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 General Site Rules : FAQ
Posted: February 21st, 2006, 10:22 am
Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
Tault_admin's Reps: 1444
THESE ARE THE SITE RULES. BREAK THEM AND YOU WILL MORE THAN LIKELY BE BANNED No Racist Remarks- Enough Said. No Excessive Profanity- You can be angry about something but stupid comments with excessive profanity can lead to a quick banning. No Uploading Warez To The Site- If its a bot program, guide book, or something else upload it to rapid share or another site. No Requesting premium content if you are a regular member - We are here to help you but if you want premium content click the left of the page on how you can join for free. Its really easy just we require some effort for you to help the site. Asking for a dupe of any kind- If we have it then its in the confirmed area. - If you are a regular member then you will be banned as you are just a leecher and we dont need you here. Posting your email address in a request post for premium content- You will be instant banned with no warning. - Your email address will also be added to porn sites. No advertising sites- If its for a gold site and you want to promote then do so at http://www.gexem.com or in the correct area of the trading forums. - If you have any other site you will more than likely be banned for posting. Contacting- It may take up to 72 hours for a reply. Weekends will take even longer as we do not operate much on the weekends (our staff members do have families and lives too  ). Saying You Will Only Post Once You Get Premium.- Thats just proof its fake.
Last edited by Tault_admin on January 30th, 2009, 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted: February 23rd, 2009, 5:31 am
Total Posts: 1
Joined: February 22nd, 2009, 11:15 pm
thumper1975's Reps: 1
I found carbonite 2.56 that works and its full no crack or anything needed...i used it earlier, but, its on "The Pirate Bay"..I take it i can`t post it in a forum?? Or can I?? Just checking so i don`t get banned.
Posted: March 24th, 2009, 3:48 pm
Total Posts: 4
Joined: March 24th, 2009, 3:37 pm
unrest's Reps: 1
thumper1975 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))): I found carbonite 2.56 that works and its full no crack or anything needed...i used it earlier, but, its on "The Pirate Bay"..I take it i can`t post it in a forum?? Or can I?? Just checking so i don`t get banned.
According to the http://www.taultunleashed.com/phpbb2/ab ... ashed.html you can, as long as you give credit
Posted: March 24th, 2009, 9:18 pm
Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
Tault_admin's Reps: 1444
Posted: April 10th, 2009, 6:14 pm
Total Posts: 5
Joined: April 10th, 2009, 5:00 pm
kenziz's Reps: 1
hey when u said no advertising sites as in i cant link sites that might be helpful to people? because i just read that part of the rules and already posted some addresses. i sincerely apologize if that was against the rules
Posted: April 14th, 2009, 6:50 pm
Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
Tault_admin's Reps: 1444
Well depends on the site. I mean if its a pay site or something then no. but if its a guide for a site then sure.
Posted: May 25th, 2009, 8:48 am
daddy cool
Total Posts: 232
Joined: January 14th, 2009, 11:03 am
daddy cool's Reps: 1
Lol i like the bit about your email addresses being added to porn sites 
Posted: May 28th, 2009, 4:25 pm
Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
Tault_admin's Reps: 1444
Well people need to read the rules haha.
Posted: June 23rd, 2009, 4:11 pm
Total Posts: 13
Joined: June 23rd, 2009, 3:48 pm
totalwargreek's Reps: 2
yeah i thought that the porn site thing was hilarious, you are kidding right? right? oh god! lol
Posted: July 16th, 2009, 1:07 am
Total Posts: 15
Joined: July 15th, 2009, 2:55 pm
imfried's Reps: 1
hi twoo sunnrunner been on forever dont ban me just hook me up with the porno kidding no dont mite c my sister and start using profanity then get banned or worse fall in love and get banned from swig by my new lov the one that kicks the router every time she walks by or says oops as she spills the coffee onto the keyboard ok im rambling going to dummy up later all happy gaming or whatever bmakes u happy may the lepercaun of luck always smile upon u hope that wasnt a racest remark really wachin out for the ban
Posted: August 15th, 2009, 11:17 pm
Total Posts: 6
Joined: August 15th, 2009, 10:29 pm
c4l0s's Reps: 2
great rules, i think youve covered most of the bases here. lol
Posted: September 6th, 2009, 8:29 am
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Location: PH MANILA
Joined: September 6th, 2009, 7:56 am
winstontiu's Reps: 1
OK following the rules is a priority 
Posted: September 29th, 2009, 5:21 am
Posted: October 14th, 2009, 3:51 pm
Total Posts: 6
Joined: October 14th, 2009, 11:34 am
neoblade525's Reps: 1
i dont get the email adress and the porn? are u saying that my email adress will be added to a porn site? or what
Posted: October 14th, 2009, 7:53 pm
Total Posts: 101
Joined: September 13th, 2009, 2:32 pm
king_yoshi's Reps: 7
neoblade525 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))): i don't get the email adress and the porn? are u saying that my email address will be added to a porn site? or what
It was meant as a joke.. (I think), that if you do something "very bad" that goes against the rules he would add your e-mail address to a porn mailing list.
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