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Tips and Tricks : EverQuest 2 General Discussions

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 8:09 pm

Total Posts: 6718
Joined: May 1st, 2004, 4:00 am
wyvernx's Reps: 21
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I got this off of the EQ2 boards.


* Press alt-w to bring up a list of your groupmates. You can then click on them and get a waypoint to their location.

* Using an offensive spell on a group member will cause it to land on whomever they have targetted. Using a beneficial spell on a mob will cause it to land on whomever they have targetted. Note that using some debuffs on a group member currently does not correctly put the debuff on the group member's target. This is a bug.

* You can click a group members name in the group window and you will see their name highlighted in the world, no matter how far away they are in the zone.

* To have a more clear indication of your (groupmates) target and which groupmates your target has targetted, enable 'target arrow' and 'target encounter arrows' in the options menu under "user interface>target arrow"

* To enable lotto as the default loot option for all groups you start, change the corresponding item in the options menu under "group options".

* When grouped, you can see what quests your groupmates have. Press J to get to your quest journal, and on top there will be a tab marked "group".

NEW 12/10 * When joining a raid, the raid window can obscure a lot of your view. There are two things you can do about this. The first is put your mouse cursor over the bottom edge of the window, and change the height of the window so it exactly matches your raid size. The second is you can toggle display of the raid window with a hotkey, so you can show or hide it at your leisure. To do this, click EQII>Options>Controls>Windows Keys. Set a hotkey for "Raid Window" (I suggest ALT-R).


* Use "/mood [mood]" to set your mood. "/mood none" resets it.

* The 'f' key performs a "double click" on whatever your mouse is pointing at.

* You can use %t to place whatever you have targetted in an emote. For example, "/gsay Here comes a %t!" would display "Here comes a skeleton!" to your group if you had a skeleton targetted. Other commands are:
%t - name of current target
%r - race of currect target
%s - gender pronoun of current target - he, she, it
%g - gender of current target - male, female, neuter
%o - gender object of current target - him, her, it
%p - possesive noun of current target - his, her, its
%m - displays the name or your current target's pet. If there is no pet then the word "pet" will be displayed.

* Once you hit level 20, you can use /lastname to set your last name.

* Use "/friend [name] to put a friend on your friends list. Use "/who all friend" to see which of your friends is online. "/friend" will show you who is on your list.

* /stopeating and /stopdrinking will stop your character from automatically consuming food and drink. This is useful when going into merchant mode so you do not consume all your food and drink while selling.

* If you played EQ1, preordered, or bought the collectors edition, you may have special items or titles waiting for you in-game. To claim these items, type /claim. You should see a big yellow message reminding you of this when you log in. Keep in mind that you can only /claim things on one character! So make sure to do so on the primary character you intend to play.

* Use the /showhood command to toggle display of your helmet on and off. This affects how everybody sees you, not just how you see yourself!

* You can select yourself by pressing F1. Pressing F1 after that point will toggle between you and you pet (assuming you have one). You can select your groupmates by pressing F2-F6. Pressing F2-F6 as appropriate will toggle between them and their pets.

* If you are in a conversation with an NPC, you can quickly get out of that conversation by hitting the ESC key. ESC can also be used to deselect a target, or close the last bag/bank/inventory window you opened.

* /language shows you all the languages you know. "/set_language [language]" will set you to speak in a particular language. "/set_language common" is what you use to speak "human". Note that capitalization is important.

* You can hit F9 to toggle between 1st and 3rd person. If you scroll wheel into 3rd person and then hit F9, it will remember how far you were scrolled if you F9 again.

Upd 12/10 * Press 'r' to respond to the most recent tell you've received. Press 'g' to say something in groupsay.

NEW 12/15 * You only need to type in as much of a command is needed to make it distinct from any other command. For example "/stope" will currently do the same thing as /stopeating because no other commands start with "/stope". Similarily, "/stopd" works for /stopdrinking because no other commands start with "/stopd". However, "/stop" would not work because both /stopeating and /stopdrinking start with "/stop" (as do /stopfollow and /stopcreation).

NEW 12/15 * You can use tab completion to complete unique commands, or display all the commands that start with the prefix you have typed. For example, typing "/stope" and then hitting tab will autocomplete the command into "/stopeating" for you. Typing "/stop" and hitting tab will list the commands /stopcreation, /stopfollow, /stopeating, and /stopdrinking. You can use this to figure out what certain command actually are when they don't behave as expected -- for example, /list is actually short for the /listen emote.

NEW 12/20 * You can get your numerical location in the world by typing /loc, or hovering your mouse cursor over the compass. Some players find it helpful to create a /loc macro to assist in retracing their steps after fleeing.

User Interface (UI) and Chatting

* You can create macros for common things like incoming messages, assisting the main tank, etc... To do this, click on the EQII button, then choose "Socials>Macros". These macros you create can be dragged to your hotkeys.

Upd 12/14 * You can have multiple hotbars for your hotkeys. To do so, right click on your main hotkey bar and choose the appropriate option. You only get keyboard shortcuts to the first three hotbars.

* You can place links to items in text such as /ooc, /auction, or /g. To do so, open your inventory and find the actual item (note this means you must accept your quest rewards before you can link them to show off to all your friends). Click on the item and drag the icon to the line of text you are writing, and the item name will insert itself. Other people can then click on the name to get a description of the item as if they had examined it.

* Many things in the game (from UI windows to mobs) have right click contextual menus. If you are not sure what something is, or want more information/options, try right clicking on it. Note that some things may not be activatable via a double click -- in this case, right click and use them through the menus.

* If you place your cursor over something (like a piece of furniture, or a barrel) and it glows, you should right click and examine it. There are MANY quests started this way, particularily in dungeons and outside of the cities, so make sure you cursor over everything you see at least once to see if it glows.

* When you see a person's name in your chat box, you can right click on their name to select options such as send them a tell. This can save having to spell complicated names if you want to respond to someone.

* For those of you who are keyboard averse, you can run by holding down both mouse buttons at the same time.

* Be careful what you double left click on. When using the broker, double clicking on an item will buy it, not examine it. Right click and choose examine from the menu to examine an item, or click the examine button provided at the bottom of the dialog. Also be wary that the default double click action for many guards and sentries outside of the cities is attack, not talk. When you mouse cursor over these guards, the cursor will change to crossed swords instead of the usual chat caption. If you wish to talk to them, right click and choose hail from the menu. If you double click on them, you will attack them and they will probably serve you up your butt on a platter.

* If you play in 3rd person mode and would like to be able to select yourself by clicking on your character, you can do this in the options menu under "interface>picking" and choose "allow picking self in third person".

* Consider creating multiple chat windows and filtering the content of each. You can do this by right clicking on your primary chat window and selecting "create new window". You can right click on each of the windows created and filter the content that the window will display. Personally, I use 3 windows. The one on the right displays tells, groupchat, and guildchat. The one in the center displays spells, combat, and considers. The one on the left displays everything else. This makes it really easy to focus on communication or combat as necessary.

* You can use alt-enter to switch between full screen and windowed mode.

* You can lock UI windows to prevent them from being inadvertently moved or closed. To do this, right click on the window, select "window options", and check the "locked" box. I highly advise locking your chat windows, as it's easy to inadvertently close them. If you need to move them around later, you can always unlock them temporarily.

* You may occasionally hit a weird key combination that hides a window on your screen (such as your maintained effects window, your exp bar, the quest journal helper, etc...). To get it back, click the EQII button, choose options, and look under windows. You will see a list of all the keystrokes to hide/unhide the various windows on the UI.

Upd 12/15 * If the game is too dark for you, you can turn up the gamma on your video card, or buy a torch. You can actually carry two torches, and the light they produce stacks! Torches are not consumed.

* There are specialized chat channels that you can join. Right click on the chat window, go to "chat options", and you will see pre-set channels for your home city. The traders channel is particularily useful if you are looking to exchange crafted goods or find new commissions from other players.

NEW 12/20 * It is sometimes difficult to tell the difference between a white (even) con and a grey (trivial) con because the colors are so close, and this can be a deadly mistake. Fortunately, you can change them! Go to EQII > Options > User Interface, and you should see a list of the various con colors. Consider changing either the white or gray to brown, purple, pink, light blue, or tan.

NEW 12/20 * If your play server is down, the game will try to make a best-guess at what your character looks like to show you at the login screen. This guess does not get updated very often, so do not panic if your level is wrong!

NEW 12/20 * The game's user interface is highly customizable. While it is not trivial to hand-modify your own interface, it is quite easy to utilize modifications that other people have made publically available. Some of the mods I have found to be the most useful: an inventory screen that displays your attributes, a compass that displays the name of the zone you are in, an exp bar that shows both your adventure and tradeskill exp at the same time and has a decimal readout, a larger quest window, and a font that is more easy to read than the default one. See the end of this guide under "Other Great Resources" to find more information about modding your UI.

Spells, Skills, and Combat Arts

* AE skills or spells with green icons will only hit mobs that you have locked in your encounter. AE skill or spells with blue icons will hit everything around you, regardless of whether or not it is engaged. Be wary with these.

* You can upgrade your spells and combat arts. They start at apprentice 1, commonly abbreviated as "app1". App2 skills are sold on vendors in town. App3 skills are made by tradeskilling players using commonly available materials. Adept1 are found in chests off mobs. Adept2 does not currently exist. Adept3 is made by tradeskillers using rare materials. Master1 drops off raid level mobs and very, very rarely off normal mobs. It is definitely worth your time to try and acquire app3 or adept1 levels for your skills. Look on the brokers to see what's on sale.

* At level 20, you can purchase a "fun" spell that is based on your class. These spells are generally insignificant things that do not affect your efficiency in-game, but are meant to provide humor or an "ooh aah" factor.

* If you are looking on the broker for spells and combat art upgrades, set the minimum value to grey and the maximum value to orange. Along with a keyword such as "adept" or "app", this will bring up only the skills relevant to your class and level.

* The concentration bar is the 5 little bubbles which appear directly underneath your name. As you use abilities that require concentration, these will light up. If you hold your mouse over an active bubble, you will see the name of the spell/effect it is linked to. Right clicking on it will allow you to cancel it. You can also cancel most (all?) of these effects from your maintained effects window. If you lost the maintained effects window, press alt-m to restore it.

* If you are a melee based character, concentrate on upgrading your armor and weapons rather than your skills. Upgrading melee skills adds little effectiveness to your character. If you are a casting based character, concentrate on upgrading your skills -- going from app1 to adept1 will make a huge difference in your effectiveness.

Harvesting and Tradeskilling

Upd 12/15 * Getting harvesting tasks from your wholesaler is a good way to make money. If you have a wholesaler task to harvest, you can complete it in one of four ways (or a combination thereof): 1) Harvest the resource from the appropriate zone 2) Get another player to trade you one of the resource you need 3) Buy one of that resource off the broker. 4) Kill mobs appropriate to that quest (eg. if you need tier 2 pelts, kill tier 2 bears and deer).

* If you can't harvest something, your skill is not high enough. Generally speaking, you need a 40ish skill to harvest in Antonica/Commonlands and a 90ish to harvest in Thundering Steppes/Nek Forest. Note: as of 12/3/04, you now only need a 20 skill to harvest in Antonica/Commonlands. Some zones may require certain skills be slightly higher than others.

* If you find a ? on the ground, left click on it and pick it up. These items are generally for collection quests and can have some pretty nice rewards if you can collect an entire set. Look on the brokers for the pieces you are missing.

* Rare harvested items are REALLY rare. I have seen 2 so far in 20 levels. If you harvest something with a different name from an ore/rock/roots/wood that you haven't heard of, don't sell it to the merchants because players will give you more for it.

* When tradeskilling, the primary component (which is the first component listed when creating a recipe) determines the maximum quality of your result. If your primary component is shaped, the best you will be able to produce for your final combine is shaped quality. This means if you want a pristine result, you must use a pristine primary component. All of the other components can be any quality. As a side note, this means when creating items for secondary components, you may be able to save time by stopping the process after your item reaches the crude level.

* You get a crafting exp bonus for crafting new recipes for the first time. When leveling your crafting skills up, it is worth it to see what items have similar components and create one of each. Creating pristine items also grants more exp than other quality levels.

* Similar to your adventure class, you must specialize in a tradeskill at level 10. Do to so, you must find the appropriate NPC to speak to. Note that currently, you will not level up to 10 until you have done one more combine for exp. Once you reach level 10, you should join a 2nd tradeskill society. Each starting zone has a secondary tradeskill society for each of the 3 specialties (outfitter, craftsman, scholar).

* The wholesaler tradeskill instances have a merchant who sells recipe books for tradeskill levels 4-9 and some basic components. In some instances he is hiding downstairs near the base of the stairs -- in other instances, that's where the broker is found. In theory, he is supposed to carry more items when the tradeskill instances level up (though this does not seem to be working at the moment). To see what level your tradeskill instance is, press the EQII button, choose societies, and find yours on the list (it should be highlighted in green).

* Tradeskill recipes can be made into hot keys by dragging the icon to your hotkey bar. This may save you lots of time if there are subcombines that you find yourself doing repeatedly.

* If you want to know which tradeskill recipe books you have already scribed, here is how you do that. Click the EQII button and go to recipes. Press the edit button at the top. Use the big scroll bar on the far right to view the last window. This window contains the titles of all the recipe books you have scribed in the order you have scribed them (not alphabetically).

* You can check the stats on an item before you actually craft it. To do so, examine the recipe, then examine the icon of the end result in the recipe window. If I'm not mistaken, this is the stats for the shaped quality level of the item. Stats on other quality levels may vary.

* In crafting a recipe, the game will always default to using either the smallest stack of components you have in inventory. You can change which components it uses by clicking the "change" button, removing the currently selected items, and adding the ones you want. Keep in mind that it will not remember your change and you will have to do this each time you use the recipe. If you are making a bunch of items, it might be worth your time to split a large stack into two smaller stacks so it will default to using the component you want.

* If you are crafting multiple containers (eg. elm strongboxes, or backpacks), you can put more than one at a time into your overflow (note: it is unconfirmed if you have to create them sequentially without closing the recipe). This is convenient for taking multiple containers to the bank. If you get an error, make sure you have at least one inventory spot open (even if it's inside a bag).

NEW 12/16 * If you forget which tradeskill society you belong to, click the EQII button and choose societies. Use the scroll list on the left, and find the one that is highlighted. That is the one you belong to. Actually finding it in the city can be a tougher problem. You can also use this list to check the level of the society you belong to, as well as to figure out how many society points you have accumulated through doing tradeskill tasks.

NEW 12/20 * You can right click on your exp bar to swap between showing adventuring exp and tradeskilling exp. Alternatively, you can download a UI modification to show both simultaneously.

Attributes, Experience, and Death

* Drink replenishes your power, food replenishes your health. Generally speaking, the more expensive the food and drink, the faster you will regenerate. For player-made foods, the 4 levels of quality are: bland, savory, (no prefix), and delectable. The higher the quality, the longer the food will last. Bland food usually lasts 30 minutes, and delectable at least an hour. NPC food and drink is always bland. There is a cap on how much you can regenerate -- eating high tier food will not help you if you are not high enough level. Summoned food is even worse than store bought.

* Sitting does NOT replenish your health any faster (this was changed in late beta).

* Your exp debt will go away with time when you are logged off. The longer you stay logged off, the more debt will dissipate. Preliminary reports are that debt disappears at approximately 1/2 percent per hour.

* The attributes in the manual for the various races are wrong. Look on the web site (http://everquest2.station.sony.com) for updated ones.

* Dying in one instance will make your shard available in all of the instances. In some instanced zones, you can right click on the door to the instance to retrieve a shard lost in the instance.

* When priest classes hit a certain level, they can make an essence which allows other players to revive the priest if the priest dies. Make sure the player has the essence in their activatable slot to use it.

Combat and Creatures

* When sprinting away from a battle you are losing, press the "Call for Help" icon (it looks like an exclaimation point) or use the /yell command (or /y for short). This will do two things. First, it will unlock the encounter so people nearby can pull the mob off you if they are feeling nice. Second, it will cause you to start regenerating at the rate you normally do when not engaged in combat, and thus prolong your chances of survival.

* Mobs that are naturally aggressive but grey to you will generally not agro you (they know you can kick their butts).

* You can turn off combat experience by right clicking on your exp bar and selecting "disable combat experience". You can turn it back on by doing the same thing. This can be useful when you want an item from a chest and the GREEN conning mobs you are killing are just about to grey out because you're going to level up.

Upd 12/29 * When you have killed a certain number of a particular type of mobs, you will receiving a title (accompanied by the sound of beating drums) -- Note that these titles are NOT the suffixes you can attach to your character! After going through several intermediary titles, you will receive the "Hunter of X" suffix at 500 kills. At 5000 kills, you will receive the "Slayer of X" suffix. To add a suffix to your characters name, press 'P' to go to your profile and select the suffix you want from the dropdown list. To check how many of something you have killed, you can use the posters provided in the cities. In North Qeynos, there is a poster near the gate to Antonica. It is hard to target (use the left edge), but it will show you your kill totals. In West Freeport, there is a lamppost at the lower end of the road that leads to the Commonlands Gate. Killing gray mobs counts in these totals.

Kills (Title) [*Suffix]
25 (Killer)
100 (Initiate Hunter)
250 (Accomplished Hunter)
500 (Master Hunter) [*Hunter of X]
1000 (Initiate Slayer)
2500 (Accomplished Slayer)
5000 (Master Slayer) [*Slayer of X]
10000 (Destroyer?) [*Destroyer of X]

* Learn how to use Heroic Opportunities (HOs), especially when soloing. They will make your life a lot easier. There is a link to more information at the end of this guide

* If you are not the main tank in a group, try to attack your enemy from behind. This will prevent the mob from parrying and riposting your blows since they can only do this from the front/side.

* To see if a creature you are running away from is following you, find a nice straight area with no mobs nearby, hit autorun (numlock), make sure you are in 3rd person camera (if you're in first person, mousewheel backwards), hold down the left mouse button (or use the / and * keys), then swing the camera around using the mouse. Your character will keep running forward but you will be able to see behind you. If you are looking in a different direction than you are running, you can change to running in that direction by pressing the forward key (w, arrow up, or 8 on the numpad). Also note, if you have them targeted when running away, as soon as they stop chasing you, you automatically untarget them.

New 12/20 * Creatures get a major boost in strength every 10 levels. Whereas a level 19 creature is only a little more powerful than a level 18, a level 20 creature is much more powerful than a level 19.

Inventory and Banking

* Elm strongboxes can be fairly easily made via the tradeskilling system and will give you a 7 or 8 slot container you can put in your bank. Fill all the slots in your bank with them and you will be able to hold quite a bit of stuff. They are too heavy to lug around on your character.

* You can not directly move money via the shared bank slot (the manual is wrong).

Upd 12/14 * Coin has weight in this game. Make sure you go to the bank and convert your copper to silver occasionally, otherwise you will become encumbered. This is particularily important if you have left your merchant on overnight selling lots of cheap items, as it is easy to accumulate lots of copper in a short time. If you are encumbered, try sprinting -- it will help you get to the bank a little faster.

* At times it can be useful to open all your bags at once. To set this up, select the EQII button, then go to options>key commands. Choose a hotkey for "open all bags" (I recommend ALT-I). Pressing that hotkey will open all your bags, and pressing it again will close them all. Alternatively, you can use the /togglebags command. You can create a hotbar button to togglebags by creating a macro (EQII button>socials>emotes>macros), then dragging the macro to your hotbar.

* You can pick up an entire stack of items from your inventory/bank by holding down shift and clicking on it. You can pick up a single item by holding down control and clicking on the stack of items.

NEW 12/16 * There is currently no way to downconvert coins (eg. silver to copper). The best way to accomplish this is to buy something from a merchant and have him make change for you. If you sell the item back right away (before you close the merchant window), you will receive a full refund.

Items, Equipment, and Loot

* If you find an item that seemingly has no use, it's generally one of three things: 1) A tradeskill component 2) Vendor trash (sell for cash) 3) An item involved in a quest (particularily if it's marked as LORE). Make sure you right click and examine any strange items you find (especially if they dropped from chests or you found them from a ? on the ground), as they may start quests. Note that some items used for quests will not be identified as such until you already have the quest (for example, the mastery quest items are like this).

* The game has a trivial loot code. Look at the text in the targeting box. This will say either solo, group, group x 2, group x 3, or group x 4. This does two things. First, as part of considering a mob you can look at how difficult they are. Second, it tells you at what number of allies at which this mob will become trivial and give no chest loot or quest items. 3 for solo, 7 for group, 13 for groupx2, and 19 for groupx3. You will notice a little chest icon with a red circle and line through it (no smoking symbol) when a mob will not drop loot for your group/raid.

* Make sure to attune any attunable items you have equipped, otherwise they will not give you any benefit. This is particularily important with weapons, as you will always miss with an attunable weapon that has not been attuned (and you will not get a warning telling you why you are always missing).

* Mobs that are grey to you will not give you exp or drop chests. However, they will still drop items on their bodies, and you can still use them for any kill quests you may have in your journal.

* If a mob is grey to anybody in the group, it will be considered grey to everyone. Note: be careful when grouped with higher level players that you camp in a safe place. When you log back in, mobs that were grey before may not be any longer now that you don't have the higher level player in your group! Also note that if you are in a dangerous place and your highest level group member disbands or goes linkdead, this can leave you in a bad position.

* If you are lottoing for an item in a group, make sure you have at least one inventory spot open. Lotto items you win will NOT go into overflow. If you have no room for them, they will be lotto'd again! Hopefully this will be fixed in the near future.

NEW 12/15 * Once a chest's timer expires, the chest becomes open for anyone to loot. Note that unlike EQ1, opening the chest does NOT lock the chest to the character who has opened it. It is possible for another player come along, open the same chest, and grab the loot before you do. Therefore, if you are opening a chest with an expired timer, do not hesitate when putting the loot into your inventory.

Inn Rooms

* Buy a merchant board from any furniture vendor and place it in your inn room. This will allow you to go into merchant mode. You have to stay in your inn room to sell.

* If you give everyone friends access to your inn room, random people will be able to come in and rearrange your furniture. Give everyone visitor access instead.

* Use "/friend [name] to put a friend on your friends list. Use "/who all friend" to see which of your friends is online. "/friend" will show you who is on your list.

* You can rotate furniture when placing it in your inn room by using the mouse wheel when moving it. You can use this function to line up books, place chairs the correct way under your tables, etc... If you do not have a mousewheel, you can use the + and - keys to rotate your furniture.

* You can take a tour of houses in the cities by right clicking the door and selecting tour. Some of the expensive houses are really cool. Maybe someday you will actually have enough money to live there.

* If you are paying for part of your inn room with guild status, you can reduce the status cost by outfitting your room with expensive/rare furniture. In theory, it is possible to reduce the status cost to 0 status points per week. As far as I know, it is not possible to reduce coin costs.

* Your basic inn room can hold 100 items and 2 sellers. To hold more items or sellers, you need to move to a bigger room. And yes, books count towards your item limit. Note: there is currently a bug that limits Qeynos basic inn rooms to holding 25 items. This will be fixed shortly.

* If you relinquish your basic inn room before it is time to pay rent on it, you can buy another basic inn room for free and get a fresh 7 days. This saves you from having to pay the 5 silver rent. Note that you will have to collect all your items from the inn room (which can be done by right clicking on the door from within your inn room and selecting "collect contents"). Anything you do not collect will be destroyed when you relinquish your room.

NPCs, Brokers, and Merchants

* Use the brokers to see what people have for sale. There is a broker in each major city zone (for Qeynos, this is Elddar Grove, North Qeynos, South Qeynos, and Qeynos Harbor), and brokers in each of the wholesaler tradeskill instances (sometimes near the entrance, sometimes at the base of the stairs). Since many people set themselves up as merchants right before they go to bed, the best time to check the broker is later in the evening.

* Some merchants are greedier than others and will pay you less for things that you sell to them. Check with a few merchants and you will generally be able to tell which ones are greedy and which ones aren't. Merchants in "convenient" locations (such as out in the middle of popular hunting areas) are generally more greedy.

* If you are in another hamlet from the one you started in, and want to see what's for sale, you can enter anybody's inn room who has access set to "friend" and utilize their merchant board. Don't forget to rearrange their furniture as a way of saying thank you.

* Brokers have a 20% commission for anything you buy through them. If you are buying something expensive, you might consider actually going to the inn room of the person selling the item and buying it directly from them. The downside of doing this is that someone may beat you to the item in the meantime.

* There is a black market merchant (called a "fence") that will allow you to access the market for the opposing city. The fence charges a 40% commission. The location of the fence is a closely guarded secret, though you can find it in various threads on the boards.

* If you are shopping at a NPC merchant and accidentally buy something, you can sell it back at the same price as long as you have not closed the merchant window.

* If you try to access your bank or a merchant and get the message "you are too busy", there are generally three possible reasons why. Either you have your attack mode on, you have a trade window up, or you are currently interacting with an NPC. Hit escape a bunch of times, make sure you are not in combat mode, and then try again.

* If an NPC speaks to you, or waves at you as you get near, they may have a quest that they want you to do. Note that they will continue to wave at you even if you already have their quest.

* If you need help finding a particular NPC (perhaps to finish off a quest) but have forgotten where they are, right click on a guard and choose "find NPC". Type in the name of the NPC and you will be given a waypoint to that NPC. Note: for some reason this does not always work, but it usually does. Also note that you often do not have to type in the full name. This is particularily helpful when you want to find and NPC with a crazy unpronouncable name.

* If an NPC speaks to you in gibberish (with a symbolic font), you do not understand the language this NPC is trying to speak. In the various starting hamlets, you can find language primers on the scribes for 12s. As soon as you purchase the primer, you automatically learn the language. In the hamlets, most (all?) of the NPCs who require you to know their native tongue give quests. There are quests to learn languages for some non-starting races (like Gnoll).


* You can only have 50 quests active at any time, including collection quests. For the smaller collection quests (anything with less than about 6 items), it is a good idea to keep the items in your bank instead. When you collect them all, then you can activate the quest and do the turnin. That way you will not eat up too much space in your quest journal. Note that making elm strongboxes (as mentioned above) will give you more bank space to store your quest items. Also note that right clicking and examining collection quest items will tell you how many items are in that set. Don't forget to check the broker for items needed to complete your collection quests. Completing them as soon as possible will help keep your inventory/quest journal clearer.

* If you are not getting quest rewards, check to see if you have a green + in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. If so, you need to click it and choose your bonuses first. This is a bug that should be fixed in the future.

* If you do a quest that starts from a book, do not delete the book until you have finished the quest. Some quests have you read the book many times throughout the quest, and others have you reread the book at the end of the quest. If you've deleted the book, the quest will be uncompletable. Once you've finished the quest, it is generally safe to delete the original book. Many quests that start from books give a copy of the book as a quest reward. This copy is meant to be either sold, or placed in your in room on a piece of furniture.

* Some quests are repeatable. When you complete a quest, you can find it in your completed quests journal, and it will say "repeatable" if it is. Unfortunately, most repeatable quests are not worth doing more than once.

* Hwal Rucksif is in the Keep of the Ardent Needle. To find it, exit North Qeynos to Antonica, follow the path to your left, and go under the aquaduct. He will be in the keep to your right that is surrounded by a moat.

* Some NPCs have level requirements on their quests. If you speak to an NPC and he has a dialog option that doesn't seem to do anything, you should return when you have leveled up and try again. Other NPCs require that you have completed a particular quest before they will give you a quest.

* You can find lots of purchasable quests from the sage in the mages tower in South Qeynos, or the mage school in North Freeport. These cost anywhere from 1s to 12s, with the more expensive ones generally being higher level quests. Many of these quests that require you to find "missing pages" by killing mobs want you to read the book after each set of mobs you kill, so you might want to bring the books adventuring with you rather than leaving them in the bank.

Upd 12/15 * If you are planning on doing the betrayal quests, you need to start them and get exiled BEFORE you hit level 18. It is generally recommended you start no earlier than level 14 or 15 and work on them during levels 15-17. Once you are exiled, your level will be capped at 19 + 220% until you complete the quest. When you hit level 18, you become a permanent member of the city you have citizenship with -- thus, if you hit level 18 and are not exiled yet, you will lose the opportunity to do this quest.

* You do not have to do the citizenship quest in the racial hamlet you started in -- you can do it in any of the starter hamlets by talking to the appropriate overseer/steward. If you do start with your default hamlet, you can still buy the inn room in another hamlet if you'd rather. Note that if you do this, the waypoints will still point to the inn in the zone you started in, not to the zone you bought your inn room in.

NEW 12/15 * Quests that start from (or are progressed by) items dropped in chests will be much harder to start (or complete) once you have leveled up too high and grey'd out the mobs that drop the chests. However, there are a few ways around this. First, although chests will only be dropped by non-grey mobs, they can be looted by anybody once the locking timer expires. So you can start or progress the quest if you can get somebody else (or an alt of yours) of appropriate level to get the chest to drop for you. Second, occasionally these quest pieces are tradeable -- you might look in the bazaar to see if you can find what you need.


* Guilds do not have their guildnames displayed above their heads until the guild reaches level 5. You can get your guild to level 5 by doing city writs and accumulating status points.

NEW 12/15 * When doing city writ quests for status, you will gain faction with one of the city factions and lose faction with the other four. However, the system is designed so the positive gain is greater than the sum of the negative hits. If you do one writ for each of the factions, you will end up net positive faction with all of them. Also, it is not currently possible for city tasks to lower your faction to the point where they will no longer offer you tasks.

Out and About in the World

* If the zone you are in is overcrowded, try zoning out and back into another instance. If there are 3 or more instances, choose one that is not the first or last instance, as these often tend to be less crowded.

* If you see a "lair" object in the world such as a rats nest, snakes nest, sabertooth tent, etc... with the appropriate type of mob around it, this is probably a dynamic adventure camp. If you kill everything in the camp, the next time it spawns it may spawn harder creatures, named monsters, etc...

* Distressed merchants are NPCs who are sometimes found at a dynamic adventure camp. If you kill all the creatures around them, they will turn into gratified merchants, and you can then buy/sell with them. They offer good prices, and sometimes carry items you can't find elsewhere. Also note that gratified merchants are useable by all players in the area for a short time before they disappear, not only the players who freed them. If you see someone freeing a distressed merchant, hang around until it becomes gratified and then use it.

* Once you leave the Isle of Refuge, you can't return. If you're a questaholic, make sure you've completed all the quests before you leave because you will not have a chance to come back and finish them later. The Isle is also a good place to work up your harvesting skills, as the newbie zones tend to be more crowded.

* Do not forget to use the "Call of Qeynos" or "Call of Freeport" ability to teleport yourself back to your starting hamlet. You can use this once per hour. If you are out in the wilderness, you can save yourself a long run back to town this way. There is currently no way to change which hamlet your Call spell will take you to.

NEW 12/15 * It is possible to sneak into the opposition city! For a Qeynosian sneaking into Freeport, I recommend going Commonlands>Sprawl>Serpent Sewers>Thieves Way>Freeport. For a Freeportian sneaking into Qeynos, I recommend going Antonica>Peat Bog>Vermin's Snye>Down Below>Qeynos. When you are in the opposition city, most NPCs and merchants will not speak to you, however, a few will. Most NPCs will con KOS but they will not agro on you. Guards WILL persue you and kick you back out to the Commonlands or Antonica, leaving you unharmed (note: This is a fast way to leave the city when you are done). If you are a Qeynosian looking for Fallen Gate access (but are too high to kill Kizdean Gix), you can sneak into North Freeport and the access quest giver will speak to you.

NEW 12/29 * If you ever get stuck in the geometry somewhere, or you can't get back to the entrance of a zone because there are too many hostile mobs in the way, hold down the END key for 30 seconds. You will be teleported to the nearest zone exit safe spot.


* If you discover a bug in game, use the /bug command and report it. This will help it get fixed faster. Your opinion on game mechanics is not a bug.

* If you have a question, utilize the search option on the message boards. To do this, scroll all the way down and type something into the search box. It is amazing how many questions have already been answered! If you utilize the search box from the main forum listing, it will search all forums by default. If you utilize it from within a specific forum, it will search only that specific forum by default.

NEW 12/29 * If you want to keep easy track of a particular thread on the forums, you can "sticky" it to the top of the forum. To do this, click on the grey arrow on the right column of the thread listing. It looks like this: . The thread will then be stickied (for you only) until you unsticky it.

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Posted: December 30th, 2004, 8:12 am
zinjin's Reps:
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Thanks wyvernx!! Great stuff.

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Posted: December 30th, 2004, 9:05 am

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djvj's Reps: 0
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Awesome info there, even a few things I didn't know.

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Posted: December 30th, 2004, 12:31 pm
richyrich's Reps:
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Great Post! Picked up a few new things!


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Posted: December 31st, 2004, 7:33 am
silmarillion74's Reps:
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You can create a string marco that let' you do a full HO or a saying combined with as spell:

/: ; useability <spell or ability here> ; gsay Warding %T!!!


/: ; useability Spectral Ward ; gsay Warding %T!!!!

you can also combine 3

/: ; useability <spell or ability> ; useability <spell or ability> ; gsay BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH

The only 3 abilities you can combine is the HO starter and the advance and finish spell or ability. Reason for that the HO start is instant.

There is no known pause timer to do more since they are put in que.

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Posted: January 5th, 2005, 9:32 am

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leo367781's Reps: 0
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Couple of other things, using Alt + some keys give other options

Alt+U shows characters Health Bar, Alt+I Opens all inventory bags same as /togglebags
Alt+O opens option page
Alt+J Opens Quests helper
F10 removes UI clutter good for screenshots

When running away from a mob call for help AND press Esc or because of Auto face feature you could run stright back to them!

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Posted: January 21st, 2005, 1:00 am
HavenAE's Reps:
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Some of this information is wrong.

You -can- have 80 quests in your journal at one time, not 50.

Betrayal quests cap you at 17 + 220%, not 19 + 220%

Otheriwse good info.

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Posted: January 21st, 2005, 11:48 am

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rfrox99's Reps: 0
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How can you have 80 quests in the quest journal? It's still capped at 50.

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Posted: February 15th, 2005, 9:08 am
sufixdk's Reps:
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Thanks wyvernx, cool post ;)!

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Posted: February 20th, 2005, 6:10 pm

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tazman076's Reps: 1
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i didn't see it in there and i can't remember the exact... but you can also way point to a loc

something like /waypoint "+100,0,-100" or whatever the loc is.. and it will make a line to that loc... hope i'm using the right command for it.. been a while since i typed it manually

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Posted: February 22nd, 2005, 1:53 am
tyrin13's Reps:
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I never really got what the /waypoint command was in EQ2, it was that in SWG but havent found it out on this game.

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Posted: February 22nd, 2005, 4:26 am
bukholt's Reps:
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press alt + w to bring up the waypoint tool

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Posted: March 19th, 2005, 8:46 am
jretief's Reps:
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"NEW 12/16 * There is currently no way to downconvert coins (eg. silver to copper). The best way to accomplish this is to buy something from a merchant and have him make change for you. If you sell the item back right away (before you close the merchant window), you will receive a full refund."

This is not true. You can downconvert coins while in a bank. Say I have 1PP in the bank and I want to carry 10GP on my person. Try to remove gold, not PP. When prompted for a quantity, put in 10. You will get 10 to move to your person and your bank will be given 90GP.

Not to say that the buy/sell trick doesn't work and can be very handy when not near a bank but ... :)

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Posted: March 20th, 2005, 5:23 am
twilightadmin's Reps:
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for waypoints, its just /waypoint xxx.xx, xxx.xx, xxx.xx you must use all 3 cords with 2 decimal places, excatly as its shown when you type /loc. Very simple.

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Posted: March 20th, 2005, 5:28 am
twilightadmin's Reps:
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Oh, and re. CoQ/CotO (aka picking your bind point): when you leave the IoR, your sent to your races starting city. We all know not all suburbs are created equaly (ie I friggin HATE the barb/dorf one- forget its name atm, but its the one with all the wooden walkways). Anyhow, your 'hometown' (bind point) is set when you take the task from the wall- so if your barbie wants to be bound in willow wood, just go there and do your citezenship quest instead of where you were sent by default.

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