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what do you think?? : KO Discussion

Posted: May 21st, 2006, 6:16 pm
a22a2in's Reps:
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plz answer the folowing questions about ko builds.
wich class of character is the best in your opinion?
why is that character the best?
what is that characters strongest attack/spell?
what is that characters strongest weppen?
what is the max damage that you can hit with that character?
what is your favorite attack/spell?
what is your favorite weppen?
what is your strongets characters class and level?

thank you =) :wink:

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Posted: May 21st, 2006, 7:14 pm
stigmata's Reps:
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First I'd like to comment: So typical for a new memember to post 50 billion replies in hopes of getting quick premium.

Now for answers:
wich class of character is the best in your opinion? Rogue
why is that character the best? Effectiveness throughout the gameplay, PvP, and Macro
what is that characters strongest attack/spell? Bloody beast
what is that characters strongest weppen? Shard
what is the max damage that you can hit with that character? Never played
what is your favorite attack/spell? Buff...i rather live then use another spell
what is your favorite weppen? Raptor, coz it just looks/sounds cool
what is your strongets characters class and level? Mage/67

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Posted: May 22nd, 2006, 5:55 am
princesss2's Reps:
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wich class of character is the best in your opinion?
why is that character the best? assasin
what is that characters strongest attack/spell? spike
what is that characters strongest weppen? shard
what is the max damage that you can hit with that character? 3000
what is your favorite attack/spell? 1200 buff
what is your favorite weppen? Large breaker+7
what is your strongets characters class and level? buff/ress lvl 55

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Posted: May 22nd, 2006, 9:35 am
stigmata's Reps:
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What kind of an assassin hits for 3k? Thats impossible.

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Posted: May 22nd, 2006, 11:34 am
a22a2in's Reps:
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if hes level 80assasin with 8 shards he can hit 3k =p

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Posted: May 22nd, 2006, 1:48 pm
stigmata's Reps:
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If hes level 80, which he is not...and had +10 shards I could believe <2000 damage.

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Posted: May 22nd, 2006, 4:17 pm
a22a2in's Reps:
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i mean using wolf and spike,... sry

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Posted: May 22nd, 2006, 8:16 pm
stigmata's Reps:
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I'm assuming spike + wolf + max dmg and I doubt its even possible to get over 1.2k-1.4k dmg with a Rogue at lvl 70 which is why I said <2k at lvl 80.
Damage doesn't just grow by itself, its a pain in the buttox.

EDiT: The mage does the most damage as far as I know, and the highest recorded damage was just over 1800.

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Posted: May 28th, 2006, 9:16 am
nos280's Reps:
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wich class of character is the best in your opinion? Mage
why is that character the best? Hits the highest
what is that characters strongest attack/spell? hell fire
what is that characters strongest weppen? +8 wood staff( i know i need better)
what is the max damage that you can hit with that character? 400sumthing
what is your favorite attack/spell? inferno(almost there)
what is your favorite weppen? +8 elixer(looks and is bad&##
what is your strongets characters class and level?Mage/ 42

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Posted: May 31st, 2006, 4:47 pm

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allistor666's Reps: 2
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wich class of character is the best in your opinion? - Rogue
why is that character the best? - Poison Arows
what is that characters strongest attack/spell? - Posion Arrows
what is that characters strongest weppen? - Dagger
what is the max damage that you can hit with that character? - 78
what is your favorite attack/spell? Poison Arrow
what is your favorite weppen? - Dagger
what is your strongets characters class and level?

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Posted: June 3rd, 2006, 7:38 am
smartguy_1_1's Reps:
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paper mage
strong and fast
not sure, becaus i dont know master skills, but super novas good
elixer staff
around 1800 dmg mabe a lil more
super nova
elixer +8 flame
fire mage lvl 52

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Posted: June 3rd, 2006, 10:02 pm
picadude's Reps:
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wich class of character is the best in your opinion? Warrior
why is that character the best? Rouges run away from them in CZ, and high defence all times, also fast loading for skills
what is that characters strongest attack/spell? i guess scream and 60skill
what is that characters strongest weppen? raptor +8 , and two handed weapons
what is the max damage that you can hit with that character? alot, im not sure though
what is your favorite attack/spell? master skill
what is your favorite weppen? raptor
what is your strongets characters class and level? warrior lvl60

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Posted: June 5th, 2006, 12:56 am
hexium1's Reps:
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wich class of character is the best in your opinion? Priest
why is that character the best? JUDGEMENT/DUFF
what is that characters strongest attack/spell? Judgement
what is that characters strongest weppen? Mirage Sword
what is the max damage that you can hit with that character? Ive hit for 3890-In PVP-
what is your favorite attack/spell? Parasite/Judgement
what is your favorite weppen? Mirage Sword +8
what is your strongets characters class and level? Paladin lvl 66 ins mine

Last edited by Guest on June 7th, 2006, 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posted: June 5th, 2006, 5:18 pm
importrx78's Reps:
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wich class of character is the best in your opinion? -warrior
why is that character the best? - high def and high hp
what is that characters strongest attack/spell? - lvl 70 skill
what is that characters strongest weppen? - raptor
what is the max damage that you can hit with that character? - 2k+ to monsters, 300-500 to players
what is your favorite attack/spell? - swift?
what is your favorite weppen? - candy canes
what is your strongets characters class and level? - lvl 61 paper fire mage, lvl 61 blade master

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