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anyone knows this guide? : EverQuest 2 Premium Discussions

Posted: January 11th, 2005, 2:03 pm

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http://www.playerauctions.com/listings/ ... 1105404276

if anyone knows it plz let me know.


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Posted: January 13th, 2005, 2:05 am
tault_prowling1's Reps:
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Doh!!! cant view it from work.... pls post the name if possible.

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Posted: January 13th, 2005, 2:31 am
tault_elsimer's Reps:
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prowling1 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Doh!!! cant view it from work.... pls post the name if possible.
here ya go:
Make 10 Platinum per DAY in 30 days!!

This is no trick, and not a bug! Learn how to make up to 10 platinum a day and more in less that 30 days! You will learn the tricks the power gamers do not want you too, how to make money FAST, and how to do it without being level 20+. By buying this auction, you are getting a detailed guide telling you how to go from a total newb who just bought the game, to a player banking 10 platinum per day or more! This guide will get anyone who has never played the game, to the point where they can make up to 10 platinum a day faster than any other guide available! Within 30 days of buying EQ2 you can be making HUNDREDS of dollars a day selling money here on playerauctions.com. All bidders will receive a detailed guide with detailed instructions on everything you need to know, detailed instructions on EXACTLY how to do it! There is NO RISK, and if you are not able to make 10 platinum after 30 days, we will GIVE you 10 Platinum. This detailed guide will tell you EXACTLY where to buy, sell and create everything you need to create to get up to 10 platinum a day every day, without having to sell to other players at ALL! We are talking an EASY FULL PROOF PLAN that is NOT A BUG and will NOT CHANGE! If after 30 days you STILL cannot earn 10 platinum per day, we will GIVE you 10 PLATINUM, a 1,000 dollar prize! All you have to do is bid on this auction and as soon as we receive your payment our detailed guide will immediately be sent to you via E-Mail. All bids will get a Guide and all players will earn big bucks! We accept verified paypal and Western Union only! By bidding on this auction you certify that you are in no way affiliated with Sony Online Entertainment!

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Posted: January 13th, 2005, 2:35 am
tault_elsimer's Reps:
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just based on the description, I'd guess he's going to tell you the ultimate secret to getting rich quick: make a newb and farm the IoR. Or maybe they'll go with the super-ultimate secret: check vendor prices and then buy brokered items that are lower than vendor price and sell them to the NPC.

These guides NEVER work as stated. The fact that he'll supposedly give you 10pp if it doesn't work in a month tells me he's not planning on being around in a month and knows you have no way of collecting on his guarantee or of getting a refund.

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Posted: January 13th, 2005, 3:10 am

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I was told by one of his other customers that it is a crafting macro.


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Posted: January 13th, 2005, 4:42 am
tault_elsimer's Reps:
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heffy666 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
I was told by one of his other customers that it is a crafting macro.

so it's probably not even valid after the crafting patch.

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Posted: January 13th, 2005, 8:33 am
tault_sirusdv's Reps:
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Or, (as very often happens) resold from Tault.com. If I had 1$ for every single time my Lineage II marco was sold on ebay and all around I would probably have an extra $1000 bucks lying around.

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Posted: January 13th, 2005, 1:08 pm

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sirusdv (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Or, (as very often happens) resold from Tault.com. If I had 1$ for every single time my Lineage II marco was sold on ebay and all around I would probably have an extra $1000 bucks lying around.

might be right.


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Posted: January 20th, 2005, 9:27 am

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If someone gave me free harvest supplies, and im talking likie 60 stacks of each. I could make 10 plat a day on my lvl 50 alchy. Unfortunately there are 2 reasons to stop this. 1) Getting 60 stacks of materials is a pain in the !@#$%^&* and costs alot of $$. 2) I would need to triple my bag size and craft using 60 slot boxes. Besides this, 10 plat a day is possible, but doing it consistent is not.

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Posted: January 20th, 2005, 1:10 pm
tault_atrapas's Reps:
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glenny1 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
If someone gave me free harvest supplies, and im talking likie 60 stacks of each. I could make 10 plat a day on my lvl 50 alchy. Unfortunately there are 2 reasons to stop this. 1) Getting 60 stacks of materials is a pain in the TAULT CENSORED and costs alot of $$. 2) I would need to triple my bag size and craft using 60 slot boxes. Besides this, 10 plat a day is possible, but doing it consistent is not.

364 strength which means I can carry around 3 20 slot boxes, makes things so much easier for crafting :P Here's another way to make some money if you have... a T5 jeweler,

1) Buy fulg for 1gp a stack (cheaper than blood and diad since people always get tons of it compared to the others)

2) Make a crapload of crude fulg buckles (Takes about 30 minutes a stack with a simple forge)

3) Sell them to an NPC (64sp a piece, 12.8gp a stack, 10 stacks = 1.28pp) Total profit? 1gp X 10 = 10gp 5 stacks for tempers for those 10 stacks = 5gp.

Total expenditure 15gp
Total profit = Just over 1pp 10gp

4) Takes me about 4 hours for 10 stacks of crude buckles.

5) Macro'ng for 20 hours (3 taken out for various ingredient buying/shuffling and another hour for the daily patch) and an optimal day would = about 5.5pp total profit.

Alchy's and T5 ink is faster, but my alchy is 10 levels away from being able to do that :P

I usually buy at least 80 stacks of fulg at a time, then spend the next couple of days turning them over into finished product.

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Posted: January 21st, 2005, 12:54 pm

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first of all fulg on my server is still 10-15s per, mainly 15 which is 3g per stack. Next, it takes 20 stacks of tempers to make 10 stacks of buckles. Tempers sell to the broker for 10s each so ur not going to get them cheaper then that. Lets say we get them for 15s each being 3g per stack.
3 x 10= 30g for fulg
3 X 20= 60g for tempers

Total cost=90g (very far from 15g)

sells for 128 g

= 38g profit (simple forge takes about 15 mins per stack)

and yes my jeweler is lvl 50

PS just craft with 6 20 slot boxes, it may be slow to get there but once u are there u dont have to move much

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Posted: January 21st, 2005, 1:13 pm
tault_atrapas's Reps:
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glenny1 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
first of all fulg on my server is still 10-15s per, mainly 15 which is 3g per stack. Next, it takes 20 stacks of tempers to make 10 stacks of buckles. Tempers sell to the broker for 10s each so ur not going to get them cheaper then that. Lets say we get them for 15s each being 3g per stack.
3 x 10= 30g for fulg
3 X 20= 60g for tempers

Total cost=90g (very far from 15g)

sells for 128 g

= 38g profit (simple forge takes about 15 mins per stack)

and yes my jeweler is lvl 50

PS just craft with 6 20 slot boxes, it may be slow to get there but once u are there u dont have to move much

Never promised it'd work for everyone :P Just saying what works for me, and it's all accurate. If you look at the list of my expenditures, it notes the stacks of temps, but it only notes the cost for the raw resources, since I have access to a 44 alchy that I use to combine temps until my own alchy gets to the appropriate level.

(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
5 stacks for tempers for those 10 stacks = 5gp.

On the fulg price issue, my advice is to find someone that wants to offload it quickly and continously buy all that they bring.. at a reduced rate of course. You only get fulg from the T5 ores, so of course people always get almost twice the amount of fulg that they get of diad and blood combined.. Hence there's more of it on the market, and you can get it for a much cheaper price.

Might take a bit of talking to the people that you buy from, but it wasn't that hard to convince my suppliers that they make more money more quickly by just letting me snatch it up as soon as they come back with a harvest. It's a "everyone" wins situation. They still sell the diad and blood for the norm (on my server) of 4gp, but all that excess fulg is gone and they have money in their pockets. Of course I could use the other computer to go harvest while the jeweler crafts and have next to nothing for expenditures, but I'd rather leave that cpu for the alchemist to grind his way to 40. Who knows how long I'll have access to the lvl 44 guy?

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