what if you REALLY dont like it but you dont really have a choice cause there isnt very many options and most of them suck...
Posted: September 18th, 2007, 10:29 pm
wyvernx Total Posts: 6718 Joined: May 1st, 2004, 4:00 am
wyvernx's Reps:21
Well, my opinion is pretty straight forward. If you are using it, pay for it. As a developer, I can understand how microcrap developers feel when their os is pirated.
Use Search first, ask questions later!
id be extactic to repay for Win2k to be put back into service, but im really sick and tired of OS's getting worse and worse quality and price goes UP knowing you will only be screwed in the end NOT because your OS cant handle the software but because the developer specifically puts in a check that wont allow the software to run on that particular OS, mostly cause their greed has extended so far that bein the richest man on earth isnt enough