People asking how to use Tsearch, here is a tutorial to help u learn to use it
1st off thx to Galdo for finding it again on his HD
ok alot of people are getting confused with what to do with TSearch etc... so thought id just quickly do a little post about it... first off you can download it from if u allready havnt got it, scan it and do whatever with it if u dont trust me, anyways moving on.
Once you've extracted it to a place, run TSearch.exe, then in the top left corner click the big button which says Open Process (note. you must have knightonline.exe running) next select the knightonline.exe from the choice of programmes you have.
Once you have done that, under where you just clicked in a button which looks like a magnifying glass which says "Init new search" if you hover over it, click that and a small window should come up.
Ok first we are going to search for the Inn, so go to the Inn ingame and right click on it, leaving the small black screen open which says if u want to go to access storage or powerup store etc. Alt-Tab to TSearch and in the small window leave everything as it is (Search: Exact Value / Value: empty / Type: 4 Bytes) and in the 'Value' box put 1. Now it should be searching, will take a few seconds, but dont worry if it takes longer. Once that has done u click the little OK button at the top and you should have a list of alot of numbers, now go back to ingame and clock the black screen by walking around, Alt-Tab back out again and this time click on the magnifying glass next to the one u clicked last time, which should be called 'Search Next' ok now another small window should have come up, making sure u dont have the Inn open, do the same as last time but put the Value to 0 and click OK, now once thats done its little search it should have made the list smaller, repeat the cycle again i.e. open the Inn so u have the little black box with the options in KO, then do 'Search Next' in TSearch and put the value to 1, then close Inn and put value to 0 etc etc, keep doing it untill your list is down to at least under 10 number.
Now once you have your number, lets say you have 8, u just double click them 1 by 1 and they should go into the box on the right of TSearch, this is the cheat section. now if you right click the 1st one, and select edit a window will open up. LEAVE EVERYTHING HOW IT IS, but next to the Hotkey part, click the 'Set' button and set a key sequence, this just basicly means a bind, so once you have selected what button u want to open the Inn it should save that part, next in the Action part, select Subtract from current value, and in the value box put 1.
Click ok and go back into KO, now press that button ingame, if nothing happens then its the wrong packet your trying to send to the server, so delete it and go onto the next one, set a bind, put it to Subtract from current value, and make the value 1. Keep doing this untill one of them opens up the Inn ingame, make sure you click the little disk once you have found it and save it as kohack or something.
Now do the same for the sundries just like you did for the Inn, open up the sundries so you have the choice of repair or trade, go back to TSearch and do a new search(Init New Searcg) for value 1, then the button next to it (Search Next) with value 0 after you have closed the sundries ingame, and keep doing it untill you get to about 10 packets again, exact same process as what i just told you to do with the Inn.
I Hope it helps and if you have any problems pm me, because i kinda rushed to do this as im going out soon, also note this works for other things as well, like swift etc but ill go into that another time if you allready havnt worked it out for yourself. good luck
//// ADDED STUFF /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Just like to say thx to the ppl for helping me alot with this added stuff, you know who u r, thx again.
//// SWIFT ////
Ok alot of people are asking about swift, and i cant be botherd to reply to any more pm's about it, first off do a new search and put the value as 16256 without having swift on yourself. Next cast swift on yourself and do 'Search Next' but this time put the value to 16320, keeping doing it untill u get 2 addresses left, i dont know what the differance is between them as you will never get 1 on its own, but i just changed the value on both of them to 16320 and i constantly run with the speed of swift, without even need to press a button, hope it helps
//// TELEPORT ////
Ok u search floating values.
First go the X coordinate to 100 and search in a range between 99 and 101.
Move untill the X coordinate become 110 and search a range between 109 and 111.
Repeat the steps untill u got only one value. (actually there are 2 values one is the teleport and the other is the control that the client sends to server for confirmation. It is reccomended that u change both with the same hotkey or trainer).
Other that the X and Y coordinates there is also the Z. U need to search for that memory address in blind with increesed and decressed values by moving up and down a hill. The Z coordinate is much more complicated if u want to create a good teleport hack, cause u need to give the values to the teleport memory address from it's corresponded control value, which implicates some mess up with packets.