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Need helpw ith harvestbot please : EverQuest 2 Premium Discussions

Posted: October 2nd, 2007, 4:14 am
destripator's Reps:
User avatar
Hello there,

I just downloaded the script and i tried to get it to run, but everytime i try to run it in game, it keeps telling me to check my .INI file and i dont see why. At first i thought it was my waypoints so I copied and pasted a working one from someone in the forum =) which is thundering stepps ( sorry didnt mean to steal your waypoints but i just wanted to test my script) and it didnt work =( no mather what i chance it keepts telling me to edit my INI file. Here's my log and thanks a lot in advance!

;; Configuration file for HarvestBot version 4.03
;; Written by:
;; Retsek 04-19-2005 - 05-01-2005
;; thewatcher 04-27-2005 - 06-02-2005
;; psouza4 06-17-2005 - 08-11-2005
;; TinyDiabla 11-14-2005.....
;; For updates and revision history, please read Changelog.txt.

;; (1) Be sure to set this INI file carefully or the bot will not run correctly, or even not at all.
;; (2) Change your view controls to be 'Avatar relative' instead of 'View relative' or you will run
;; backwards and such. You can change that setting at:sd sd
;; Options -> Controls -> View Options -> Free look controls
;; (3) Never stop the bot using the F12 key. This has a devastating effect on XUnleashed and can
;; cause instability in the EverQuest II game client, including crashing it. Use the [Del] key
;; or whatever other key you setup below.
;; (4) It's been reported that Norton Antivirus can seriously impact game performance, causing the
;; bot to run extremely slow. You may wish to enable it.
;; (5) If the bot crashes for any reason or you've accidently pressed F12 to abort it, you may wish
;; to completely restart the EverQuest II game client. Starting it again can cause instabilities.
;; This does not happen when the bot is shut down using the configured shutdown key.
;; (6) XUnleashed TCP/IP sniffer plugin must be disabled (no check in the checkbox) before you
;; launch EverQuest II. Also be sure that you're using alternative hooking.
;; (7) To start the script, open the Scripts window (by dragging your mouse to the bottom of
;; the EverQuest II game screen). The script selection arrows, use compatibility mode
;; checkbox, and Start / Stop button will not work unless you have a game window behind
;; them. This is a known problem with EverQuest II, so be sure to open the Persona window
;; or Journal window and move them behind the XUnleashed Scripts window so you can select
;; The HarvestBot script and start it. Be sure to start it in compatibility mode.

;; This version supports the use of the AIM plugin. It is entirely optional to install this plugin
;; and the bot will run fine without it (when the AIM section is disabled). Using the AIM plugin
;; will send messages to a designated screen name when important messages are detected or upon
;; certain events. It also allows you to pass information to the game using AIM.
;; You can download the AIM service plugin at:
;; http://www.taultunleashed.com/phpBB2/vi ... hp?t=21300
;; When you type to the screen name the bot uses, it will try to match up what you've typed to
;; a recognized *BOT* command. If the command does not exist in the *BOT*, it will pass what you
;; typed to the game instead. Here are the bot commands:
;; /exit Stops the bot and exits the game immediately.
;; /update By itself, it will send you a detailed update immediately,
;; including location, waypoints, health, etc.
;; /update [<amount> | off] Use this to disable AIM updates or to set it to regularly
;; update you every <amount> minutes.

;; DeleteMe True / False Either delete this line or set it to false to indicate that
;; the bot has been configured properly. The bot will not run
;; Unless this line is configured.
;; DebugLevel 1-10 Generally 8 is a good setting you are not debugging. 1 to turn
;; off all but the extreme basics. 10 will generate a lot of debug info.
;; EQ2Path <directory> Full path to the directory where EverQuest II is installed.
;; AvoidPlayers True / False If True, this will mark a node bad if another player is nearby
;; (within a range of AvoidRange from node).
;; AvoidRange Distance check used for AvoidPlayers
;; CampOnEnd True / False If True, the bot will /quit desktop once harvesting ends.
;; EraseBadSpawns True / False If True, will erase bad spawn locations when moving to a new location.
;; ClosestFirst True / False If True, will harvest the closest node first.
;; If False, will harvest nodes based on priority instead.
;; MaxHarvests # How many times should we attempt to harvest a node before
;; marking it bad and moving on.
;; RunToRange # How close do we get to what we are running to before we stop and
;; consider ourselves 'there'. Use caution when changing this.
;; WaitBetween # How long to stop and wait between each attempt to harvest a node.
;; This value is in centiseconds, so 450 = 4.5 seconds.
;; QuitOnTimeout True / False Stop bot if you have not harvested in (Timeout) minutes. Requires
;; configuring (Timeout) to a value in minutes.
;; Timeout Time, in minutes, to stop the bot if you have not harvested in this
;; length of time.
;; NOTE: if you set PlayOnTells to True, then QuitOnTells
;; does nothing. You can have one or the other, but not both.
;; Hotbar 0-9 Hotbar row # to use, assuming you have hotkeys set up for harvesting
;; actions. If you do not, or do not want to use hotkeys, set this
;; to 0 and the bot will /useability the harvesting actions instead
;; although this is somewhat slower.
;; HotbarReset 0-9 Hotbar row # to reset back to upon shutdown. If (Hotbar) above is
;; set to 0, this setting has no effect.
;; DefaultZone <zonename> If the zone name could not be detected automatically (very rare),
;; the bot will use the zone name defined here. This usually only happens
;; after a recent patch and memory locations have been changed -- although
;; in that event, it's very likely the bot simply won't work anyway.

DeleteMe = True
DebugLevel = 8
EQ2Path = C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II
AvoidPlayers = True
AvoidRange = 25
CampOnEnd = False
EraseBadSpawns = True
ClosestFirst = True
MaxHarvests = 15
RunToRange = 7
WaitBetween = 450
QuitOnTimeout = True
Timeout = 15
Hotbar = 9
HotbarReset = 1
DefaultZone =

;; The events section determines what to do when specific events occur.
;; Most of these allow you to play a custom sound when an event happens.
;; Sound files must be located in your XUnleashed scripts folder.
;; eQuitOnTell True / False Whether or not you want the bot to end and
;; disconnect you from the game if you receive a tell.
;; eQuitOnStuck True / False Whether or not you want the bot to end and
;; disconnect you from the game if has been
;; stuck for a while and cannot free itself.
;; eTellSound <sound> If this is not blank, it will play the sound file
;; specified whenever you receive a tell.
;; eUncommonSound <sound> If this is not blank, it will play the sound file
;; specified whenever you harvest an uncommon item.
;; eRareSound <sound> If this is not blank, it will play the sound file
;; specified whenever you harvest a rare item.
;; eStuckSound <sound> If this is not blank, it will play the sound file
;; specified whenever your character has been stuck
;; for a while and cannot free itself.
;; eInventoryFull <options> If this is not blank, you can either specify a
;; sound file or the word 'Quit'. If you choose to
;; leave it blank, the bot will simply stop when your
;; inventory is full. If you use the word 'Quit',
;; the bot will end and log you out of the game.
;; If you specify a sound file, the bot will end and
;; play the specified sound when your inventory is full.

eQuitOnTell = False
eQuitOnStuck = True
eTellSound = ding.wav
eUncommonSound =
eRareSound =
eStuckSound =
eInventoryFull = Quit

;; If you are interested in using the AOL Instant Messenger service to monitor and
;; remote-control your bot, then set up this section accordingly.
;; WantToUseAIM True / False If this is True, then the AIM service will be used
;; to monitor and remote-control your bot. It requires
;; that you have the AIM service installed from
;; Login Your bot's registered screen name
;; Password Your bot's AIM password
;; Authorized The screen name that you want your bot to send
;; messages and updates to. This also sets what screen
;; name is allowed to remote-control your bot. You
;; are limited to only one Authorized screen name for now.
;; UpdateInterval How often (in minutes) to send update messages to
;; the Authorized screen name. This can be modified while
;; the bot is running with the /update command.

WantToUseAIM = False
Login = BotsRegisteredScreenName
Password = Password
Authorized = YourScreenNameOrSMSNumber
UpdateInterval = 5

;; Here you configure your keys, The AutoRun key must be set, preferably to
;; {NumLock}, but other keys will work too. {Up} doesn't, for example.
;; NearestPC is the key to target the nearest PC, normally {F7}.
;; You can also reconfigure your jump key if needed.
;; Chat is the key you wish to pause the bot and chat with, {ENTER} is a good
;; choice because it also starts the chat at the same time. Reply is your
;; secondary chat key, which will also pause the bot when pressed, but will not
;; unpause it. This will not work if you do not use hotkeys (will be disabled).
;; Shutdown is the key to stop the bot, please use this instead of F12
;; since F12 aborts the bot and prevents a clean shutdown and releasing of
;; memory as well as closing files.
;; PetSpellName is the name of the spell to cast your pet. If you have no pet
;; you can safely ignore this. If you do have a pet, the bot will find it
;; if you have it up when you start the bot and the bot will try to recast
;; the pet if it it disappears.

AutoRun = {NumLock}
Forward = W
Backward = S
Left = A
Right = D
Jump = {SPACE}
NearestPC = {F7}
Chat = {Ins}
Reply = {Home}
ShutdownBot = {Del}
PetSpellName = Tellurian Soldier

;; NODETYPE 1-10 Priority (the lower, the more priority a node has over others)
;; True / False Do you want to harvest this type of node?
;; 0-9 Hotkey button to press if you are using hotkeys
;; True / False Continue to harvest this node if the node type becomes trivial
;; for your skill level?
;; IMPORTANT NOTE: do not set two node types to the same priority, if
;; you do, the bot will ignore the first setting and not
;; harvest this type of node. It may actually crash the
;; bot as well.

ORE = 1, True, 1, True
STONE = 2, True, 1, True
COLLECT = 3, True, 5, True
WOOD = 4, True, 4, True
DEN = 5, True, 3, True
ROOTS = 6, True, 2, True
SHRUB = 7, True, 2, True
FUNGI = 8, True, 2, True
FISH = 9, False, 5, false
MISC = 10, True, 5, True

;; This section is for defining options specific to your characters. Set the
;; section name to your character's first name: i.e. [JohnDoe]
;; The name must be spelled correctly!
;; Server Your server name (used to locate your log file)
;; LogFileOverride Set this to the path of your log file starting with "logs\". You can
;; leave this blank to have the bot auto-detect where the log file is.
;; Example: logs\Lucan DLere\eq2log_JohnDoe.txt
;; GrayOutRange This value is not used yet (for future upgrades to the bot).
;; NumofBuffs The number of buffs you want the bot to maintain
;; Buff# Name of buff, duration (in minutes), casting time (in seconds)

Server = MY SERVER
LogFileOverride = lMY LOG FILE
GrayOutRange = 9999
Numofbuffs = 0
buff1 = Pathfinding, 15, 6

;; Zone sections
;; [zonename] [<zone>] Each section must be named for the zone it refers to.
;; The name must be spelled completely and correctly, with
;; brackets surrounding the name.
;; UseWayPoints True / False Should we use waypoints or should we just wander around randomly?
;; RelaxedRadius True / False If we harvest something within a waypoint's radius and then find
;; another node nearby (distance less than 15) but it's technically
;; outside of the waypoint's radius, should we harvest that node
;; too (relaxed)? If not, the bot will follow the waypoint's radius
;; strictly.
;; MaxWander # If (UseWayPoints) is False, this value sets a maximum radius
;; around your starting point and will not wander outside of
;; that area.
;; NodeStopType Strict/Relaxed Determines whether or not you want the bot to stop abruptly
;; At each waypoint that we have a radius bigger than zero at.
;; If you have waypoints close together, the bot may zig-zag
;; too much and this setting can help. It's also useful if
;; You are pathing in a dangerous zone and need the bot's
;; movements to be precise.
;; NumOfPoints # Set this to the number of waypoints you are going to define for
;; this zone.
;; waypoint# X, Y, R, MVT Set X and Y to the waypoint coordinants (ignore middle /loc
;; value for height).
;; Set R to the maximum radius you want to harvest nodes in around
;; this waypoint. If a resource distance is outside of the radius
;; for the waypoint you are currently at, it will be skipped.
;; Set MVT to a movement type. This is optional and can be left out
;; entirely. If you want to move to this waypoint and stop immediately
;; when you arrive, set it to "direct". This can be very useful when
;; trying to set waypoints that cross bridges and other precise movements.
;; Direct movement type makes your bot look less lifelike, though, and
;; should be avoided when possible.
;; nodetype resource Set to the exact name of the nodes that match the node types in this zone.

[The Forest Ruins]
UseWayPoints = True
RelaxedRadius = False
MaxWander = 25
NodeStopType = Strict
NumOfPoints = 24
;; This set of waypoints will path you from the entrance of the zone completely around the keep
;; ignoring any nodes found within it. Notice that some waypoints have a radius of 0. These
;; are only travel nodes to help path to that location.
waypoint1 = 906, -562, 35
waypoint2 = 952, -562, 35
waypoint3 = 996, -575, 45
waypoint4 = 1014, -622, 10
waypoint5 = 1033, -607, 15
waypoint6 = 1055, -594, 30
waypoint7 = 1075, -595, 30
waypoint8 = 1090, -605, 0, direct
waypoint9 = 1105, -655, 30
waypoint10 = 1117, -708, 0, direct
waypoint11 = 1138, -733, 0, direct
waypoint12 = 1172, -749, 50
waypoint13 = 1140, -811, 50
waypoint14 = 1083, -840, 50
waypoint15 = 1075, -814, 15
waypoint16 = 1019, -825, 40
waypoint17 = 971, -815, 50
waypoint18 = 958, -757, 50
waypoint19 = 956, -703, 40
waypoint20 = 948, -661, 30
waypoint21 = 956, -641, 20
waypoint22 = 984, -635, 15
waypoint23 = 1004, -622, 10
waypoint24 = 992, -591, 35
FUNGI = natural herb garden
ORE = blemished ore
FISH = array of fish
ROOTS = damp roots
DEN = creature den
SHRUB = natural garden
WOOD = aged arbor
STONE = unearthed stones
MISC = withered bones

[Zek, the Orcish Wastes]
UseWayPoints = False
RelaxedRadius = False
MaxWander = 25
ORE = ferric ore
STONE = mud stone
WOOD = marred arbor
SHRUB = flattened bed of thistle
FUNGI = flattened natural herb garden
ROOTS = vestigial roots
DEN = animal den
FISH = fury of fish
MISC = withered bones

[The Feerrott]
UseWayPoints = False
RelaxedRadius = True
MaxWander = 25
ORE = alluvium ore
STONE = hermetic stone
WOOD = putrid arbor
SHRUB = overgrown bed of greenslade
FUNGI = overgrown fairy ring
ROOTS = musty roots
DEN = animal den
FISH = hatch of fish
MISC = withered bones

[The Enchanted Lands]
UseWayPoints = False
RelaxedRadius = True
MaxWander = 25
ORE = residual ore
STONE = rhythmic stone
WOOD = wretched arbor
SHRUB = mystical natural garden
FUNGI = fairy ring
ROOTS = velvety roots
DEN = animal den
FISH = throng of fish
MISC = withered bones

[The Pillars of Flame]
UseWayPoints = False
RelaxedRadius = False
MaxWander = 25
ORE = red rock
STONE = luminous stone
WOOD = fallen branch
SHRUB = withered shrubbery
FUNGI = cave fungus
ROOTS = shriveled roots
DEN = beast den
FISH = cluster of fish
MISC = withered bones

[The Cove of Decay]
UseWayPoints = false
RelaxedRadius = true
MaxWander = 100
FUNGI = natural herb garden
ORE = ferric ore
FISH = fury of fish
ROOTS = vestigal roots
DEN = animal den
SHRUB = flattened bed of thistle
WOOD = marred arbor
STONE = mudded stone
MISC = withered bones

[The Thundering Steppes]
UseWayPoints = True
RelaxedRadius = True
MaxWander = 25
Numofpoints= 52
waypoint1= -110, 129, 50
waypoint2= -109, 165, 50
waypoint3= -151, 182, 50
waypoint4= -179, 180, 50
waypoint5= -172, 202, 50
waypoint6= -189, 215, 50
waypoint7= -209, 192, 50
waypoint8= -228, 203, 50
waypoint9= -162, 241, 50
waypoint10= -123, 252, 50
waypoint11= -90, 317, 50
waypoint12= -120, 304, 50
waypoint13= -257, 303, 50
waypoint14= -278, 267, 50
waypoint15= -287, 278, 50
waypoint16= -279, 339, 50
waypoint17= -338, 346, 50
waypoint18= -362, 333, 50
waypoint19= -374, 299, 50
waypoint20= -395, 298, 50
waypoint21= -398, 280, 50
waypoint22= -419, 262, 50
waypoint23= -388, 212, 50
waypoint24= -398, 165, 50
waypoint25= -429, 140, 50
waypoint26= -467, 150, 50
waypoint27= -515, 236, 50
waypoint28= -481, 284, 50
waypoint29= -470, 296, 50
waypoint30= -447, 334, 50
waypoint31= -412, 356, 50
waypoint32= -443, 358, 50
waypoint33= -480, 381, 50
waypoint34= -510, 412, 50
waypoint35= -544, 461, 50
waypoint36= -536, 511, 50
waypoint37= -500, 509, 50
waypoint38= -441, 496, 50
waypoint39= -394, 495, 50
waypoint40= -368, 541, 50
waypoint41= -333, 594, 50
waypoint42= -308, 560, 50
waypoint43= -284, 512, 50
waypoint44= -258, 515, 50
waypoint45= -224, 538, 50
waypoint46= -169, 455, 50
waypoint47= -133, 476, 50
waypoint48= -81, 418, 50
waypoint49= -53, 330, 50
waypoint50= -85, 326, 50
waypoint51= -120, 254, 50
waypoint52= -92, 162, 50
ORE = stonecrest ore
STONE = wind swept stones
WOOD = felled high plains arbor
SHRUB = high plains shrubbery
FUNGI = high plains fungi
ROOTS = mesquite catch weed
DEN = beast den
FISH = mob of fish
MISC = withered bones

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Posted: October 2nd, 2007, 4:39 pm
destripator's Reps:
User avatar
Disregard this Thread i fixed it.

If anyone wants to know how send pm =)

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