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LOTRO Bots - Very easily level skills that require combat : LOTRO - Bots and Hacks

Posted: July 16th, 2009, 2:28 am

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This works only for skills that are ranged. Anyone can macro level skills that require a friendly target. Here is a simple way to macro skills that require combat.

1. Download autoit v3. Most of you are familiar enough with it by now.

2. Make your way to Mirror Halls and jump down all the way to the ledge right before the bottom floor. The reason I picked this spot is this is the only spot I could think of, where the mob can't reach you, and also the mob stays absolutely still, making it ideal to use the coordinate system. Lazy !@#$%^&* wolves...

(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))

The point of this spot is that it allows you to cast your skills on these wolves. However, because the mob cannot reach you, this activates the anti-exploit.

Turbine was smart enough to add this feature so we can't kill mobs from afar however, the skill that we used to attack this mob still counts toward our deed. ONLY the first one however. Any skill afterwards will miss, and not count. Therefore you must wait until the mob is no longer confused before you cast another skill.

The approximate time it takes for a mob to reset once confused is about 2:30 minutes. At least for these wolves. Here's where autoit comes in.

At this point those people in this forum who are familiar with autoit can stop reading. Those who need help, keep reading.

This is my macro for leveling the three skills highlighted in the picture above. Power of knowledge, Sign of the Wild: Protection, and Beacon of Hope. SoW and BoH do not require combat, however I use it in my macro nonetheless because Power of Knowledge has a 1 minute cooldown. Might as well squeeze in other skills right?

(!empty($user->lang['IMAGE'])) ? $user->lang['IMAGE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'IMAGE')))

MouseClick("left", 1370, 341, 1)
This simply means left click at the coordinates (1370, 341) 1 time.

Sleep (3000)
Means pause for 3000 milliseconds, or 3 seconds.

Send ("+2")
This means press Shift + 2.

Send ("^8")
Ctrl + 8

Send ("!8")
Alt + 8

At the very top, set "$i = 0" and the "Do" at the top means do these functions until $i = 1000, or 1000 times. I just chose a random number.

Here's my script if you wish to copy and paste.
Sleep (2000)
MouseClick("left", 1370, 341, 1)
Sleep (20)
Send ("+2")
Sleep (3000)
Send ("+2")
Send ("^8")
Sleep (1550)
MouseClick("left", 209, 178, 1)
Send ("0")
Sleep (1550)
Sleep (30100)
Send ("^8")
MouseClick("left", 209, 178, 1)
Sleep (1550)
Send ("0")
Sleep (1550)
Sleep (25000)
MouseClick("left", 55, 394, 1)
Sleep (20)
Send ("+2")
Sleep (3000)
Send ("+2")
Send ("^8")
Sleep (1550)
MouseClick("left", 209, 178, 1)
Send ("0")
Sleep (1550)
Sleep (30100)
Send ("^8")
MouseClick("left", 209, 178, 1)
Sleep (1550)
Send ("0")
Sleep (1550)
Sleep (45000)
Until $i = 1000

To find out the coordinates you want to click, go into C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Au3Info.exe. May vary with your operating system.

This program tells you a lot of info about your active window. Under Options>Coord mode, you can pick screen or window or client. It doesn't matter because you'll have your LOTRO client open and on top of everything else anyways. The other options only apply if you want to run the macro with the client minimized, hence, finding the coordinates for that specific window, or client, instead of the entire screen. That requires more complex code however.

This also gives you the color of the pixel your mouse is over at the moment. You can take that hex code, which represents the color, and have autoit scan your screen for that certain color, and have it click on that. You can have quite a bit of fun with that one.

That's about it, this may be a very long guide for something that's quite simple, but you can never be too thorough.

P.S. funny enough simply casting spells will lower your armor durability, so go in naked if you don't want a huge repair bill when you're done. :)

Last edited by luclinflame on August 6th, 2009, 6:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posted: July 16th, 2009, 5:50 am

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when I was on my LM about 12 skills could be raised just casting against the pet, heck if I recall 2 could be cast against the auctioneer and it counted for increasing the deed....

LM's were easiest to raise skills on, like any caster in EQ going to PoK and getting every free kei while casting alteration, divination etc spells against yourself....

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Posted: July 16th, 2009, 10:47 pm

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This doesn't apply to just LMs

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Posted: July 21st, 2009, 5:31 am

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/nay you can easy do these deeds while you lvling, or casting on your pet... big big nay

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Posted: August 4th, 2009, 3:07 am

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i believe the point is that you can level these without actually being there. You can level your character by yourself, but it's much easier to have a bot do it for you. There are many many skills you cannot level by casting on a pet... When I was level 60 and I was only half way done with Power of Knowledge, I would sign on, turn on the bot, and come back an hour later and sign off. Much easier than grinding mobs for no reason just to level a skill, no? Just clarifying. Thank you for responding however

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Posted: August 5th, 2009, 6:51 pm

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Posted: August 21st, 2009, 11:17 am

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/yay works but takes a long time

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Posted: December 10th, 2009, 7:14 am

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yay/ it does work but it would be easier to just deed while you quest at that lvl it would be more benifit you more

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Posted: December 13th, 2009, 2:58 am

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moving to confirmed.

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