStats[${nArray}] 0
/if (${FileName.Equal["HunterLoot.ini"]}) {
/varset RV_LootArray[${nArray}] ${Ini[${FileName},${SectionName},${ArrayType}${nArray}]}
/varset RV_LootStats[${nArray}] 0
/next nArray

/echo "${SectionName}" Zone Information Read Successfully from ${FileName}...
/delay 1s


|SUB: Display Stats
Sub DisplayStats

/declare nArray int local

/if (${Defined[RV_LootArray]}) {
/for nArray 1 to ${RV_LootArray.Size}
/echo ${Int[${RV_LootStats[${nArray}]}]} ${RV_LootArray[${nArray}]}'s
/next nArray


HunterLoot.ini (Loots a nice Falchion sells for about 10k or 7ktribute)

[The Plane of Justice]

HunterMob.ini (Targeted Mobs in Basement)

[The Plane of Justice]

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