Ok first I am new to this.
I paid my $24 and change and dowloaded the following
Got it installed
I put the script files in the XU script directory like it said
Installed Files TO UI directory like it said
I read the install post missed the part that said open persona windows can click ond change things now but when I run the bot script nothing happens.
Launch EQ2 thru xU
I get the menu at the bottom and try to run the V2 script and a window pops up
But I cant change the script to the harvest bot script.... nothing happens when I hit the arrow buttons to scroll thru the scripts it just shows the mousedemo.vbs and will not change.
says script running but nothing happens my char. just stands there and does not move.
More head banging. I tried everything.
load up script and I get yellow lettering on screen that script is running and press f12 to stop and Cha. still just stands around doing nothing.
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM Loading Window Schema. . .
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM ------->FOUND A STANDARD Plugin: XUnleashed V2 Scripts
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM Loading Window Schema. . .
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM FOUND: Direct3DCreate9
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM Attempting to lock onto Client. . .
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM WARNING: Requested DirectX9 Screen Format (15) may not be compatable with XUnleashed.
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM Contact XU to have them add this format!!!
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM FOUND: Direct3D9::CreateDevice()
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM DETECTED: Direct3DDevice9 Reset
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM WARNING: Requested DirectX9 Screen Format may be incompatable with XUnleashed.
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM FOUND: Direct3DDevice9::Present
02/28/07 04:00:22 AM Initializing DX9 BackBuffers...
02/28/07 04:00:26 AM DETECTED: Direct3DDevice9 Reset
02/28/07 04:00:26 AM WARNING: Requested DirectX9 Screen Format may be incompatable with XUnleashed.
whats it all mean
Found a thread with the same problem and It looks pritty old and still nothing resolved with this matter. I am not very good at programing as I slept thru most of that class. All this time I thought I was being a total noob but I spent over 10 hours now reading the forums till I nalled this thread.
http://www.taultunleashed.com/phpbb2/ab ... n_EQ_.html
Only thing I want is a harvested bot so I can harvest on one PC and play on the other.
Looks like some older systems are running and I noticed in the above mentioned thread 2 people had PCIe could this be an issue with EX: Nvidia running a program to monitor dual SLI status. I will look into the problem myself as best I can.
I am running P4 3.1 ghz on an msi board with Gforce 7200 PCIe card
I will be looking into building a test rig that has the old style AGP, Normal PCI and an ATI card in an effort to narrow down this problem. but as I have said I am more of a hardware tech then a programer so I could be a while if not forever but I am looking into it.