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How To: LOTROExtreme Service : LOTROExtreme

Posted: June 19th, 2007, 8:47 am

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eXhume Installation

eXhume is not your mothers Xunleashed. X injects into your process\game and runs - in the game. eXhume comes with a build in editor and debugger and runs outside the process\game. You can write code and leverage functions such that it will attach to your games process much like X did .. but you don't need to in most automation scenarios.

1) Go Download eXhume.
2) Did you get and install the Windows Debugger? Do it.
3) Fire it up, login, and look at the pretty debugger\editor.
4) Go read Exhume Automation 101
5) Go look at the sample scripts on the eXhume WIki.
6) You should now be somewhat familiar with eXhume.

LOTROExtreme Service

LOTROExtreme is an eXhume plugin that has been packaged as an .exe - it comes with what will look like it's own eXhume engine. LOTROExtreme exposes a number of pieces of information from LOTRO that you might like to use when automating your actions. Things like, your health, the targets health, distance and direction to you target.

1) Go download LOTROExtreme.
2) Unpackage it into the same directory you run eXhume from.
3) Delete the exhumehelper.dll that is currently in that directory.
4) Did you delete the .dll? Really, do it. ;-)
5) Make sure you have MS .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package.
6) Start Up LOTRO in windows mode and get into the world.
7) Run LOTROExtreme.exe - login just like you did for eXhume.
8) You will automagically have a sample script open, so just hit F5 and see the wonders that are wrought.

Scripting LOTROExtreme

Now that you have seen the power of LOTROExtreme you can start writing your own script. We suggest you start by modifying the LOTROExtreme.vbs script that is automagically loaded. You will notice that it makes a call out to a directory that was created after your first run of LOTROExtreme - /includes/LOTROService.vbs. This LOTROService script exposes the additional function calls that LOTROExtreme exposes to you.

Scripting Basics
eXhume, and subsequently LOTROExtreme support VBScript and JScript. Arguably you may use any language that the Microsoft Script Host supports.

Read here For All Things Microsoft Scripting.

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Posted: June 20th, 2007, 8:13 am

Total Posts: 29974
Joined: November 9th, 2002, 9:57 am
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Great guide i added it to the main faq as well :)

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