Hi guys
First dupe method (confirmed):
1-Go to server 1 (beramus1, ares1, xigenon1, cyper1, diez1).
2-Sell any iten for your friend.
3-Go to teleport gate.
4-teleport to moradon.
5-get a disconect in teleport loading.
When you back sold item ll back and your friend ll have item too.
Have 1 problem, how get dc in teleport loading...
Second dupe method (not confirmed):
For this method u ll need 2 friends sharing 1 acc.
1- friend1: sell any item
2- friend2: go to friend1 and wait
3- you: login in friend1 acc but dont click in quit previus wait.
4- friend2: buy any item in friend1 merchant
5-you: after friend2 buy item click in disconect previus.
When char of friend1 enter sold item ll back and friend2 ll have item too.
This method is NOT confirmed.
BB, have a fun