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Resources list for use with EQ2 Ultrabot : EverQuest 2 Submissions

Posted: September 13th, 2011, 2:03 pm

Total Posts: 36
Joined: September 11th, 2011, 6:40 am
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This was something I kinda forgot I had. I made it to use with the EQ2 Ultrabot, although I dunno if it still uses the same format. Basically, whatever tier I wanted, I'd copy and past the Nodes section into the bot and went to whichever zone I felt like. I also have one somewhere that lists the nodes by major zone, if I cant find it.

(!empty($user->lang['CODE'])) ? $user->lang['CODE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'CODE'))):
*More than one tier in this zone.

TIER 1 (1-9) Skill: 1

Ore: tin cluster, leaded loam, bronze cluster (rare), solidified loam (solidified loam)
Fish: sunfish, frog leg
Roots: root, yarrow (rare)
Den: deer meat, turtle meat, rawhide leather pelt, waxed leather pelt (rare)
Shrub: jumjum, baubbleshire cabbage, raw white tea leaf, black coffee bean, yarrow (rare)
Wood: severed elm, severed alder (rare)
Stone: lead cluster, rough malachite, copper cluster (rare), rough lapis lazuli (rare)
Imbue Material: none

Queen's Colony, Outpost of the Overlord, Greater Faydark (The Nursery and main areas), Darklight Wood (East), Timorous Deep* (Chrykori Isle and Gorowyn's island), The Ruins, The Caves, Oakmyst Forest, The Peat Bog, The Forest Ruins, The Graveyard, Sunken City, The Sprawl, Frostfang Sea*


ORE=rugged stone,unearthed stone,exposed ore,unearthed ore,excavated ore,blemished ore,dusky ore,compound ore,murky ore,blemished ore,dismal ore,cruddy ore,dusty ore,scattered ore
FISH=school of fish,searing trout,school of saltfin,variety of fish,cluster of fish,assortment of fish,array of fish,collection of fish
ROOTS=roots,growing roots,knotted roots,salty roots,stodgy roots,damp roots,muddy roots,wilted roots,moldy roots,pale roots,feeble roots,stale roots
DEN=creature den,rodent den,small nest
SHRUB=budding natural garden,coffee bush,natural garden,unnatural garden,salty garden,ravaged natural garden
WOOD=felled elm tree,fetid arbor,aged arbor,grizzled arbor,dense felled arbor,withered arbor,gangly arbor,felled arbor,decomposed arbor,fallen branch,felled wood,felled lumber
STONE=unearthed ore,rugged ore,crumbled stone,heavy stone,dark stone,rigid stone,unearthed stones,moss encased stone,misty stone,exhumed stones,rustic stone,excavated stone,eroded stone,ice-covered stone

TIER 2 (10-19) Skill: 20

Ore: iron cluster, salty loam, blackened iron cluster (rare), alkaline loam (rare)
Fish: freewater grouper, raw crab meat
Roots: tuber strand, sisal root (rare)
Den: elephant meat, vulrich meat, tanned leather pelt, cured leather pelt (rare)
Shrub: murdunk orange, raw carrot, raw black tea leaf, antonican coffee bean, sisal root (rare)
Wood: severed maple, severed bone (rare)
Stone: electrum cluster, rough turquoise, silver cluster (rare), rough coral (rare)
Imbue Material: glowing material

Antonica, The Commonlands, Greater Faydark (east side), Darklight Wood (West), Timorous Deep* (Mok Rent's island), Frostfang Sea*


ORE=callous ore,cloven ore,moss covered ore,uncovered stone,frosted ore
FISH=shoal of fish,band of fish,school of fish,school of tiger barbs
ROOTS=plains roots,desert roots,large roots,twisted roots,tangled roots
DEN=critter den,feral animal den,unkempt nest
SHRUB=plains shrubbery,oasis shrubbery,a bush,tainted garden,flowering shrubbery
WOOD=wind felled tree,moss covered branch,dark fir,fallen palm
STONE=sandwashed rock,wind swept rock,eroded rock,dense rock

TIER 3 (20-29) Skill: 90

Ore: carbonite cluster, pliant loam, steel cluster (rare), malleable loam (rare)
Fish: seafury mackrel, thicket crayfish
Roots: belladonna root, dandelion fiber (rare)
Den: pig meat, lion meat, boiled leather pelt, cuirboilli leather pelt (rare)
Shrub: fayberry, sweet onion, oolong tea leaf, steppes mountain bean, dandelion fiber (rare)
Wood: severed ash, severed fir (rare)
Stone: gold cluster, rough agate, palladium cluster (rare), rough jasper (rare)
Imbue Material: Sparkling Material

The Thundering Steppes, Nektulos Forest, Butcherblock Mountains


ORE=stonecrest ore,penumbra ore,brellian ore
FISH=mob of fish,swarm of fish,plethora of fish
ROOTS=mesquite catch weed,rancid roots,exposed roots
DEN=beast den,varmint den
SHRUB=high plains shubbery,polluted natural garden,desert shrubbery,highland shrub
WOOD=felled high plains arbor,putrescent duskwood arbor,axe-felled lumber
STONE=wind swept stone,eventide stone,crystalline formation

TIER 4 (30-39) Skill: 140


Ore: feyiron cluster, supple loam, feysteel cluster (rare), ductile loam (rare)
Fish: murkwater carp, shark fin
Roots: tussah root, oak root (rare)
Den: bear meat, griffon meat, etched leather pelt, engraved leather pelt (rare)
Shrub: wild apple, cucumber, green tea leaf, everfrost ice bean, oak root (rare)
Wood: severed briarwood, severed oak (rare)
Stone: velium cluster, rough opaline, ruthenium cluster (rare), rough opal (rare)
Imbue Material: glimmering material

Enchanted Lands, Zek the Orcish Wastes, Steamfont Mountains* (north and west)


ORE=residual ore,ferric ore,burnished stone
FISH=throng of fish,fury of fish,steamvent coral
ROOTS=velvety roots,vestigial roots,nutritive roots
DEN=animal den,critter den
SHRUB=mystical natural garden,flattened bed of thistle,natural nettle
WOOD=wretched arbor,marred arbor,verdant timber
STONE=rhythmic stone,mud stone,burnished stone

TIER 5 (40-49) Skill: 190


Ore: fulginate cluster, bonded loam, ebon cluster (rare), fused loam (rare)
Fish: cauldron blowfish, conger eel
Roots: ashen root, figwart root (rare)
Den: owlbear meat, wyrm meat, strengthened leather pelt, augmented leather pelt (rare)
Shrub: white peach, browncap mushroom, pu-erh tea leaf,lavastorm robusta bean, figwart root (rare)
Wood: severed teak, severed cedar (rare)
Stone: diamondine cluster, rough bloodstone, rhodium cluster (rare), rough ruby (rare)
Imbue Material: luminous material

Lavastorm, Everfrost, Rivervale, The Feerrott, Steamfont Mountains* (south and east)


ORE=flame licked ore,frigid ore,sedimentary ore,alluvium ore,russet rock
FISH=brood of fish,clamor of fish,bedlam of fish,hatch of fish,spawning shoal
ROOTS=paltry roots,wintry roots,musty roots,insidious roots,wholesome roots
DEN=blackened animal den,animal den,beast den
SHRUB=blackened shrubbery,glacial shrubbery,tainted natural garden,overgrown bed of greenslade,natural shrubbery
WOOD=decrepit arbor,corroded arbor,corrupted arbor,putrid arbor,earthly timber
STONE=metamorphic stone,blizzard stone,lithic stone,hermetic stone,pellucid stone

TIER 6 (50-59) Skill: 240


Ore: indium cluster, soluble loam, cobalt cluster (rare), alkali loam (rare)
Fish: nerius trout, tiger shrimp
Roots: succulent root, saguaro root (rare)
Den: caiman meat, sabertooth meat, stonehide leather pelt, scaled leather pelt (rare)
Shrub: prickly pear, artichoke, darjeeling tea leaf, maj'dul coffee bean, saguaro root (rare)
Wood: severed sandalwood, severed ironwood (rare)
Stone: beryllium cluster, rough nacre, vanadium cluster (rare), rough pearl (rare)
Imbue Material: lambent material

The Sinking Sands, The Pillars of Flame, The Lesser Faydark


ORE=eroded ore,red rock,exposed lode
FISH=clutch of fish, cluster of fish, freshwater carp
ROOTS=sun bleached roots,shriveled roots,unabating sprouts
DEN=beast den,varmint burrow
SHRUB=parched shrubbery,withered shrubbery,abundant patch
WOOD=arid timber,fallen branch,felled pine
STONE=sand scoured stone,luminous stone,luminous geode

TIER 7 (60-69) Skill: 250


Ore: adamantine cluster, porous loam, xegonite cluster (rare), spongy loam (rare)
Fish: flying fish
Roots: hanging root, nimbus root (rare)
Den: aviak meat, ravasect meat, horned leather pelt, dragonhide leather pelt (rare)
Shrub: xegonberry, squash, sweet chai tea leaf, soaring coffee bean, nimbus (rare)
Wood: rough lumbered rosewood, rough lumbered ebony (rare)
Stone: azurite cluster, rough topaz, acrylia cluster (rare), rough moonstone (rare)
Imbue Material: scintillating material

Tenebrous Tangle, The Barren Sky, The Bonemire, Loping Plains


ORE=firmament stone,sand burrowed ore,dustworn ore,protruding vein
FISH=school of flying fish,crowd of fish,churning school
ROOTS=trip roots,arid roots,dusk roots,lanky root
DEN=tangled nest,sand crawler den,burrow,beast den
SHRUB=breeze leaf foliage,dryland brush,scrub thistle,scraggy bush
WOOD=twisted wood,dustwood arbor,osseous lumber,slate lumber
STONE=twilight gem,barren stone,weathered geode,murky geode

TIER 8 (70-79) Skill: 340


Ore: ferrite cluster, mineral salt loam, incarnadine cluster (rare), silicate loam (rare)
Fish: barracuda, king prawn
Roots: lichenclover root, mantrap root
Den: brute meat, devourer meat, drachnid meat, hornet meat, mountain giant meat, bristled leather pelt, hidebound leather pelt (rare)
Shrub: raw cranberry, raw succulent petal, torsis tea leaf, cabilis cocoa bean, mantrap root
Wood: redwood lumber, mahogany lumber (rare)
Stone: deklium cluster, rough kunzite, tynnonium cluster (rare), rough fire emerald
Imbue Material: smoldering material

Kylong Plains, Fens of Nathsar, Kunzar Jungle, Jarsath Wastes, Moors of Ykesha


ORE=ryjesium node,cabilisian lode,ferrite deposit,bedded ore,ykeshan dark ore
FISH=southshore school,omenfish school,venom flow catch,a briney catch,spotted whitesurf fish
ROOTS=germinating roots,nathsarian roots,aerating root cord,prairie roots,swamp foot
DEN=varmint burrow,field burrow,jungle beast den,badlands den,moor mole den
SHRUB=kylong briar,nathsarian shrubbery,kunzar berrybush,wastelands shrub,ykeshan stout shrubbery
WOOD=calcified timber,warslik timber,emerald jungle timber,sundrenched cordwood,bleached timber
STONE=ornamental geode,frontier geode,kunzite node,exposed limestone,blackened hermatite

TIER 9 (80-89) Skill: 375


Ore: titanium ore, brellium ore (rare)
Fish: giant octopus meat, seahorse roe
Roots: bamboo shoot, toxnettle root (rare)
Den: fearstalker meat, gazer meat, roper sinew, kobold meat, mottled pelt, spotted pelt (rare)
Shrub: marr cherry, kejekan palmfruit, lapsang tea leaf, caynar nut, toxnettle root
Wood: sumac lumber, eucalyptus lumber (rare)
Stone: quicksilver cluster, amber, kaborite cluster (rare), ulteran diamond (rare)
Imbue Material: ethereal material

The Sundered Frontier, The Stonebrunt Highlands


ORE=an infused deposit
FISH=school of tiny fish
ROOTS=a Toxxulia root culm
DEN=a craggy lair
SHRUB=a perennial shrub
WOOD=Toxxulia timber
STONE=a molten formation

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