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Your Sorce of Income for KO : KO Discussion - Page 2

Posted: June 5th, 2006, 1:39 pm

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errorist's Reps: 121
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I'm guessing he meant everything valuable that they drop, as he didn't specify an item. I'm sure they drop gems.

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Posted: June 5th, 2006, 3:33 pm
stigmata's Reps:
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Gems are nothing...
I've macroed over night (before PB), only to discover quite a few low level +8 accessories which you could sell easily to newbies and gain easy profit. But 200k = rubbish. In fact 5mil = rubbish.

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Posted: June 5th, 2006, 5:06 pm
importrx78's Reps:
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I usually do DM's for good drops, and sometimes buy items cheap and upgrade or sell for higher price 8)

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Posted: June 8th, 2006, 8:06 am
a22a2in's Reps:
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i cant understand how ppl get so rich ="( i have like 2m lol and i suck at killing for cash, and bad at merchanting stuffs

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Posted: June 8th, 2006, 4:11 pm
biggangsta's Reps:
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i got all my money from abyys dungeons worms ther are easy to kill n drop alot of money

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Posted: June 8th, 2006, 4:28 pm
smartguy_1_1's Reps:
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rofl just so u know, 700coin isnt alot of $$

and abbys worms rarely drop abbys gems

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Posted: June 20th, 2006, 1:43 pm
dixoncfc's Reps:
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allistor666 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
lets see

Upgrade Scrools --> 100K each
Low Quality Jewel-> 50K each
Iron Bars ---------> 20K each

hey just wondering why would anyone bue a low quality jewel or iron bar at tht price

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Posted: June 22nd, 2006, 8:53 am
dannyp's Reps:
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what exactly is farming?

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Posted: June 22nd, 2006, 11:22 am
metalfire101's Reps:
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Mainly, I just kill goblins, drop huge amounts of coin and suprisingly enough worms and other low lvl monsters drop alot of rare items 2 like my first day playing i got and opal and and high class upgrade scroll

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Posted: June 23rd, 2006, 7:28 pm
guardianrouge's Reps:
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Store Items are no longer able to be traded or sold... so go earn your coins.... :)

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Posted: July 11th, 2006, 5:51 pm
turkishboss's Reps:
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+9 rings/earings/pendants drop neer the farmer dude or am i confused?

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Posted: July 12th, 2006, 2:38 pm
huffdawg's Reps:
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Abyss always nice =D

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Posted: July 13th, 2006, 6:46 am
venomhead's Reps:
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abyss gems ATW. i aoe worms when all the turks stop playing

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Posted: July 17th, 2006, 10:43 am
joeroxs's Reps:
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might i suggest killing bugbears with a mage and killing 5 at once =5k in 3 seconds use like fire burst

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Posted: August 18th, 2006, 10:33 am
antione119's Reps:
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i have a couple hundred abyss gems......how much are they worth

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