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General strategy for all Knight Online players : KO Discussion

Posted: July 29th, 2009, 10:53 am

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Joined: May 22nd, 2009, 12:15 am
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This strategy is for all Knight online classes. Certainly, this guide is so simple. So there are still many things missing. If you know, you can post them out...


Suggestion: mp fire mage, normal ice mage , int lighting mage. All should be lvl 60. Always bring potion of favors, because most likely you will be the first attack target in a party.
Icer - You act as tanker for the party, when you see a party of orcs, step up and blizzard/Nova them.
Fire/Lighting - You act as a np collector in one party, once the orcs are slowed, move up and Nova/Inferno.
After mages AOE, either use lvl 42 skill (blade) or keep AOEing, make sure you stay in the area where priests can heal you.
If situation get bad, Back to Town immediately and teleport your team.


If you are going to colony, you should have sword dance and leg cut. Warrior usually act as a tanker, and solo players. Make sure you bring a lot of potion of favors and jam them as you sword dance / leg cut them. Slow down target before casting more skills on them.


In general, you act as a swifter, wolfer and explorer. It is your duty to keep other players in the party swifted. Especially while getting hit by blizzard/Nova.
Archer: Archer should enter colony at lvl 55+ with a decent bow. You job is to stay back and shoot target with shadowbane/arc shot and perfect shot. When the battle began, go up the orcs and arrow shower them.
Assassin: Assassin should enter colony at lvl 55+ with a decent dagger. You act as an explorer most of the time. You job is to search for newbie orcs and take them out with spike and get information for the party members. In a battle, just slide players and use spike/thrust.


Suggestion: Heal/Debuff, Buff/Heal, Holy/Heal. Level 60.
In general, priests act as tank for the party, you should at least be lvl 54+ to play in colony, with high defense.
Debuffer: Your job is to debuff others (duh). Once a player is malice/parasite it is your responsible to fall back and heal party members.
Make sure you have potion of favors, because most likely you will get gangbang.
You should have party heal. Party heal the crap out of members. Also make potions for the party.
Buffer: Your job is to lead the party and time buff. It is your responsible to tell others to debuff before battle and not during the battle. Always rebuff party member around 7-8 minutes in buff.
Hope this guide can help you in Knight online. Besides, our website also provide cheap KO noah and KO power leveling. If you need, you can go to the related page and choose the service you need.

You can find the original article at GK player dot com

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Posted: May 27th, 2010, 8:17 am

Total Posts: 57
Joined: May 26th, 2010, 9:04 am
mazakou1's Reps: 0
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Active User > 50 Posts
nice guide, not too complicated and not too many details
the only thing is don't like is the kill orcs comment...
i hate killing my own nation :D and even so, most humans i see cheat so they don't really need guides like this...

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