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Big compendium of Titles : FFXI General Discussions

Posted: September 12th, 2004, 6:48 pm
Rappa's Reps:
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I. What is the purpose of this compendium?

Titles are a way to recognize the various accomplishments that your character experiences during your time in Vana'diel. Titles are bestowed upon you for different reasons and some may be more desirable than others. The purpose of this compendium is to help you discover new and interesting titles to associate with your character and to help you recover your favourite titles after you receive a new one.

II. Who cares about titles anyway?

You should! Whenever someone /check's you, they see your title. Do you want to be one of the many residents of Vana'diel with the infamous "Crawler Culler" title? Wouldn't you rather have a title that's more interesting? Titles range anywhere from the heroic ("Star-obtained Warrior") to the downright silly ("Goblin's Exclusive Fashion Mannequin"). Be different, be unique, have a cool title!

III. How do I get new titles?

You can earn titles in many numerous ways:
-Completing quests and missions
-Various points during quests and missions
-Kill certain Notorious Monsters
-Use Conquest Points
-Use Guild Points

There are many other ways, all of which will be covered in the list of titles linked at the end of the compendium.

IV. How do I replace a title that I previously had?

If your favourite title gets replaced, it isn't gone forever. There are bards in various locations in Vana'diel that can restore your past titles for a small fee. The price of the change depends on how difficult the title was to obtain. Here are the locations of the title changers:

Burute-Sorute (Windurst Walls H-10)
Eron-Tomaron (Kazham G-7)
Moozo-Koozo (South San d'Oria K-6)
Quntsu-Nointsu (Norg G-7)
Shupah Mujuuk (Rabao G-8)
Tuh Almobankha (Lower Jeuno I-8)
Tuh Almobankha (Port Bastok I-7)
Willah Maratahya (Mhaura I-8)
Yulon-Polon (Selbina I-9)

Yes, Tuh Almobankha is listed twice. Apparently she likes to travel. :)

V. What different titles can I have?

Well I'm glad you asked, because I painstakingly put together a list of known titles and how to obtain them. The list also tells you where you need to go and how much you need to pay in order to recover old job titles. So without further ado, enjoy the list.

Rappa's Final Fantasy XI Title List

I hope you found this compendium to be useful and I hope that it inspires
you to go out there and show off your title.

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