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MAC Addresses, PB, and K2 : KO Submissions

Posted: April 25th, 2006, 4:28 pm
deadtragedy's Reps:
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I noticed that PB is taking over k2, And we all know about PB and their love for Hardware banning.

What happens when you're hardware banned?

When you are hardware banned pb punkbuster, it bans your hard drive serial code. Every part in your computer has a unique serial code for it.

If you are hardware banned it will prevent you from playing the game (and unfortunatly any game that PB is ran on) If you sell your pc/hard drive the person that buys it wotn be able to play any games that Pb runs on either.

The solution to this?

You can try HW spoofers, change your MAC address, set your hard drive to 'RAID 0' in your BIOS, or buy a new Hard drive (which could be costly)

How to install RAID 0:

How to change your MAC Address:

How to change a MAC address under Microsoft Windows
Under Windows, the MAC address is stored in a registry key. To change a MAC address, find that key with `regedit` and change it. Of course, Microsoft keeps moving the location of the key around!

Windows XP adds an option to change the MAC address on some network cards under the Advanced tab in the network adapter's Properties menu.

An easier method to this would be to use a freeware tool, like CMAoD, to change it.

CMAoD is a ver powerful, and intuitive - easy-to-use - Windows MAC Address identifying and modifying Utility which allows users to change MAC address for almost any Network Interface Cards (NIC) on the Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 Server systems.


- Set specific MAC address of a network interface
- Set the MAC randomly
- Set a MAC of another vendor
- Set another MAC of the same vendor
- Set a MAC of the same kind (eg: wireless card)
- Indentifys a manufactorer of a NIC by given MAC-Addres

Homepage for CMAOD:

Download link for it:

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