VB & LOTROextreme : LOTROExtreme - Page 2
Posted: May 3rd, 2007, 1:10 pm
Total Posts: 6718
Joined: May 1st, 2004, 4:00 am
wyvernx's Reps: 21
Maybe because its LOTREWrapper()
See your reference, (double click it) and look at the exact name I used.
I think i made it
Dim LOTREWrapper aw = new LOTREWrapper()
Use Search first, ask questions later!
Posted: May 3rd, 2007, 11:14 pm
Total Posts: 196
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tault_razorwing's Reps: 1
I think you used LOTROExtreme, when i added the reference it came up with two additional name spaces LOTROExtreme and LOTROExtreme.Interface.
Sound that sound right?
I am not getting a declared error any more on the wrapper, but i am getting different errors, if it would make it easier, feel free to contact me on MSN.
Public Class Form1
Dim LOTROExtreme aw = new LOTREWrapper()
Dim myO As New LOTROExtreme()
Dim CharName As String
Dim CharLevel As Integer
CharName = myO.Player.Name
Private Sub cmdStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
lblCharName.Text = "Player Name: " & CharName
lblCharLevel.Text = "Player Level: " & CharLevel
End Sub
End Class
Error 1 End of statement expected. C:\Documents and Settings\Scooby\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\LOTRO-Champion\LOTRO-Champion\Form1.vb 2 22 LOTRO-Champion
Error 2 Type expected. C:\Documents and Settings\Scooby\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\LOTRO-Champion\LOTRO-Champion\Form1.vb 3 20 LOTRO-Champion
Error 3 Declaration expected. C:\Documents and Settings\Scooby\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\LOTRO-Champion\LOTRO-Champion\Form1.vb 7 5 LOTRO-Champion
Posted: May 4th, 2007, 5:30 am
Total Posts: 6718
Joined: May 1st, 2004, 4:00 am
wyvernx's Reps: 21
This is what i have in my test file:
public static LOTREWrapper vg;
vg = new LOTREWrapper();
Notice the subtle difference from yours.
Use Search first, ask questions later!
Posted: May 5th, 2007, 11:10 pm
Total Posts: 196
Joined: January 30th, 2005, 6:35 pm
tault_razorwing's Reps: 1
Is there any chance you could send over a Visual Basic .Net template?
That way i can track down what the problem is.
It would help out alot
Posted: May 6th, 2007, 3:31 am
Total Posts: 6718
Joined: May 1st, 2004, 4:00 am
wyvernx's Reps: 21
Public Class Form1
Dim LOTREWrapper aw = new LOTREWrapper()
Dim CharName As String
Dim CharLevel As Integer
CharName = aw.Player.Name
Private Sub cmdStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
lblCharName.Text = "Player Name: " & CharName
lblCharLevel.Text = "Player Level: " & CharLevel
End Sub
End Class
Use Search first, ask questions later!
Posted: May 11th, 2007, 3:02 am
Total Posts: 196
Joined: January 30th, 2005, 6:35 pm
tault_razorwing's Reps: 1
Any luck in providing an example template?
Posted: May 11th, 2007, 7:10 am
Total Posts: 6718
Joined: May 1st, 2004, 4:00 am
wyvernx's Reps: 21
i'm patching VGE today, i'll add it to the patch in a dox folder.
Use Search first, ask questions later!
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