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GMs and K2Staff... : KO Discussion

Posted: May 9th, 2006, 5:49 pm
enixstorm's Reps:
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Quick question for you underground vets... Are there any measures taken to ensure somehow someway GMs or K2 people arent snooping around finding out their bugs throughsites like these? or is it guaranteed they are and we just get the opporutnity to exploit certain things before they fix it?

Mainly im pointing at the GM shop certain progz allow us to view, although we cant do anything with them(yet) us being able to even see them might possibly make them close it down or getrid of it before we figure out how to make it work?

Then again technically this game will be testing/beta until somehow someway a real company takes over with actual customer support and such, the whole game seems like a massive scam job. I guess without people like you andsites like these, Games like this cannot be "completed" so to speak to an actual working model until the major issues we're exploiting are fixed.

Just blabbing :( justwish i could use GM store! Myko can :/ (shards/chitin/etc.)

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Posted: May 9th, 2006, 8:55 pm
picadude's Reps:
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Yea I am pretty sure GMs go to these kind of sites, and normally have updates to stop these from working. But as for closing down the GM shop, well it has been around for a long time and yet it still hasnt been closed down! Im pretty sure they wont close it down, probably cause they did something so there is no actual way to keep the items you drag into your inventory.

And you saying that KO is testing/beta? Well I have been playing KO for more then two years and, usually any game comes out beta in couple of months. Im sure KO is out of that stage, and yes it does have !@#$%^&* customer support. But that doesn't make ko a scam. In fact it is actually growing larger. When I started it had only two servers, Ares and Xigen, both of them had two servers each only too. Now there like 6servers and all have 3servers each. That shows how big and fast KO has grown! It has acctually dealing a new contract that will merge myko and usko together, as myko is only dieing, while usko is rising...So yeaaaaaaa.........

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Posted: May 9th, 2006, 10:09 pm
enixstorm's Reps:
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First and foremost i have to say I'm surprised to hear myko is doing worst than usko becauuuuusee... I've gone to myko's site and hear myko reviews and myko seems far better...less hackers, better support and less lag? well just by going to their site I was that much more impressed and much more respecting of that site just from the look.

USKO on the other hand, I've been dealing with for 2-3 years myself. Theres no real ingame help service nor on their site. I submitted a ticket about a year ago about premium service and even follow-up emails and still have yet to recieve a response?

As far as thetesting/betacomplete game topic goes, what I meant was yea its beyond that, BUT, only because its "f2p". the interface system is way under par as far as attacking/terrain blockages and such. I'm also 100% sure there are WAY more glitches/hacks to be found or made for this game AND if this were a paying game(which technically it sorta is if you want perks that is) then I think there'd be more of a press for people of that nature to develop the programs or spend the time searching for all of these.

Personally I only play Knight Online because FPS games are waaaaaay too easy for me and when I switched to RPGs Final Fantasy SUCKED pretty badly for me and I actually thought KO was way better. I never beta tested WoW (I was in Iraq at the time I think) so I never had an urge to actually play the real game when it came out.

One of these dayssupport will contact me back and I'll figure out why I'm missing a lvl 5* char and lvl 4* char with godly gear and PUS items. I think it was becauseof non-use BUT I searched rules/reg/ToS and found nothing on char deletions for non use. I've lost glaves+7/8, a Raptor, some mir daggers, chitin sets*4 and alot of other misc stuff including about 50-60 bucksin PUS items storedup :( if thats not a scam I dunno what is!(I know for a fact these accounts were not hacked as they werent in use to be hacked nor was my computer and I doubt Beramus DB was hacked while I was away and my account specifically targeted as I was no great stat or very veyr rich :/ )

Sorry for the run-on post, just replying and crying alittle at the end their :( K2ed I think they call it?

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Posted: May 9th, 2006, 10:43 pm
picadude's Reps:
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lol k2ed, yes i do agree, but hoply they will get better customer support in the future. For me I got my lost lvl 60warrior account back in one week :) Talk to a GM ingame, emails never work!...

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Posted: May 10th, 2006, 5:49 pm
stigmata's Reps:
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Ok, boys prepare to face something very shocking...

Why? EASY!!
Why do you think they pay cheat prevention companies like Punkbuster and HackShield to do that work FOR them. Yes, K2 has a life, and don't expect any crooked GM investigating these forms...just some Punkbuster agents, because that is their obligation according to the contract signed with the game company.

Then why do you need GM's? Well certain websites like FG keep private files, and in fact there is now a growing number of private hacks that is not accessable to anybody BUT the creators. So, the GM would simply use their human rationel to catch cheaters that have been either reported, or spotted by them.

#1: K2 is propaganda (why the hell is everyone so hooked to a lame !@#$%^&* game like KO, that is not even interesting...just look at the weapon slash animations...so lame)
#2: They dont give a **** about entertainment......$$$$
#3: Got banned for cheating? Contact an actually GM, pay 50$ to get unbanned...

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Posted: May 10th, 2006, 8:16 pm
picadude's Reps:
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I see, and stig that blank space supposed to a picture that is not loading for me. Or is it just enters youve made to make us in suspense :o

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Posted: May 10th, 2006, 9:11 pm

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lilfisher's Reps: 63
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it was for suspence....

Click to buy a premium account

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Posted: May 10th, 2006, 9:13 pm
picadude's Reps:
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o lol, I was actually waiting there for like a minute for it too load, after that I realized nothing would come and scrolled down. lol tat was kind of funny

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Posted: May 10th, 2006, 9:43 pm
relaxinfan's Reps:
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Actually, to be perfectly honest. K2 doesn't really care. As long as their still receiving their paychecks from premium and powerup store items. They could care less about hacks, etc.

Sure, they do some banning from time to time. But they have hired under educated employees for GM's that can hardly spell to ban players.

It makes you wonder why they've held the same event over and over for the 1st person to buy 4,000 Knight Cash to recieve a free Trina's Piece, and a full inventory of the best HP/MP pots in the game.

$$$ :lol:

That's all it's about folks. Period.

And people wonder why time after time when they call K2 for support, they never answer their phones.

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Posted: May 11th, 2006, 2:23 pm
picadude's Reps:
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Its weird, why nothing really is happening. There are sooo many people out there who would be willing to be a GM for free on Ko!

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Posted: May 13th, 2006, 6:29 am
stigmata's Reps:
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I think they are having loyalty issues. One thing that I would suggest to them (though i know none of them will listen), is have runescape like moderation system. Let me explain how it works.

When a player reached a certain level (I think it was like lvl 60+), and he contributed to the abuse report or support to players that was tracked by the Jagex staff...he would normally be asked to become a moderator. Though the moderator could only mute, K2 could probably include a special report function for mods that would be taken more seriously by the admins, and thus the ban would be faster and more just.

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