i think the servers were just down, cause that happens to me too, but only when the servers are down.....btw, i am a lvl 46 assasin on olympia, looking for a clan, i know i am low, but yah
its not because of servers last updates of xtrap totally screwed over 100s of thousands of people who play this game. it had something to do with a certain file or config some computers contained that xtrap either wouldnt allow KO to be run or it was being blocked. Only people who could get on where people who bypass xtrap, koxpers, and people without those certain things on there comp.
Open your program files & locate your Knight online folder.
Inside you will see xtrap folder..... delete the entire xtrap folder & its contents......(it will be replaced automatically & updated next time you start the game).
After you have deleted the xtrap folder go to your lower task bar, click start : click Run & type CMD in the run box.
in the pop up black screen type: ipconfig/flushdns
then hit enter.
Now relaunch Knight online. Xtrap will initialize & load fresh latest version.
Hope this helps. I was having same problem as everyone else on 3 computers, now all work fine.
This isn't working for me neather....
i try to do crazy thing in CMD but doesn't help at all...
any1 have any other idea???
Or link from where we can download xtrap???
i see the only solution that was posted was the BS solution by swordmaster, now im not saying it isnt true but having to go in to start and go on run and having to type in (IP)config just seems a lil fishy to me. i to have the same problem and have been desperatly tryuing to fix XCRAP!! but the furthest ive gotten was thx to jamesjack88 and his link.
after this is complete you would have to unzip this file with win.zip or win.rar eithere 1 works. after u copy this file of the NEW XCRAP over the old sh!ty not workin 1. im not the best at comps so i cant find the xtrap program in my compl to copy over it.....but thats just me hope you guys have some luck with it!!