So, I have read through most of the forum posts and the internal API for LOTRO-E.
How do I code in c++ for this? Do I write a single c++ file and let the Exhume compile it or can I make a huge project and drop an .exe in the LOTROExtreme folder?
And the dll - same as with C#?
Thanks in advance.
Posted: May 5th, 2007, 6:22 pm
wyvernx Total Posts: 6718 Joined: May 1st, 2004, 4:00 am
wyvernx's Reps:21
Open up VS200X.Net. Start a c++ .net projects.
Set the output folder to be the LotroExtreme folder (or place lotroextreme in your project/release folder. Either way, lotroE has to be in the same folder as your .exe.
Next, addin a reference to LOTREWrapper.dll.
Next, create a LotrEWrapper object like similar:
LOTREWrapper myO = new LOTREWrapper();
then you can call things like myO.Player.Name etc.
Next, you can debug, compile, or whatever you want...
Use Search first, ask questions later!