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Melee Mobs: Positioning your Character : FFXI General Discussions - Page 2

Posted: March 13th, 2008, 12:58 pm

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Look, this "expl"... no, game mechanic is very very very well known. This topic is stupid.

Just a quick thing to mention:
(!empty($user->lang['QUOTE'])) ? $user->lang['QUOTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'QUOTE'))):
there are gates in East Ronfaure [S] that are up against the side of a hill. As a player I can run around then entire gate, but the mob can only run around the bottom part(relative to the hill). Therefore, if you stand at a certain point and move left and right the mob will have to go all the way back around, then you just step aside and they turn around and run back around. I can farm Ts with a magic or ranged or high delay job while rarely if ever getting hit by the mob.

This is called Pinning. It's useless for exp... It's only use is to try and loose agro or to hold a mob and wait for re-enforcements.... or DOT kill lmao. If you say you can cast while a mob is pinned, I'd like a video. When you stop 22~'(MAX casting distance for DMGspell) or less from a mob, it will catch you and hit you if you plan to cast any big spell or shoot it. "Hit for hit" on any T mob will rip your !@#$%^&* face off. It's much better exp/hr to plow through DC/EP solo. As a mage there are goblin pets to supplement you for lvls 17~72. As a ranger there are worms and other mobs..

If you think 2000exp/hr off your 10 min fights with T mobs while running around in circles is good exp... well you should go right back to WoW.

If you claim it's more "fun" to do it this way... well I don't know what to say. To run in circles for 10 minutes per mob and crappy exp... or fast 8~12k/hr goblin pets... You tell me which is more fun.

And.. P.S. If you don't care so much, then stop posting about how you're so much better. Insulting people wont get you very far here.

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Posted: March 13th, 2008, 1:36 pm
thedon1818's Reps:
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vaxthemonk (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
And.. P.S. If you don't care so much, then stop posting about how you're so much better. Insulting people wont get you very far here.

Guess what, I'm going to post when a moronic mod says it doesnt work that way or that mobs are on a COMPLETELY different x,y,z plane.

Find where, in my original post I said I was so much better than anyone.

I'm done arguing with the kiddies, let the forums go back to 3 month periods of no one posting, if thats what getting very far is...

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Posted: March 13th, 2008, 2:57 pm

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First off, end the insulting now; all of you. Go ahead and make another obscene comment. I don't care how minute it is, but go ahead and try. The only person acting childish around here are the people insulting one another, so quit it now before I end it myself. And I'm pretty sure you don't want a child ending your conversation because you weren't mature enough to do it yourself.

Secondly, you're changing what you originally said around and taking ALL of my words completely out of the context of which they were written.

I did NOT, under any circumstances, try to say or act as if I knew more than you. I was simply trying to explain my thoughts as best as I could. Apparently, I didn't make them as understandable as I intended, so you'll have to forgive that.

On the topic of lag: I said lag did NOT have to do with this topic every single time I mentioned it. I was using it as an example to explain what COULD also cause a disruption between the realms. So stop using that as an example to insult me, because it's not working.

Also, I do agree with the ways SE "takes care of" the obstacles, by implementing checks to make sure the mob will take an alternate route. I was simply saying, NOT THE SLIGHTEST BIT AGAINST THE OP OR YOU, that even though that is true, sometimes it doesn't work because the 2 realms separate. As a coder, you should fully comprehend what I'm saying here.

Thirdly, no offense, but the way you write does come off as egotistical and harsh, and I suggest you be careful what you say.


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Posted: March 13th, 2008, 3:08 pm
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waitinginshadow (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
Thirdly, no offense, but the way you write does come off as egotistical and harsh, and I suggest you be careful what you say.

No offense to you, and I have nothing against you, but so does the way you write, which I wouldnt expect from a mod.

When I first posted on the subject...I was trying to be nothing but helpful and confirm that it does in fact work and what you originally posted really had no relevance to the topic at hand. If I offended then I apologize.

Vax, youre right it doesnt work and its a waste of time. Thank you for calling me out on my lies. :)

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Posted: March 13th, 2008, 3:16 pm

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I apologize if I came off that way. It wasn't intended. When I originally posted, I wasn't agreeing or disagreeing with any topic at all... I was pretty much off in my own world, talking about the topic in a way that had no relevance to the main point. And I'm sorry if that threw you off.

I wasn't disagreeing with you at all, but there was still no need to start insulting.

And as a question: what is the point of posting a lie?

And another question out of curiosity, since I'm planning to move into programming/video-game-development, what do you code in? Like what languages do you use? I only know Java, SQL, some other crap, and basic C++. Just curious as to what I should focus on learning for game development.


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Posted: March 13th, 2008, 3:22 pm
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I was being sarcastic about the lie part, it does work.

A lot of the major game companies look for strong background in C/C++ languages.

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Posted: March 13th, 2008, 3:31 pm

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Damn, then I'm screwed...

My school stopped teaching C++ and started teaching Java the year I got into there (even though I'm in Honors right now and most likely taking the AP AB test next year because the class is a joke and I went off on my own and learned like 2652534234x more than what I was taught how to do.........).

I was thinking of doing C++ in my spare time, but then I realized I don't really have any.... As soon as school is over, I have 3 hours of lacrosse every single day. Then I'm stuck doing other !@#$%^&* I don't want to do, sometimes something I do want to do, but not often... And by then I'm so tired I pretty much lay down and try to pass out, but OH WAIT! I FORGOT I DON'T SLEEP MORE THAN 2 GOD DAMN HOURS A NIGHT!!!!!!! $#*$&^#$&#*$&#*$&#*$&#*!!!!!!! Lol, sorry for the rant. The only good part of my day is lacrosse, and that's only when I can actually focus on playing it.


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Posted: March 13th, 2008, 3:38 pm
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My best advice to you, if you really want to do this, is to self teach yourself when you can. Then obviously major in a CIS degree, while coding/messing around with games on the side. Also, make your own games, even if theyre simple. Companies love to see good programmers that can implement logic.

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Posted: March 13th, 2008, 3:46 pm

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The only type of game interaction I've every personally done involve:

1). Making bots in Java/C++
2) Making maps for different game levels
3) Attempting to use game-making programs and failing miserably because the programs were literally horrible 2-D makers
4) Memory Editing / Personally finding positions in memories to make public cheat tables for multiple games
5) Playing games and trying to figure out how they work

If you happen to know of a good place to start that involves creating your own games, I would honestly be in your debt. There was a program I almost got last year, but it was like $200 and I didn't have the money at the time :(

All the free game makers seem to be crappy 2-D programs with almost no chance of originality.


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Posted: March 13th, 2008, 8:36 pm
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To be honest, you're doing all the same things I did in high school. I also played sports year round and know how big of a time crunch it is. You're on the right path.

Software wise, I made games in anything I could. I know the free !@#$%^&* is terrible, but hey good games can still be made. Companies are looking for people who are creative, with solid programming technique, and follow good logic. Most of the game design classes I took, we used that freeware 2d crap but trust me, it is a good place to start. Another thing I found while in school was the the lab computers all had flash on them so I taught myself basic flash and began making games with that.

To be honest though, you're in high school, live it up. There is plenty of time to do serious work down the road. If you're bored in the summer, start looking into books about the physics behind 3d engines, really cool stuff.

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