Eq2ultrabot does not run in the background. You can only run 1 copy per computer. Eq2ultrabot look like a human playing if you configure it properly
10spider01 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Hi all
I have been thinking of purchasing the premium Sub but want a couple of things cleared up
1 - I have 2 computers and 3 account. Is it possible to run 2 eq2ultrabots on 1 computer ? or will i need an extra computer?
2 - Does the eq2ultrabots run in background mode ? i.e. so i can do something else while it does what it does
3 - I tryed Viperbot awhile back and thought it looked very clunky when moving. Does the eq2ultrabot look more human when running around ?
Sorry think i put this in the wrong forum
plz move Thanks