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Even more Turkish words and phrases : KO Guide Discussion

Posted: September 30th, 2006, 10:19 pm
torquemad's Reps:
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Some helpful Phrases.

1. It was very nice meeting you
2. I hope to see you around
3. I am currently using the knight online forums to learn pre writen basic turkish so dont try and have a conversation with me.
4. What items do you need looted.
5. The monsters are to strong here.
6. The monsters are to weak here.
7. Will you teach me some turkish?
8. Be right back
9. Do you mind if i go away for a short time?
10. Stop ksing me, i have done nothing wrong to you, i dont ks you, dont KS me you jerk.

1. seninle tanismak guzeldi.
2. umarim bi daha gorusuruz.
3. su anda knightonline forumlarinda biraz turkce ogrenmeye calisiyorum o yuzden benimle konusma anlayamam
4. lootlardan hangi itemleri istiyorsun
5. buradaki canavarlar guclu
6. buradaki canavarlar zayif/basit
7. bana biraz turkce ogretir misin ?
8. hemen geri donecem.
9. biraz ara vermemin bir sakincasi var mi ?
10. Ks yapmayi birak, sana hic bir sey yapmadim, sana ks yapmadim, bana ks yapma seni domuz.

Some Helpful Word translation, from turk to english.

Türkçe -- English
adam -- character
almak -- invite
artı -- plus
asa -- staff
atlatmak (-a) -- level (someone)
atmak (partiden) -- kick (from party)
atmak (pm) -- send (pm)
balta -- ax
be -- hey
beklemek -- wait
bıçak -- dagger
bok -- sh*te
bot -- boots
çekmek -- teleport
değişmek -- trade
dolu -- full
eldeki -- ywolde
eldiven -- gauntlets
eşya -- item/s
frenk -- Westerner
fulplet -- fullplate
girmek (-e) -- join
görev -- quest
hadı -- come on!
kafa -- skeleton
kafalık -- helm
kâğıt -- paper
kalkan -- shield
kask -- helm
kasmak -- level (someone)
kesmek -- kill
kılan -- clan
kılıç -- sword
kılıççı -- warrior
kristal -- crystal
kusura bakma -- pardon me
kutu -- box
levelin düşük -- low level
mal -- item/s
mızra -- club
ok -- arrow
oturmak -- leech
pantalon takısı -- belt
pantolon -- pad
prist -- priest
rog -- rogue
safir -- sapphire
saol -- thanks
sikmek -- f*ck
silah -- weapon
sopa -- staff
staf -- staff
takı -- accessory
tezgâh -- shop
toplamak -- collect
üst -- pauldron

üstlük -- pauldron
üstlük -- robe
üzgünüm -- I'm sorry
varryor -- warrior
veren -- bonus
yay -- bow
yoksa -- or else
yüzük -- ring
zırh -- armour[/i]

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Posted: October 3rd, 2006, 9:49 am
waxwax's Reps:
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Whoa! this helped me thanks. :)

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Posted: October 7th, 2006, 4:37 am
torquemad's Reps:
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your welocme

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Posted: November 9th, 2006, 4:47 pm
skyforever's Reps:
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azuhaaaaaaaaaaa türkçe öğreniyorsunuz haaa :-))

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Posted: December 5th, 2006, 11:45 am
rm_619's Reps:
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i am Turkish but i know English well too:D i speak english with everybody who is not turkish, english is an international language. everybody can learn english all around the world but turkish is not a language like that u know:D i mean u don't need to learn it actually:D

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Posted: January 16th, 2007, 6:40 pm
zevilsinz79's Reps:
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Dude, this is a great post for the non Turkish speaker.


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Posted: January 20th, 2007, 12:55 am
aykut_2's Reps:
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rm_619 (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):
i am Turkish but i know English well too:D i speak english with everybody who is not turkish, english is an international language. everybody can learn english all around the world but turkish is not a language like that u know:D i mean u don't need to learn it actually:D

langit başkalarına yağcılık yap :D

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Posted: July 3rd, 2007, 4:07 pm
turk3131's Reps:
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eheheheu adama bak yaw ogrensın elın zunnetsız ıbınelerı dılımız :) elıne saglık gusel olmus :)

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