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PC Gaming Seems like its Dying? : General Discussion

Posted: August 22nd, 2012, 9:49 pm

Total Posts: 17
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For the past 20 years, I have for recreational use,

play both classic and modern era video games. Back from

the late 80s til early 2000 era, PC gaming was

dominating the console systems simply since they

couldnt match to PC standards.

Now at days, it seems that Sony Playstation 3 is now

the king of video games. Simply since its a cheap

gaming PC and as well a Blu Ray player. I mean, for

$300, you cant go wrong. Its quite a deal.

Now, with PC gaming hardware so far advanced from

developer's hands, we have the leading edge far as

hardware is concerned, but nothing like the "Crysis"

rave when PC gaming was at its peak on graphics. Us PC

gamers, well, need another FPS game that will blow away

the console systems once again. I think we should have

another "Crysis" style of game that will put PC back

into the market.

However, the MMO RPG games (i am not really into, but

it looks pretty good) are blowing away the online

gaming industry compared to console systems. Games like

WOW (of course), Aion, and more.

I am not leaning towards any side, which one is better.

Its really based on what the player wants is what wins

the battle. For graphics, I will say PC has the

advantage, and as well the Online gameplay far as

options goes.

PC's started First Person Shooters...Hopefully they can

be crowned king once again.

What do you all think about this? Notice I didnt

mention Xbox360, since its Microsoft's worst flaw ever.

Not any pun on you XBox gurus, but even with their new

design, all they changed was 1 fan? When their GPU is

an AMD ATi designed back in the Radeon X1800 era?

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Posted: August 23rd, 2012, 7:47 am

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Whats up with the odd formatting?

I think that PC gaming is actually stronger than ever. This is why.

- In the 80s it was consoles that rules. Nintendo, SNES, Sega, ect ect. PC gaming while fun was just no where near the level of console gaming. Zelda > Oregon Trail.

In the early 90s we can agree PC gaming was doing pretty awesome. Consoles came no where close to what PCs could come out with. You had games like diablo 1 and others killing it in the gaming scene.

- In the late 90s and early 2000s it was dominated by the console. You had amazing games like golden eye for the 360, the playstation 2 started its big pickup and then you had the xbox bringing in awesome fps games like call of duty and halo.

- In the late 2000s it took a giant turn. While gaming was still big with consoles you had the MMO era coming into play. Things like farmville, world of warcraft, F2P mmos, and others have been coming out. With these games people have been enjoying pc gaming. I do count in mobile phones to PC gaming because the majority of the popular games can be synced with your computers. Farmville is a good example.

- In the early 2010s we are dealing with even more popular gaming. Starcraft 2, league of legends, F2P, diablo style games, and more have been popping out.

- The future. Based on moores law the power gaming pcs will over take consoles. This is because every 2 years you have computer power pretty much double in strength. While at first this wasnt that big. Going from 100 mhz to 200 mhz was big but nothing amazing. A good console could make up for that. However we will be dealing with games going from 2.5ghz, 5ghz, 10ghz, 20ghz, ect ect. With these increases in computer performance developers will be able to do a ton of new things when it comes to gaming.

This is going to make pcs able to scale much faster than consoles. An average console has years of development, years of its retail life, and then finally a new console is released. In order to keep up with how much faster technology is becoming, the gaming console companies will have to come out with new systems every couple years now instead of every 4-6 years. This from a business stand point is almost impossible.

This is what MS is banking on. They have created windows 8 to transcend over all devices. You can take your 360 games, and play them on your pc, and play them on your mobile phone.

I have no clue where gaming will go, but personally i see PC gaming becoming dominate for the next 10 years at least until something major comes out AKA VR.

EDIT - Sorry wrote that one fast, but it is I think a good reasoning why PC gaming is going to dominate again.

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Posted: August 23rd, 2012, 4:00 pm

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Neither will dominate imho. It's really the choices we choose on which type of game to go with.

An MMO is best played on a PC, partly because of everyone's increased video graphix as well as because of the increased bandwidth of most people. The mmo model pays developers more then the console or stand-alone model, which is why games are tending to go this route more often. Every month for the foreseeable future we will be seeing a new mmo of some type or an expansion released. Right now, we are still in the early years of mmo's I think. By this I mean a release once-a-month is nothing compared to when they become bigger and we start seeing them every week or even more often then that. However to be fair, mmo's are coming out that often now - we just don't pay as much attention to the ones which don't advertise big anymore.

Console games will stay big, for the people who enjoy the stand-alone/FPS type genres. You can't really go full mmo, because games have to be slimmed down for players who have less buttons and less choices, which is why in part cross-overs haven't become that popular (see DC Online).

Basically, when you dismiss one type of game genre it's because you have grown bored of it, it doesn't mean it's any less a viable option. Many many people still play console games, in part because they grow bored with the PC type games.

Ever wondered why the PS3 is so cheap? The hardware actually cost about $1200 when the PS3 was new (~$700 now). It's what's called a loss-leader. It made Sony's Blueray the default HD format of choice, since everyone had a player. Basically makes them billions in licensing fees, especially from the porn industry which knocks videos out like crazy. This move was a pre-emptive strike and well played by Sony.

and yes, the 360 was a joke played on the sheep - worked well, yes?

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Posted: August 23rd, 2012, 8:31 pm

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Right now its about 50/50 maybe even higher for the side of consoles but its going to change. Also you are only comparing MMOs to Console. There are plenty of FPS players and other pc gamers out there. Also consoles soon wont be fast enough to keep up with pc's in terms of cpu. The gap will be too far.

Also do you have some numbers on those PS3 sales. I believe it was around 300 dollars when people compared the parts, but maybe i missed some other factors.

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