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FFXI Working Speedhack - Premium Mem. {Can I have it?} ^_^ : FFXI Submissions

Posted: March 18th, 2006, 7:59 pm
mikedizzzle's Reps:
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Hello everyone. I am going to post a working speedhack that I have used for atleast 2 years. It will increase your speed by 50%. (This is the first guide I have ever posted on any forum or anything, so please bare with me ;D)

** Note ** This speedhack is not obvious unless you make it obvious. I always run around towns and in populated areas with it on and I have never had one problem. The only time I have been asked if I was using a speedhack by another player is when I passed a Ninja at night time in Gustaberg. (He was wearing Ninja AF Boots -- Which at night time gives you 25% increase in speed)

Instructions on how to use the speedhack --

Unzip the FF11SH.rar
Click on the "ffsh.exe"
After the program has loaded, Open Playonline
Once Playonline has loaded, Go back to the "ffsh.exe" program and select "Refresh List"
After you have refreshed the list of programs open, Select "PlayOnline Viewer"
Once you have highlighted "PlayOnline Viewer" choose to "Hack selected process" ( If you would like you can highlight POL and "Hack Selected Process" more then once, just to make sure the Speedhack "hacks" playonline)
Next go ingame, and hit your "Key for faster movement". ** Note ** Only hit the hotkey -- 1 -- time, if you do it more than once the speedhack will mess up and make your character warp, or even lock up the game;(. Also you can set your own "Key for faster movement" by going to the "Hotkey Configuration". My hotkey is +)
Once you have hit the "Key for faster movement" close the program.
That's it! you're now ready to speedhack ;D. This program has saved me so many times, I'm always able to outrun Aggro. The only mob I cannot outrun with this program are those Skinks that run as fast as a Chocobo ;(. I hope all of you enjoy the program and if you have any questions please post, I will try and get back asap.

Also, I use a windower to do all of this, if you do not use a windower you can just hit the hotkey for "Key for faster movement" one time while playonline viewer is on the screen, then close the speedhack program, and open FFXI.

---- Please let me have premium membership for this. I have never told anyone else but 2 other real life friends about this program infear of SE finding out about it and nerfing it. ----

Edit: I tryed to read the sticky on the top for rules about posting, but it would not let me because I do not have a premium membership, so if I have done anything wrong I am sorry. If you guys have any questions please send me a IM on AIM. My screenname is "mikedizzzle" ~ Thanks

Edit #2: If needed, I can create and supply a video of me installing, opening, and using this speedhack in game.

Edit #3: Ok lilfisher, if you want me to remove the download, how do I do so? I honestly thought this would be a good post considering it's something diffrent then the 10K other threads with "buy low, sell high!" - Good day sir.

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Last edited by Guest on March 18th, 2006, 8:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posted: March 18th, 2006, 8:09 pm

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Service load:
0% 100%
File: FF11SH.rar
POSSIBLY INFECTED/MALWARE (Note: this file was only classified as malware by scanners known to generate more false positives than the average scanner. Do not consider these results definately accurate. Also, because of this, results of this scan will not be recorded in the database.)
MD5 8fdab5efed581e95b6ce9caa786ecd8b
Packers detected:
Scanner results
Found nothing
Found nothing
Found nothing
AVG Antivirus
Found nothing
Found nothing
Found nothing
Found nothing
F-Prot Antivirus
Found W32/Backdoor.HIZ
Found W32/HookBdr.AXW-bdr
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Found nothing
Found nothing
Norman Virus Control
Found nothing
Found nothing
Found nothing
Found nothing

Posted: March 18th, 2006, 8:22 pm

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speed hacks are available everywhere. we told you in your last topic we allready have one. speed is done client side so it does less of a strain on the server allowing less lag so a speed hack for now cant be patched. they have been our for a long time so nay. as that scan says those two give a lot of false positives so i wouldnt completly trust those but i say remove the download anyways.

also the sticky on posting is just a link to the FAQ section which has the rules on posting submissions

Click to buy a premium account

Posted: March 20th, 2006, 11:51 am

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Not worth the trouble when there are alot of more simple speed hacks

Posted: March 21st, 2006, 8:43 am

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friskiestnut's Reps: 0
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we have more then enough speed hacks already

Posted: March 21st, 2006, 9:35 am
rx8mep's Reps:
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nay, if that's not 3 already. I can't count.

Posted: March 21st, 2006, 10:03 am
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